
  • 网络space magnetic field
  1. 然后计算了内窥镜中圆柱永磁体的磁场模型,并采用ANSYS有限元分析软件对永磁体空间磁场进行了仿真分析。

    Then has calculated the column permanent magnet magnetic field model in the endoscope , and used ANSYS finite element analysis software to carry on the simulation analysis to the permanent magnet space magnetic field .

  2. 霍尔效应法测量亥姆霍兹线圈空间磁场均匀区

    Measure the uniformity of Helmholtz coil space magnetic field with Hall effect method

  3. 应用计算机辅助设计(CAD),采用表面磁荷法计算AMH系统中空间磁场分布,用龙格-库塔法模拟计算电子轨迹。

    The calculation method in computer aided design ( CAD ) of AMH system is introduced .

  4. 磁编码器多极磁鼓空间磁场分布研究

    The Magnetic Field Distribution of Multipole Magnetic Drum in Magnetic Encoder

  5. 变电站接地网的空间磁场快速计算方法

    Fast Computation Method for Magnetic Field Generated by Substation Grounding Grids

  6. 磁生物效应研究中圆片永磁磁源空间磁场分析

    The Space Fields Analysis of Circular Magnets in Magnetic Biology Effect

  7. 永磁体空间磁场的计算与分析

    Calculation and Analysis of Spatial Magnetic Fields Produced by Permanent Magnets

  8. 以子午面上磁场表示的空间磁场分布

    Spatial distribution of magnetic field expressed by the field on meridianal plane

  9. 磁疗用方片磁源空间磁场定量分析

    Quantification Analysis of Space Fields on Square Magnets Using for Magnetic Therapy

  10. 基于交流伺服控制的三维空间磁场与磁力测试技术

    Technique for 3D-Space Field and Magnetic Force Measurement Based on AC-Servo Control

  11. 通电圆形线圈附近空间磁场强度值的分布及仿真

    Deduction of distribution magnetic strength close by current circle and computer emulation

  12. 为正确选用仪器和空间磁场测量工作提供帮助。

    It will do help for choosing magnetometer and measuring magnetic field .

  13. 载流圆锥曲线空间磁场的分布

    Magnetic Field Intensity Distribution in the Space Surrounding a Conic Section Carrying Current

  14. 非磁性建筑物空间磁场预测技术

    Prediction technique of space magnetic field of non-magnetic building

  15. 永磁超环面传动行星轮轮齿空间磁场分布计算

    Computation for the space magnetic field distribution of permanent magnetic toroidal transmission planet teeth

  16. 方形磁体的空间磁场分布

    The Spacial Magnetic Field Distribution of Square Magnet

  17. 差值感应法测量电视偏转线圈的空间磁场

    The measurement of space magnetic field of TV deflection yoke using a difference induction method

  18. 用差分法解磁场方程求真空中场空间磁场分布

    Solution of Magnetic Field Equation to the Magnetic Flux Distribution in Vacuum by Difference Method

  19. 基于磁荷模型的永磁体空间磁场的有限元分析与计算

    Finite-Element Analysis and Calculation on Spatial Magnetic Field Emanated from Permanent Magnet Based on Magnetic-Charge Model

  20. 空间磁场的特点和测量依据;

    The characteristic of magnetic field ;

  21. 基于永磁体空间磁场检测的体内微型诊疗装置定位系统的研究

    Study of Micro Medical Device Location System Inside Human Body Based on Permanent Magnet Field Detecting

  22. 计算载流圆线圈空间磁场分布的方法

    A Method of Calculating Magnetic Fields Distribution within the Space of a Circular Coil Carrying Current

  23. 电镜用偏转线圈空间磁场分布的计算

    The calculation of the spatial distribution of the magnetic field in the deflection coils of EM

  24. 行波磁场驱动的磁力传动系统空间磁场数学模型

    Space magnetic field 's mathematical model of magnetic drive system driven by traveling wave magnetic field

  25. 对辊式强磁选机分选空间磁场分布和场强梯度的解析计算

    Analytical calculation of distribution and gradient of magnetic field in separation space of double-roll high-intensity magnetic separator

  26. 空间磁场边值问题&一种新标量势的有限元法讨论

    Numerical Analysis of Three - Dimensional Magnetic Field ── A Finite Element Method of Using a Scalar Potential

  27. 用有限元法计算了单面电磁搅拌器空间磁场的纵向分布、横向衰减规律以及铁芯齿槽对磁场纵向分布的影响。

    The longitudinal and transversal distributions of the magnetic field were obtained by numerical simulation for first-order triangular finite-elements .

  28. 该微型化、低功耗的磁传感器有望应用于空间磁场测量。

    With the characteristics of micromation and low power consumption , magnetic sensor could be used in the space magnetic-measurement .

  29. 对旋转陀螺外部空间磁场进行了具体的测量,根据磁场的方向与大小可以将其等效为通电矩形线圈产生的磁场。

    The magnetic field around the external rotating gyroscope is measured , which can be equal to electrifying rectangular loop .

  30. 由于磁疗常用各种永磁磁源空间磁场分布比较复杂,因此磁场的作用剂量问题一直困扰着有关研究人员。

    Since various magnets have different space magnetic fields distribution , quantitative application is a trouble to researchers in magnetic therapy .