
  • 网络Empty calory;empty calorie
  1. 因此,为何不限制食品销售点的密度,尤其是出售那些富含空热量的食品呢?

    So why not limit the density of food outlets , particularly ones that sell food rich in empty calories ?

  2. 垃圾食品只能提供“空热量”,这对减肥时无用的。

    Junk food gives you " empty calories " and unneeded weight loss .

  3. 甜饼提供空热量,含有高碳水化合物成分,并能使脂肪堆积。

    B.Cookies provide empty calories , have a high carbohydrate content and may contain fat .

  4. 纽约市政府称,人们饮用大包装碳酸饮料会摄入更多“空热量”,但既不会增强饱腹感,也不能抑制口渴。

    The Administration said people were consuming bigger soda portions with more " empty " calories but not feeling fuller or less thirsty .

  5. 如今,一批批含高纯度可可的巧克力新品陆续上市,让人们在享受到巧克力所带来的美味和健康的同时,完全不用担心空热量的问题。

    A wave of new products with high levels of pure cocoa is being marketed as a way to enjoy chocolate 's benefits without empty calories .

  6. 高脂食物对人造成的影响相类似,因此减少脂肪和空热量食物摄取量有助于改善记忆能力,有利于增加因生活压力和年龄关系而造成的认知能力下降的抗拒力。

    If such diets have similar effects in humans , then reducing the amount of fat and empty calories may improve one 's memory and increase resistance to age-and stress-related cognitive impairment .

  7. 恰恰相反,吃少量黑巧克力是有益健康的,只要其它负性行为不出现,例如体重增加或过度食用无营养的空热量食物。

    Rather , it 's that eating a little dark chocolate can be healthful , as long as other adverse behaviors do not occur , such as weight gain or excessive intake of non-nutrient dense'empty'calories .

  8. 听起来似乎有悖常理,因为我们以为自己对酒精了解的一件事情是:它给我们提供的其实是空热量,一般来说会导致体重增加(参见碳酸饮料的例子)。

    Counterintuitive , since one of the things we think we know about alcohol is that it provides truly empty calories , which generally speaking cause weight gain ( see , for example , soda ) .

  9. 其次,通过理论分析采空区遗煤热量积聚过程及其影响因素,建立了采空区遗煤自然发火的数学模型。

    Secondly , through theoretical analysis on the lossed coal 's heat accumulating process and its affecting factors , the mathematical model of the lossed coal 's spontaneous combustion is founded ;