
  • 网络spatial curvature;curvature of space;compound curvature;space curvature
  1. 在对NADE模型的研究中,我们首次对其做了整体拟合分析,并讨论了该模型的初始条件问题,得到了一个能够在考虑辐射及空间曲率的宇宙当中适用的新初始条件。

    For the NADE model , we first performed a global fit analysis on it . We discussed the initial problem of the NADE model and gave a new initial condition available in a universe with radiation and spatial curvature considered as well .

  2. 此外,利用相同的数据,我们还在全息暗能量模型的框架下,进一步研究了相互作用和空间曲率的影响。

    In addition , by using the same data , we further probe interaction and spatial curvature in the holographic dark energy model .

  3. 管道机器人全程定位理论和方法研究&基于光纤光栅空间曲率传感器

    Study on total distance positioning of in-pipe robot & based on fiber Bragg grating curvature spatial sensor

  4. 在确定曲率分量和检测信号的关系之后,提出了一种校正标定误差、提高空间曲率检测精度的方法,并介绍了该方法的几何意义。

    With a relevant formula established , a new method is proposed for the correction of the calibration error .

  5. 为了实现管道机器人在工作时对自身位置的全程定位,提出了一种基于光纤光栅空间曲率传感器全程定位的递推算法。

    A recurrence algorithm based on fiber Bragg grating curvature spatial sensor for total distance positioning of in-pipe robot was presented .

  6. 且相对于已有的适应性邻域选择算法,可以更好屏蔽靠近参考点的孤立噪声点及较大的空间曲率导致的虚假连通性。

    Moreover , comparing with other adaptive neighbors selection strategy , this method can circumvent false connectivity introduced by noise or high local curvature .

  7. 利用光纤光栅传感头获取板面的空间曲率信息,提出基于递推法的三维太阳能帆板的面型重构方法。

    The method ensures that the surfaces are smooth in the curvature space , and maintain the details , features and optimize the normals .

  8. 该方法不仅可以用于空间曲率检测的标定工作,也可适用其他一些空间矢量的检测工作。

    The geometric meaning of this method is then defined not only for measurement of spatial curvature , but also for inspection for some other spatial vectors .

  9. 这样的宇宙称为开放宇宙,它的空间曲率会使三角形的内角之和小于180°。

    Such a universe is said to be " open ," and its space is curved in such a way that triangles contain less than 180 ° .

  10. A.Einstein把引力现象解释成黎曼空间的曲率性质,使得物理现象变成几何现象,从而使黎曼几何在广义相对论和理论物理中得到了广泛的应用。

    A. Einstein took the gravitation phenomenon as the curvature property of Riemannian space , the physics phenomenon may be considered as geometry phenomenon . Therefore , Riemannian geometry may be applied in general relativity theory and theoretical physics .

  11. 斜拟常曲率空间的曲率分解

    Decomposition of the sectional curvature in a space of skew quasi-constant curvature

  12. 此解的中子密度空间分布曲率是随堆功率变化的,因此它比点堆模型方程的解析解精确。

    The space curvature of neutron density of this solution is changed according to the changes of reactor power , so it is more precise than the analytic solution of point reactor model .

  13. 三维Minkowski空间中高斯曲率为已给二次函数的几个特殊曲面

    Special Surfaces about the Gauss Curvature to be a Quadratic Function in 3 - Dimentional Minkowski Space

  14. 关于N维空间曲线的曲率矩阵的几个性质

    Some properties about curvature matrix of curve in N - dimensional space

  15. 常曲率空间中平均曲率为常数的迷向子流形

    Isotropic Submanifolds with Constant Mean Curvature in the Space with Constant Curvature

  16. 平面网格位场数据的空间域非线性曲率滤波方法

    The nonlinear curvature filtering technique of plane potential grid data in space domain

  17. 复空间形式中曲率齐性超曲面

    Curvature homogeneous hypersurfaces immersed in a complex space form

  18. 某类空间曲线的曲率圆

    The curvature circle of the space curve

  19. 随机子空间方法和曲率模态分析方法在现有桥梁损伤识别中的应用研究

    Study on Identification Method Based on Sub-space and the Curvature Model of In-service Bridge Damage

  20. 因此,只要给定初始测量点的空间位置、曲率、切向矢量方向和密切平面,就可以实现管道机器人的全程定位。

    In this algorithm , the total distance positioning of the in-pipe robot was realized if position , curvature and tangent direction of the origination point were known .

  21. 在分析空间曲线的曲率检测误差产生原因的基础上,研究了标定方向空间曲率和检测方向信号的关系。

    The causes for spatial curvature measurement errors are analysed , and the relationship between the curvature in the direction of calibration and the signal in the direction of measurement is discussed .

  22. 三维Anti-DeSitter空间中常平均曲率旋转曲面

    Rotation Surfaces with Constant Mean Curvature in 3-Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space

  23. 3维双曲空间中给定平均曲率曲面的Weierstrass表示

    Weierstrass representation for surfaces of prescribed mean curvature in the hyperbolic 3-dimensional space

  24. 给出(n,1)型Lorentz-Minkowski空间中给定主曲率函数的旋转类空超曲面的位置向量场,通过计算超曲面的主曲率,证明了这类超曲面的存在性。

    The paper gives the position vector field of the rotational spacelike hypersurface in Lorentz-Minkowski space . After computing the principal curvatures and solving the differential equation system , it proves the existence of the rotational spacelike hypersurface about given principal curvature function in Lorentz-Minkowski space .

  25. 讨论了与Hessian阵本征值函数有关的非线性椭圆型方程.作为应用,对n维Minkowski空间中预定主曲率对称多项式的类空超曲面方程的Dirichlet型问题给出了解的存在性。

    The author discussed a sort of the fully nonlinear second order elliptic equations about the function of eigenvalues of Hessian matrix . Finally , as an application , the Dirichlet problem of spacelike hypersurfaces with prescribed function of principal curvatures in n - Minkowski space is established and solved .

  26. 共形平坦空间中的常曲率超曲面

    The Hypersurfaces of Constant Curvature of a Conformally Flat Riemannian Space

  27. 空间凸轮廓面曲率分析的等距曲面方法

    Curvature Analysis of Spatial Cam Profile by Offset Surfaces Mehtod

  28. 欧氏空间中给定主曲率函数的旋转超曲面

    Rotational hypersurface about given principal curvature function in euclidean space

  29. 关于空间曲线的射影曲率的几何解释

    New Geometric Senses for Projective Curvature of Space Curves

  30. 基于空间栅格支撑与曲率云图引导的点云表面构线

    Drawing Curves onto Point Clouds Based on Spatial Grid and Directed by Curvature Map