
  • 网络space velocity;LHSV;WHSV
  1. 在Φ30mm的反应器上,考察了反应温度、苯浓度和空间速度对其催化性能的影响。

    In a φ 30mm diameter reactor , the effects of temperature , benzene concentration and space velocity on the yield of maleic anhydride was studied .

  2. 较低的空间速度下吸附性能较好。

    The adsorption capability was much better under the lower space velocity .

  3. 动校正采用的叠加速度谱密度为100m×100m,空间速度场进行了平滑;

    The density of velocity spectrum adopted by NMO is 1000 m × 1000m , the spatial velocity field is smoothed ;

  4. 首先实验研究了催化氧化阶段中空间速度、床层温度、SO2进口浓度及O2浓度等参数对SO2氧化效率的影响,并初步探讨了催化氧化过程的宏观动力学。

    Firstly , the effects of the parameters , such as space-velocity , oxidation temperature , SO2 and O2 concentration in the inlet flue gas , on the SO2 oxidation efficiency in the stage of catalytic oxidization were studied , and the apparent kinetics of catalytic oxidation was researched preliminarily .

  5. 研究了利用激光数码全息技术实现两相流三维空间速度场测量的方法。

    Two-phase three dimensional flow velocimetry by laser digital holography is being presented .

  6. 脉冲热线空间速度探针的研制与应用

    Development and Testing of Pulsed Wire Velocity Probes

  7. 如果广泛存在,这样大的空间速度,就可能使年青星的典型分布与老星分布相似。

    If widespread , such large space velocities could make a distribution typical of young stars mimic that of old stars .

  8. 考察了废气中的肼浓度、空间速度、环境温度、氧浓度等因素对含肼废气净化效果的影响及这种催化剂的使用寿命。

    The influence of hydrazine concentration in waste gas , space velocity , environmental temperature , oxygen concentration on the purification efficiency was discussed .

  9. 结果表明,该三维数学模型能够比较全面地反映火焰空间速度场、温度场分布的规律;

    The result shows that this three-dimensional arithmetic model can reflect the law of the flow field and temperature distribution of combustion space more completely .

  10. 总结了五种不同气流组织形式下舱室空间速度场、温度场、氧气浓度场以及二氧化碳浓度场的特征,为深潜器空气环境控制系统设计提供一定的依据。

    The feature of velocity , temperature , oxygen and carbon dioxide field were summarized under the five air distributions . It can support the design of air environmental control for manned submersibles .

  11. 跟踪模拟了螺旋线行波管中电磁波和电子注能量以及电子宏粒子在相空间速度和相对位置的变化。

    And , to track the change of energy of the electron beam and electromagnetic waves and the change of speed and relative position of the electronic macro particles in the phase space in the helix traveling wave tube .

  12. 各种引力常数变化理论包括了引力常数G随时间、空间以及速度变化等几个方面的影响。

    The various theories of variation of gravitational constans include the aspects of the influence of the variation of gravitational constants with time , space , velocity , temperature and distance .

  13. 但是,和普通文本相比,XML通常总会占用更多的空间,速度也更慢,因为需要在消息中增加XML所需要的标签和语义。

    However , XML is almost always going to take up more space and be slower than plain text , because you add all the tags and semantics required for XML to your messages .

  14. 以非连续二阶鼓包(bump)函数空间为速度、压强误差的近似空间,该估算基于求解当地单元上的广义Stokes问题。

    This estimate is based on solving a local generalized Stokes problem , using the space of discontinue quadratic bump functions to approximate both velocity and pressure errors .

  15. 高速公路交通流空间平均速度的离散算法

    Discrete Algorithm for the Mean Speed of Highway Traffic Flow Space

  16. 一键点击获得更多的空间,速度和安全

    One click to get more space , speed and security .

  17. 地基模拟空间碎片速度测试技术

    Velocity Measurement Technologies of Space Debris Driven by Ground-base Simulation Devices

  18. 原子蒸气束二维空间纵向速度分布的激光法测量

    Measurement of 2-D Velocity Distribution of Atomic Vapor by Laser Induced Fluorescence

  19. 压缩搜索空间与速度范围粒子群优化算法

    Particle Swarm Optimization with Contracted Ranges of Both Search Space and Velocity

  20. 高速公路空间平均速度是高速公路交通流动态模型中的重要参数。

    The space mean speed is an important parameter in highway traffic flow models .

  21. 华而不实的设计更大的安排空间,速度更快…

    Sleeker design , bigger engine , faster .

  22. 没错,科技公司对人工智能的发展空间及速度有更深入的理解。

    True , tech companies have a deep understanding of the scope of artificial intelligence and its pace .

  23. 由于在高层次对可重构计算体系的结构特征进行数学抽象,层次型参数模型能够提高可重构计算体系的设计空间搜索速度。

    Because mathematical abstraction for RCA is at high level , hierarchical parameter model accelerates RCA design space exploration .

  24. 使用Tecplot软件将数值模拟得到的计算结果用图像表述出来,从而更为直观地表现出火焰空间的速度场和温度场分布,实现计算结果的可视化。

    Then the distribution of the flow and temperature fields was showed directly to realize the visualization of the calculations .

  25. 证明了相对论性共振条件在动量空间和速度空间存在着差异;

    It is shown that there exists some difference between the relativistic resonance condition in momentum space arid that in velocity-space .

  26. 自《中国的航天》白皮书发布后,空间立法速度明显加快,但与主要航天大国相比,中国的空间立法还处于相对落后状态。

    The pace of Chinese space legislation quickened obviously since the issue of the White Paper entitled China 's Space Activities .

  27. 将粘弹性附加应力张量作为有限元基本解,采用解耦方法实现了三维空间中速度场、温度场和流动应力场的多物理场稳定求解。

    A decoupled algorithm is adopted to realize stable calculation for the three-dimensional multi-variables field consisting of velocity , temperature and flow stress .

  28. 给定试验的机车牵引性能曲线,应用模拟模型计算线路上列车运行的空间平均速度,对铁路列车运行的交通流特性进行数值分析。

    Loading , spatial mean speed and density . The simulating ( method ) is used to analyze characteristics of traffic flow on the railroad .

  29. 热源厂房通风的有效性可以采用能量利用系数来衡量,也可以采用有效风量率和有效空间的速度不均匀性系数来衡量。

    The ventilation validity of heat workshop can be measured by energy-utilizing coefficient , effective air volume rate and velocity asymmetry coefficient of effective space .

  30. 用系列脉冲激光摄象技术和数字图象分析技术实测了喷射液滴的空间瞬时速度,并经数学处理转化成初始速度和喷射角。

    The series pulse laser photography and the image analysis technique were introduced into the measurement of the instant velocities of spray droplets on their trajectories .