
The paper has turned a muddy colour .
Yellow soil has become the past , see the new flowers Jinzhao laugh .
The FTIR spectrogram showed that the organic reagents had intercalated into the layers of MMT .
The spectra of FTIR and XRD showed that the organic reagents had intercalated into the layers of MMT , and the spacing of MMT layers increased from 1.2 nm to 1.42.3 nm .
Composite soil nailed structure is of wide-spread application in soft soil in recent years .
Numerical simulation is one of the effective methods to analyze the stability of geotechnical engineer .
Analysis of seismic stability of slopes have become one of the important topics in geotechnical engineering and earthquake engineering .
The problems have attract attention of experts in the geotechnical area and become the key study subject in the area .
The phosphorus status of the typical paddy soil and its environmental effects were studied in Jiaxing of Zhejiang Provence , the high yield rice production area in China .
The salt ion content in plastic greenhouse soil was significantly higher than that in open vegetable fields and woodland ones , with salt content up to the salinification soil standard .
Biological control has become the most important way in control of soil-borne plant diseases , and the use of antagonistic bacteria against Cotton Verticillium wilt is drawing more and more attention .
As the depth of foundation pits becomes bigger and bigger , the study of prediction and control of the displacement of foundation pits becomes one of the hot subjects studied in geotechnology field .
With construction and development of some large important engineering projects , such as high-rise buildings , subways , nuclear power stations and so on , deep excavation has been a critical question in geotechnical engineering .
In soilless culture , O2 deficiency in the root-zone is usually thought be a major adverse effect on plants growth and development . This has been an urgent problem that should be solved in soilless culture .
Hypoxia stress in root-zone is one kind of antibiotic stress , which influences the normal growth and development of muskmelon seedling . Now hypoxia stress has become a bottle neck of soilless culture application to large area production .
Ranking only second to earthquake and debris flow , slope instability is the third geological hazard . Issues , such as , evaluations of slope instability and geological hazards of collapse , landslide and debris flow have been hot research topics in academic circles .
The soil irrigated with mixed water was inclined to light alkali .
Both FTIR and DTA-TG proved that octadecylamine entered the layers of bentonites , and XRD showed that the lamellar distance increased from 1.4 nm to 4.3 nm .
According to the developed one-dimensional simplified model , the lateral nonlinear inertial responses of single piles based on the Beam-on-Dynamic-Winkler-Foundation model are studied in this paper .
The results of XRD and TG reveal a perfect exchange of Zn ~ ( 2 + ) and quaternary ammonium cations into montmorillonite as well as an onset decomposition temperature of the quaternary ammonium cation of about 210 ℃ .
Nowadays , study of formation of shear bands in soil has become an important research field in soil mechanics .
With the growing demand for oil around the world , petroleum has become an important kind of organic pollutants in groundwater system .
Uncertainty of parameters , shortage of data , mistiness of constitutive law , and serious nonlinearity has been a big obstacle to engineers .
Decomposed rubbish and sand were recommended respectively as covering materials for the design options in which low cost or high benefits are mainly considered .
The classification methods and the calculating methods for the stability of collapses are used by Geotechnical Investigation and Design Manual and Geological Hazards Investigation Guide .
There are hundreds of geotechnical constitutive models that have been proposed , but most of the constitutive models are just a mathematic representation and few can applied to engineering .
The two-dimensional formulation of this model has been verified with respect to the triaxial test results of clay samples under undrained cyclic loads ( reported in a separate paper ) .
Structure is the most important factor determining the soil 's characteristics . Then it comes to be " the nucleus problem in soil mechanics in 21st century " that to establish an model about soil structure .
Because micro-structure is a significant factor in the engineering characteristic of soil , geotechnical engineering field has attached importance to the study of soil structure increasingly . The paper studies the transformation of sand structure mostly .
Due to human activities on the soil of the growing impact in some areas more than other soil factors , in particular on the impact of surface soil , The soil - landscape has the new differentiation .