首页 / 词典 / good


  1. 有的则。已不在焉地自语着,哼着,吹着口哨。一群新来的学生低声下气地跟在主任身后,有些紧张。他们全都非常年轻,红扑扑的脸蛋,乳臭未干。

    A troop of newly arrived students , very young , pink and callow , followed nervously , rather abjectly , at the Director 's heels .

  2. 既然如今英人在华居住贸易已无需英王陛下许可,此在华遣返权已不复存焉。

    But , as no license from his Majesty is now necessary to enable his Majesty 's subjects to trade with or reside in China , such power of expulsion has altogether ceased to exist with respect to China .