
yǐ hūn nǘ zǐ
  • married woman;feme covert
  1. 西班牙人对已婚女子的尊称。

    A Spanish title of respect for a married woman .

  2. 对有地位的已婚女子的称呼。

    A form of address for a married woman .

  3. 为了你一直平静地扮演着一个已婚女子的角色。

    Quietly played the role of a married girl just for you .

  4. 你最好别妨碍已婚女子(的生活),那总是要引起麻烦的。

    You 'd better not meddle with married women , it always leads to trouble .

  5. 沉静有品格的已婚女子(经常是有孩子的中年女子)。

    A married woman ( usually middle-aged with children ) who is staid and dignified .

  6. 已婚女子总是满足于攫住少年变化无常的心。

    A married woman is always gratified by the capture of a boy 's fickle heart .

  7. 在中国,有一些不同的方法可用来称呼已婚女子。

    In China , there are a few different ways a married woman refers to herself .

  8. 一个印第安人的已婚女子。

    An American Indian woman .

  9. 已婚女子不用跟丈夫姓在现在是常见的做法了。

    It is now quite common practice for married women not to take their husband 's second name .

  10. 对地位较高、年纪稍长的已婚女子称夫人,近年来,女士已逐渐成为对女子最常用的称呼。

    You can call senior women " Madam . " In later years ," Ms. " has become more and more popular to women .

  11. 那时,瓦娜莎告诉他,她是个已婚女子,而他也是已婚男子,老得可以作她父亲。

    At which point Vanessa told him she was a married woman and he was a married man who was old enough to be her father .

  12. 在官方辞典中,妇女的定义是成年女子的通称,其中“妇”即有已婚女子、妻子的含义。

    In the official dictionary , the definition of women known as adult women , in which " women " that is a married woman , the wife of the meaning .

  13. 一个单身女子当然要比一个已婚女子漂亮,因为用来照顾一个男人的时间全花在她自己身上了。

    A single woman is of course prettier than a married one since she spends all the time on taking care of herself that would otherwise be spent on a man .

  14. 颁布通奸禁令的目的是倡导性别平等,因为当时的韩国已婚女子几乎没有其他权利。近几十年来,随着韩国文化迅速现代化,反对这项法律的呼声日益增高。

    The adultery ban initially was seen as an attempt to promote gender equality , since married women had few other rights . But the law became increasingly unpopular as South Korean culture rapidly modernized in recent decades .

  15. 多少世纪以来《蒙娜丽莎》一直悬挂在巴黎的卢浮宫里,她那迷人的“蒙娜丽莎微笑”象是在向世人展示意大利女子的幸福又或者是快乐,也让人们联想到已婚的女子。

    The painting , which hangs in the Louvre in Paris , is also known as " La Gioconda " meaning the happy or joyful woman in Italian , a title which also suggests the woman 's married name .

  16. 已婚男子、已婚女子、一对夫妻

    A married man , woman , couple , etc