
  • 网络cap with a visor;pickelhaube
  1. 当光斑直径为2.8mm时,能量分布为尖顶帽状模式,涂层为均匀的枝晶组织且致密,其显微硬度最高可以达到1280HV。

    When laser beam size is 2.8mm , the energy distribution shows " top-hat " model and the coating is uniform and compact dendritic texture , its micro-hardness is 1 280 HV .

  2. 他们也身着白袍,头戴装饰有星星的尖顶帽。

    They wear white robes as well , and wear cone-shaped hats decorated with stars .

  3. 任何有干预主义倾向的政策制定者都将被带上尖顶帽赶到角落里。

    Any policymaker with an interventionist bent would be banished to the corner , wearing a pointy hat .

  4. 带上你的尖顶帽,长一副胡须,喝着震动可乐加入到娱乐当中来把。

    Put on your pointy hat , grow a beard , drink Jolt Cola and come join in the fun .

  5. 在巡回竞选游说中,他以古印加帝国为象征,头戴尖顶帽,身着色彩绚烂的束腰外衣。

    Calling himself " a stubborn Indian with a cause ," he used symbols of the ancient Inca Empire and dressed in pointy hats and multicolored tunics during campaign stops .

  6. 他戴着蓝色的尖顶帽,披着灰色的斗篷,围着银色的围巾,白色的胡须直达他的腰际,脚上还穿着笨重的黑靴子。

    He had a tall pointed blue hat , a long grey cloak , a silver scarf over which a white beard hung down below his waist , and immense black boots .

  7. 罗宾汉和他快乐的伙伴们住在诺丁汉郡的舍伍德森林里,身穿绿衣,头戴尖顶帽,寻欢作乐,胆大包天,生活中充满了冒险。

    In the story , Robin Hood lived with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire . They wore green suits and pointed caps , and they were gay and bold . Robin Hood and his men had many exciting adventures .

  8. 尖顶巫师帽俏皮地歪戴在一头鬈发上。

    his pointed wizard 's hat was set at a jaunty angle on his wavy hair .

  9. 越过一片密密麻麻的黑色尖顶霍格沃茨帽,哈利看到新生们排着长队提心吊胆地走进礼堂。

    Through the forest of pointed black Hogwarts hats , Harry saw a long line of scared-looking first years filing into the hall .

  10. 你看不见我这身法师装和我的法师杖和我的尖顶法师帽么?如果我不是法师,我穿这些干吗?

    Can 't you see my wizard dress and my wizard stick and my pointy wizard hat ? Why would I wear this stuff if I were not a wizard ?