
  • Ueno;【医】upper field
  1. 人们可以在上野公园附近的东京大学校园内看到他们。

    You can find it on The University of Tokyo 's campus , just next to Ueno Park .

  2. 上野动物园和相关部门为了给他们提供VIP级的医疗机构以工作了数月之久。

    Ueno Zoo and its neighborhood community have worked for months to provide VIP-class hospitality .

  3. 日本拥有的唯一一只大熊猫,上野动物园(UenoZoo)的大熊猫陵陵于上周去世。

    Ling Ling , the only Japanese-owned panda , died in Tokyo 's Ueno Zoo last week .

  4. 结果:ILD患者左肺、左肺上野、左肺中野、右肺、右肺中野的LEP显著升高。

    Results : LEP of five ROI ( left lung , left middle lung , left upper lung , right lung , right middle lung ) was increased in patients with ILD .

  5. 左肺上野的T1/2与DLCO、DLCO%及PaO2呈正相关。结论:(1)临床观察ILD患者的LEP,尤应注意肺中野;

    LEP of left upper lung had a positive correlation with DLco , DLco % and PaO 2 . Conclusions : ( 1 ) LEP of middle fields of lungs should be noted particularly in patients with ILD .

  6. 我印象中的日本,我可以从东京的上野车站乘坐Joban线列车,然后沿着东北海岸行至磐市。

    In the Japan that I know , I board the Joban Line train from Ueno station in Tokyo , and travel up the northeast coast to Iwaki City .

  7. 河边湿草地上野樱草在迎风摇曳。

    Cowslips were waving in the water meadows .

  8. 两只5岁的熊猫将会在周一晚些时候被运抵东京上野动物园。

    The two5-year-old pandas were due to arrive at Tokyo 's Ueno Zoo late Monday .

  9. 即便如此,日本的第一条地铁于1927年在浅草和上野之间开通了。

    Even so , Japan 's first subway in1927 in Asakusa and Ueno opened between .

  10. 现在的上野公园再也没有该碑文和象征历史的锚了。

    Now no longer this inscription ueno park and the symbol of the history of anchor .

  11. 去上野动物园时,我买了这只八十五日元的铅笔。

    When I went to Ueno Zoo , I bought this pencil which was eighty five yen .

  12. 东京上野动物园的环尾狐猴笼舍内,一只小环尾狐猴宝宝正甜甜地依偎在妈妈的身上。

    A baby ring-tailed lemur cuddles with its mother in their enclosure at Ueno Zoo in Tokyo .

  13. 来自上野公园的兽医和熊猫饲养员全程护送这对大熊猫乘飞机抵达东京,这架飞机机身使用了黑白相间的熊猫设计。

    Ueno veterinarian and a panda keeper are escorting the pair to Tokyo on an aircraft decorated with a black-and-white panda design .

  14. 1905年李东渡日本留学,考入位于东京上野公园内的东京美术学校,该学校的特色专业是西方油画和音乐。

    In1905 Li went to Japan to study at Tokyo School of Fine Art in Ueno Park where it specialized in Western painting and music .

  15. 7岁大的真真是上野动物园从中国借来的。在熊猫幼崽出生的第一天,真真看上去对自己的孩子非常留心,经常照顾它。

    Seven-year-old Shin Shin , on loan from China , appeared to be attentive towards her baby on the first day , nursing it frequently .

  16. 野餐:带上野餐篮,装上自制的美味糕点和舒适的毛毯,在公园里野餐,过一个浪漫假日。

    Have a picnic : Grab a picnic basket with some home-made goodies , a comfy blanket and spend a romantic day in the park .

  17. 附带一提,「东京水」为500毫升的宝特瓶装,在上野恩赐公园以及东京车站内的东京名产、伴手礼中心等政府机构均有贩售。

    In addition , Tokyo Water is sold in500ml plastic bottles at specialty stores and gift centers in Ueno Park and Tokyo Station , and also other governmental organizations .

  18. 穿过一片樱花,我来到东京市中心的上野,观看在东京国立博物馆展示的阿修罗像。

    Walking beneath cherry blossoms , I went to Ueno in central Tokyo for a public viewing of an image of Ashura that opened at the Tokyo National Museum .

  19. 该公司也计划在日本主要街区开设更多的全球旗舰店例如,涩谷,原宿,上野,池袋和日本其他的主要商业区。

    The company also plans to open more global flagship stores in major Tokyo neighborhoods such as Shibuya , Harajuku , Ueno , Ikebukuro and other major commercial districts throughout Japan .

  20. 7月5日出生的这只幼崽是上野动物园24年来出生的首只熊猫宝宝,其出生后头几天的状况吸引了日本媒体的广泛报道。

    The birth on July 5th of the zoo * s first baby panda for 24 years and its progress during its first few days of life attracted broad news coverage in Japan .

  21. 结果就发病部位而言,新感染结核以双肺广泛分布最多见(46%),再感染结核以两肺上野最多见(43%)。

    Results In respect of the location , newly detected tuberculosis widely distributed into bilateral lungs ( 46 % ), reinfection tuberculosis mostly distributed into upper fields of the lung ( 43 % ) .

  22. 一个新的哈利·波特式站台--13.5站台,已在东京上野车站专为四季岛号豪华寝台列车建造--虽然这似乎是唯一一项东日本铁路公司尚未彻底完成的豪华服务。

    A new Harry Potter-style Platform 13 1 / 2 has been built at Tokyo 's Ueno Station for Train Suite Shiki-Shima 's exclusive use -- although this seems to be the only time JR East has done things by halves with its new luxury service .