
  1. 把一个20厘米深的圆形糕饼盒的底部和四周都垫上纸。

    Line the base and sides of a 20cm deep round cake tin with paper .

  2. Kearns夫人在模子顶端铺上纸。

    Kearns puts paper on top of the molds .

  3. 11年来,TakuoToda都在试着打破世界上纸飞机飞行的最长记录。

    For 11 years Takuo Toda had been trying to break the Guinness record for the longest paper airplane flight .

  4. 把烤好的饼放入铺上纸的盘子中,吸收多余的油。

    Transfer pancakes to a paper-towel-lined plate to drain .

  5. 多重上纸,尺寸不符。

    Paper multifeed or wrong size paper being used .

  6. 她在盒里垫上纸来保护里面的东西。

    She lined the inside of the box with paper to protect the contents .

  7. 请在抽屉里铺上纸。

    Line the drawer with paper , please .

  8. 装入纸张,然后合上纸盘。

    Load paper and close the trays .

  9. 姑娘只好顺从地穿上纸衣服,提着篮子走了出去。

    the girl obeyed and put on the paper dress and went out with the basket .

  10. 种子商开始是怎么用上纸的,这几乎不言自明,是作信封用的。

    It needs hardly to be hinted how paper comes into use with seeds men , as envelopes .

  11. 为圣诞打扮房间就像给压血带裹上纸或用金属丝缝合伤口。

    Primping the room for Christmas was like using wrapping paper for a tourniquet or sewing up a wound with tinsel .

  12. 我们还可以在顶部粘上纸翼和锥形,这样它看起来就和真正的火箭一样了。

    We can tape paper fins and a cone on the top , too , so it looks just like a real rocket .

  13. 在你的床头放上纸笔,醒来的那一刻立马开始记录你能回想起的梦境中的所有东西。

    Put a notebook and pen next to your bed and immediately upon waking write down everything you can remember from your dreams .

  14. 采用了独特的液压式阻尼上纸系统,拥有高性能的液压阻尼器,使送纸过程更加精准、平滑。

    Adopts special fluid damp feeding paper system and equipped with high quality fluid damp , thus feeding paper processor is more precise and smooth .

  15. 吴荪甫狞起了眼睛看看唐云山,又看看书桌上纸堆里那一张当天交易所各债票开盘收盘价目的报告表。

    Wu sun-fu narrowed his eyes and glanced from Tang Yun-Shan to the day 's list of opening and closing prices which lay on the table .

  16. 该文化纸机主要有如下创新点:(1)抄造幅宽大卷纸机上纸幅宽度4920~4970mm;

    Innovations of this paper machine are : ( 1 ) wider paper width : paper width at reel is 4 920 ~ 4 970 mm ;

  17. 自动上纸上胶,自动温度调控,24小时定时器。生产经吸风装置避免粉纸变弯,起泡。采用胶轮滚动上纸,两边可同时工作,操作简单、快捷。

    Automatic paper feeding and pasting , automatic temperature control , by using rubber wheel paper feeding and pasting two side can work together at the same time simply , quickly .

  18. 如果大脑追忆力不佳,穆勒博士有一种简易的方法促发你的记忆:在床边放上纸和笔。

    If your power of recall is lacking , Karen Muller , PhD , has an easy way to trigger your memory : Place paper and a pen next to your bed .

  19. 笔、、再加上纸,合称“文房四宝”,是汉字的主要书写工具。图为中国皇帝书桌上的文房四宝。

    Brush , inkstick , instone and paper , called the Four Treasures of the Study , are the key instruments for writing Chinese characters . Four Treasures of the Study used by the Chinese emperor .

  20. 娜拉很聪明,她找到了在复印机上旧纸再次使用的办法。

    Nora is a bright spark ; she found a way of re-using old paper in the copying machine .

  21. v.急拉强风吹走了她手上的纸。……

    twitch The strong winds twitched the paper out of her hand .......

  22. 并指出了ZWJ型上引纸复卷机双支承辊差速传动的不合理性;

    This paper points out that various drive design of double supporting rolls used on ZWJ model up-threading rewinder is irrational .

  23. 发芽床设立了纸上、纸间和砂中三水平。

    To set up lights two levels , i.e.light and dark .

  24. 清洁女工把我桌上的纸弄得乱七八糟。

    The maid had mixed all the papers on my desk .

  25. 我捡了地上的纸,扫了地。

    I picked up the paper and swept the floor .

  26. 全面地介绍了目前国际上电子纸研究和发展情况;

    The present research on electronic paper and its development was introduced .

  27. 他桌上的纸弄得乱七八糟。

    The papers on his desk were mixed up .

  28. 下次去参加小马驾车赛,我得带上个纸杯子。

    Must carry a paper goblet next time I go to the trottingmatches .

  29. 风把桌上的纸吹乱了。

    The wind dishevelled the papers on the desk .

  30. 她的两个朋友把地上的纸都拣起来交给了我。

    Her two friends picked up all the papers and handed them to me .