
dǒu lì
  • bamboo hat;large rain hat
斗笠 [dǒu lì]
  • [bamboo hat] 用竹篾夹油纸、竹叶等制成的宽边帽子,用以遮太阳或雨

斗笠[dǒu lì]
  1. 斗笠式刀库的容刀量与分度装置的运动分析

    Analysis of Tool Capacity and Dividing Device 's Action in the Bamboo Hat ATC

  2. 加工中心斗笠式刀库换刀装置的设计喷孔式喷油嘴喷雾器

    Design of the Tool Changer in the Bamboo Hat ATC for Machine Centre aperture atomizer

  3. 斗笠式刀库换刀过程的控制

    On the Control of Cloak 's Knives Storeroom

  4. 人们几乎都戴了斗笠出门的,因为雪实在是下得太大了呀。

    People almost wore rain hat to go out of , because snow be true is bottom a lot too big .

  5. 最新剧照中,李宇春头戴宽沿斗笠,身穿素色紧袖上衣,及裸长裤。

    The latest still photos show Li in a broad-brimmed leaf hat , wearing a plain colored , tight-sleeved coat and ankle-length slacks .

  6. 老公公于是将斗笠一顶一顶的帮地藏菩萨戴了上去,并且将带子系好。

    Old man hence rain hat one was a crest to hide bodhisattva to wore up for ground , and fasten the tape good .

  7. 浑身湿淋淋的农夫坐着渡船过河,有的人戴着斗笠,有的人拿着片山药叶子遮在头上。

    The dripping ryots are crossing the river in the ferryboat , some with their bamboo hat , others with yam leaves held over their heads .

  8. 当头戴斗笠,长发齐腰的越南少女身着那长长的上衣,向你走来,飘逸得象仙子一样。

    With the Vietnamese hats , if the girls with long hair walked toward you , it might look like angels coming down from the clouds .

  9. 让舜修补谷仓仓顶时,从谷仓下纵火,舜手持两个斗笠跳下逃脱;

    They let Shun revamp the roof of granary and set fire under the barn , Shun jumped to escape with two bamboo hats in hand ;

  10. 斗笠式刀库由刀库横移装置、分度选刀装置以及主轴上的刀具自动装卸机构组成。

    The bamboo hat ATC of machine centre is made up of the horizontal moving device , dividing device and clamping & releasing tool device in the spindle .

  11. 它们看起来郁郁葱葱,完全可以用来打球了。当地妇女头戴形似蒂芙尼灯罩的斗笠,正在对白色沙坑进行最后的修饰。

    They looked perfectly playable , lush and green , with local women in rattan hats the shape of Tiffany lampshades putting the finishing touches to the white-sand bunkers .

  12. 水手头上的那特制的马尾斗笠,原是清水江上游苗族姑娘出嫁时的陪嫁品,却成了龙船节水手们必备的一件装饰物。

    The hats , traditionally dowry gifts for girls from the upper reaches of theQingshui River , have become an essential feature of the costumes worn bythe dragon-boat oarsmen .

  13. 不同的场合有不同的礼服,如婚纱、孝衣等不同的服饰。在不同的天气也穿不同的衣服,如雨衣、遮阳服、龙须草雨披肩和竹斗笠。

    And there were different ceremonial dress on different ceremonial occasions - such as wedding dress , mourning apparel , etc. Different clothes were also worn in different weathers such as umbrella , parasols , alpine rush rain capes and bamboo hats .

  14. 衣服会因其用途发生变化,例如作为一种特殊的雨披和竹帽,被称为蓑衣和斗笠。前者曾被用作是一个防雨斗篷,但后者因为主要是渔夫穿戴,它逐渐演变成渔民的职业生涯的象征。

    Changes occurred to the uses of this dress , such as a special rain cape and bamboo hats called suoyi and douli . The former used to be a rainproof cape , but later as it was mainly worn by fishermen , it gradually evolved into the career symbol of fishermen .