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dòu ōu
  • exchange blows;fight;shooting match;brawl;punch-up
斗殴 [dòu ōu]
  • [fight] 互相殴打;对打

斗殴[dòu ōu]
  1. 他在酒吧与人挥拳斗殴。

    He got into a fist fight in the bar .

  2. 有很多无法无天的醉鬼在相互斗殴。

    You get a lot of unruly drunks fighting each other .

  3. 在一次酒吧斗殴中,他留下了永久性的伤疤。

    He was scarred for life during a pub fight

  4. 他参与了一场酒后街头斗殴。

    He had been in a drunken street brawl .

  5. 当时我在布里克斯顿的一家夜总会里,那里发生了一场斗殴。

    I was in a nightclub in Brixton and a fight broke out .

  6. 大约需要100名穿防暴服的警察前来制止这场斗殴。

    About 100 officers in riot gear were needed to break up the fight .

  7. 录像显示在斗殴中他打得最凶。

    He is shown in the tape of the beating as administering most of the blows .

  8. 他嗜酒贪杯、狂妄自大且脾气暴躁,这常常使他在夜总会和人发生恶性斗殴。

    His boozing , arrogance , and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls

  9. 尽管真凶尚未查出,所有参与斗殴的男子均被驱逐出境。

    All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified .

  10. 饭馆外发生了斗殴。

    A fight has erupted outside the restaurant .

  11. 在一次斗殴中他被击倒在地。

    He was downed in a fight .

  12. 在学校里,每个参与斗殴的人都会受到惩罚,不管是谁挑起的。

    In the school , everyone involved in a fight will be punished , no matter who started it .

  13. 而且,你可以告诉他,如果他卷入一场斗殴当中,他可能会受伤并受到惩罚。

    Also , you can tell him if he gets involved in a fight , he may get hurt and be punished .

  14. 在一次酒吧斗殴中,他留下了永久性的伤疤

    He was scarred for life during a pub fight .

  15. 他们除了在街上斗殴做不出什么好事。

    They had nothing better to do than brawl in the street .

  16. 因发生一场斗殴,我的帽子也在混乱中丢失了。

    There was a scuffle and I lost my hat in the melee .

  17. Logistic回归分析表明,饮酒、打架斗殴、携带防身刀具、不健康的控制体重行为、学习成绩落后,以及抑郁症状与吸烟有影响。

    With logistic regression analysis , an independent relationship between cigarette smoking and alcohol use , weapon carrying , physical fighting , unhealthy weight control behaviors . Pool school performance , depression symptoms were found .

  18. 在子弹与斗殴之间,贝松还抛出了很多关于露西变形的解释,包括大量字幕和一位诺曼教授(ProfessorNorman,摩根·弗里曼[MorganFreeman]饰演)的解释。

    In between bullets and brawls , Mr. Besson throws out a lot to explain Lucy 's transformation , including reams of on-screen text and one Professor Norman ( Morgan Freeman ) .

  19. 上周,因为24个未成年人在附近的A50地区发生了斗殴事件,警察也被叫了过来。这件事之后,麦当劳方面确认了一项相同的禁令。

    Last week , McDonald 's confirmed an identical ban after police were called when 24 youngsters were caught fighting on the nearby A50 .

  20. 据伦敦警方消息,18岁的RobKnox是周六清晨在伦敦西南部的一个酒吧外的斗殴中被抓住并被刺的。

    Rob Knox , 18 , was stabbed after he got caught up in a fight outside a bar in southwest London early Saturday , London 's Metropolitan Police said .

  21. TIM:“我犯了斗殴罪,在演出莎士比亚的戏剧时你们却给我一把剑?我原本认为这是绝对不可能的。然而,我很高兴他们能够信任我。”

    TIM : " Assault and battery and you hand me a sword in Shakespeare ? I didn 't think that was going to happen , not at all . I 'm glad they trust us , though . "

  22. 现在也有单挑的意思,现在PK一词的含义变得越来越广,有的人甚至连打架斗殴也用PK来形容。

    But now they have singled out the meaning of the meaning of the term PK is now becoming more and more widely , and some people even fighting and is also used to describe the PK .

  23. 现居明尼苏达州克莱尔蒙特(Claremont)的莱克也曾参与梅奥诊所的那项研究。在莱克将打架斗殴的西尔维斯特与另外一只猫拉开以后,她试图将他抱起来,他却紧紧揪住了莱克的右手根部。

    After she broke up his fight with another cat , Ms. Lyke , who lives in Claremont , Minn. , and was also part of the Mayo study , tried to pick him up . He latched onto the bottom of her right hand .

  24. 每次街头斗殴他总是在其中大打出手。

    He could never pass a street fight without pitching in .

  25. 比赛中如有辱骂和斗殴的玩家,视为弃权。

    Abuse and fighting game where players , as a waiver .

  26. 失业、酗酒和打架斗殴现象困扰着整个村庄。

    The village was plagued by unemployment , alcoholism and infighting .

  27. 一种是基于模糊模式识别的斗殴行为检测方法。

    One is the method based on fuzzy pattern recognition method .

  28. 傲慢无理、打架斗殴的滚石乐队成员要求革命。

    The Rolling Stones , arrogant street-fighting men , demanded revolution .

  29. 这是一种试图制止斗殴的办法。

    It was a way of trying to stop the fight .

  30. 他因为在酒吧里挑衅斗殴而被捕

    He was arrested for starting a fight in a bar .