
  • Bulldog;pit bull;El Bulli
  1. 然而,这次斗牛犬行动引出了一个令人不安的问题。

    This bulldog action , however , provoked a disturbing question .

  2. 由斗牛犬和獒犬杂交得到的大型健壮的品种。

    Large powerful breed developed by crossing the bulldog and the mastiff .

  3. 一只名叫Baby的法国斗牛犬成为了六只小野猪的妈妈。这六只小猪的妈妈被猎人猎杀。

    A little French bulldog called Baby has become a mother to six wild pigs who faced death in a freezing forest after their mother was shot and killed by a hunter .

  4. 然而,最终让他获奖的还是决赛中淡定的外形,一位评委言简意赅的评论道:“在斗牛犬中,Tank可算是‘帅小伙儿’”。

    However , what appeared to seal the deal was his " au natural " look during the final round . As one of the judges succinctly put it , " Tank just had a great look to him . "

  5. 去年,当地报纸刊登了墨西哥石油工人联盟负责人的女儿乘坐私人飞机周游世界的一些照片,与她同行的还有她的三只斗牛犬——黑柯(Keiko)、波利(Boli)和莫根希达(Morgancita)。

    Last year , local newspapers ran pictures of the daughter of the head of the country 's oil workers union traveling the world in private jets with her three bulldogs , Keiko , Boli and Morgancita .

  6. 参赛的斗牛犬们有的打扮得像公主、有的像摇滚明星、有的像拉拉队队长、大黄蜂,有的甚至打扮成了白雪公主和Mr.T。而与其它参赛选手不同的是,巴迪几乎“未施粉黛”。

    Buddy competed unadorned , unlike many of his rivals . They dressed up as fairy princesses , rock stars , cheerleaders , bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T.

  7. 她的判决对检察官格里·内尔(GerrieNel)来说似乎是一次重大挫折,他曾呼吁判皮斯托瑞斯犯谋杀罪,他好斗的法庭表现为他赢得一个绰号:比特斗牛犬。

    Her judgment seemed a huge setback for the prosecutor , Gerrie Nel , who had called for Mr. Pistorius to be convicted of murder and whose pugnacious courtroom manner earned him the nickname the Pit Bull .

  8. 正是因为凯瑞,罗斯成了「斗牛犬」。

    Carey was succeeded in his role by that bulldog figure Ross .

  9. 接下来是阿肯色州巴尔德柯诺布咆哮着的斗牛犬。

    We are growling with the bulldogs in Bald Knob , Arkansas .

  10. 然后我就可以为你生产带美国斗牛犬标志的产品了。

    Then I can produce the products with dog 's sign of U.S.A.

  11. 各路美犬为了第四届年度斗牛犬选美大赛而激烈竞争。

    Some dapper dogs competed in the fourth annual beautiful bulldog contest .

  12. 不知道你有没有遛过斗牛犬。

    I don 't know if you 've ever walked a pit bull .

  13. 巧克力饼干,斗牛犬还有度假。

    Chocolate chip cookies , the bulldogs and vacation .

  14. 山谷斗牛犬需要运动,以维持肌肉张力,和所有周围的健康状况良好。

    The Valley Bulldog requires exercise to maintain muscle tone and all-around good health .

  15. 一般斗牛犬小而健壮的变种,皮毛圆滑,方头。

    Small stocky version of the bulldog having a sleek coat and square head .

  16. 今年的选美比赛共有50只斗牛犬参加,其中大多数来自美国中西部地区。

    Buddy was among 50 bulldogs from mostly Midwestern states who came to compete .

  17. 像钢铁般、像老虎钳般、像斗牛犬般夹住或咬住不放

    A grip like iron , like a vice , like a bulldog , etc

  18. 戴眼镜像只斗牛犬的。

    Look like a bulldog with glasses .

  19. 发部分帮派成员都有一条狗,并且大多数的狗都是斗牛犬的品种。

    Most gang members owned a dog and most of the dogs were bull breeds .

  20. 这是不是只法国斗牛犬。

    Whether this is a French bulldog .

  21. 还有纽约,特别的汉堡城市,汉堡斗牛犬。

    And New York , specifically , the city of Hamburg and the Hamburg High Bulldogs .

  22. 这是一个健康,运动,低维修斗牛犬与照顾,很少能抵抗。

    This is a healthy , athletic , low-maintenance bulldog with the look that few can resist .

  23. 我每年也会给我的法国斗牛犬做点骨头形状的姜饼。

    I always have a few gingerbread bones decorated for my French bulldogs every year , too .

  24. 实际上,该影片的部分片段就在巴特勒大学斗牛犬队的故乡辛克尔赛场拍摄。

    In fact , part of the movie was filmed at Hinkle Fieldhouse , home of the Butler Bulldogs .

  25. 幸运的是,对这只来自爱荷华州裴瑞市的斗牛犬来说,比赛著重的是个性而非美貌。

    Luckily for the dog from Prairie City , Iowa , the contest is more about personality than beauty .

  26. 拳师犬又叫做德国拳师犬、德国斗牛犬,这种狗体型较大,毛短。

    The nicknames for this breed are German Boxer , German Bulldog and they are large-sized , short-haired dogs .

  27. 坦克这条来自得梅因的两岁小狗,星期天在德雷克大学赢得了第36届年度最美斗牛犬比赛。

    A 2-year-old dog from Des Moines named Tank won the 36th annual Beautiful Bulldog contest Sunday at Drake University .

  28. 我不知道,我更应该是斗牛犬,我留着胡子,我有很多的毛

    I don 't know , I would be an ugly kitten , I have a beard , I am hairy

  29. 这种可爱的狗看着类似法国斗牛犬和纽芬兰猎犬,是顾客们的最爱。但它现在是‘熊猫狗’。

    The cute breeds like French bulldogs and Labradors were the favourites , but now it is the panda dog .

  30. 纯种狗中以拉布拉多寻物猎犬居多,其次是美洲斗牛犬、施犬和德国牧羊犬。

    More Labrador retrievers were licensed than any other breed , followed by pit bulls , Shih Tzus and German Shepherds .