
lā lā duì
  • Cheerleaders;cheering squad;rooters;cheering-section;rooting-section;a pep team
拉拉队 [lā lā duì]
  • [cheering squard;rooters] 体育比赛进行中,为运动员加油、助威的人群

拉拉队[lā lā duì]
  1. 但我不会当你的拉拉队。

    But I ain 't gonna be your cheering squad .

  2. 拉拉队效应的运动心理学分析

    An athletic psychological analysis of the cheering squad effect

  3. 近100名中国初高中男子和女子篮球、田径、游泳和拉拉队教练被送到犹他大学,和被送去亚利桑那州立大学(ArizonaStateUniversity)的中国高校教练人数大致相当。该校也是太平洋十二校联盟的成员。

    Nearly 100 Chinese junior high and high school coaches in the sports of men 's and women 's basketball , track and field , swimming and cheerleading were sent to Utah , and roughly the same number of Chinese college coaches went to Arizona State , which is also in the Pac-12 .

  4. 参赛的斗牛犬们有的打扮得像公主、有的像摇滚明星、有的像拉拉队队长、大黄蜂,有的甚至打扮成了白雪公主和Mr.T。而与其它参赛选手不同的是,巴迪几乎“未施粉黛”。

    Buddy competed unadorned , unlike many of his rivals . They dressed up as fairy princesses , rock stars , cheerleaders , bumblebees and even Snow White and Mr. T.

  5. 在Net-a-Porter,生于加州的魅力女性马斯内以姐妹拉拉队为基础建立了她的帝国,这里充满了正面肯定、对女性的歌颂、对团队成绩大张旗鼓的宣扬。而马尔凯蒂是出了名的低调。

    At Net-a-Porter , the glamorous , California-born Massenet has built her empire on foundations of sororal cheerleading - lots of positive affirmations , \# incrediblewomen and whooping about team achievements . Marchetti , on the other hand , is notable for his relative anonymity .

  6. 所以这和拉拉队长一样。

    So the same thing could be said about the cheerleader .

  7. 拉拉队里面都是漂亮的小姑娘,个个都朝气蓬勃的。

    Rooters are all beautiful girls full of vigour and vitality .

  8. 你的笑容要自然放松,不是拉拉队的那种活力奔放。

    Your smile should appear natural and relaxed , not cheerleader perky .

  9. 举办一个锦标赛,并且有跳舞的拉拉队。

    Host a poker tournament complete with back up dancers .

  10. 我是想帮助整个拉拉队,包括你。

    I was trying to help all the cheerleaders , including you .

  11. 我从拉拉队那听说你回来了。

    I hear you 're back on the cheerleading squad .

  12. 我不知道这种事在拉拉队以外也会发生。

    I didn 't realize it happened outside of cheerleading .

  13. 拉拉队长形成了一种字面意义;我们看到军队排成纵队。

    Cheerleaders were formed into letters ; we saw troops formed into columns .

  14. 本杰明:哇,拉拉队上来了。

    Benjamin : Wow , the cheer-section is coming .

  15. “当拉拉队长跌倒,我禁不住大笑出来。”

    " When the cheerleader fell , I could not but laugh . "

  16. 哦他在教他们怎么跳舞?和拉拉队跳舞?

    Oh he 's teaching them how to dance .

  17. 带领拉拉队呼喊不是一件好事情。

    All personal best kind of stuff , not rah rah team cheerleading .

  18. 那些大学里的拉拉队长现在可是香饽饽。

    Those cheerleaders at college are now hot property .

  19. 拉拉队队长疯狂地挥舞双臂。

    The cheerleader waved his arms with wild abandon .

  20. 你得送我去拉拉队。

    You have to take me to cheerleading .

  21. 布鲁克,拉拉队大赛下个月就开始了。

    Brooke , the classic 's next month .

  22. 我更高兴穿拉拉队服。

    Than I was in that hospital gown .

  23. 这就好像你拥有一名个人专属的男性拉拉队队长一样!

    Its like having a personal male cheerleader !

  24. 拉拉队长们来回地跳跃。

    The cheerleaders are jumping to and fro .

  25. 我不喜欢。但是球赛开始前有拉拉队的表演。

    But at the beginning of the game the cheerleaders jump up and down .

  26. 篮球比赛场间休息时,拉拉队总是很活跃的。

    Cheering squad is always very lively in the interval of the basketball match .

  27. 或许我当个拉拉队就好了。

    Maybe I 'll just be a cheerleader .

  28. 阿美:她是拉拉队队长。

    May : She is the cheer-leader .

  29. 和拉拉队大赛有什么共同点?

    And the classic have in common ?

  30. 你真的在意那群头脑简单的家伙和拉拉队怎样看你?

    GORDO You really care what a bunch of jocks and cheerleaders think about you ?