
  • 网络LaGuardia Airport;la guardia airport;LGA
  1. 1992年3月22日,全美航空公司(USAir)405次班机在严寒天气下从拉瓜迪亚机场(LaGuardiaAirport)起飞。几分钟后飞机失速并紧急着陆,导致27名乘客死亡。

    On March 22 1992 , USAir flight 405 departed from LaGuardia Airport in icy conditions and a few minutes later stalled and crash-landed , killing 27 passengers .

  2. 从拉瓜迪亚机场,打出租车到曼哈顿的费用大约是16到26美元,另加过路费;

    From LaGuardia Airport , a yellow cab to Midtown Manhattan costs $ 16 - $ 26 , plus tolls ;

  3. 他们改变了拉瓜迪亚机场飞机的航线。

    They rerouted the planes at La Guardia airport .

  4. 拉瓜迪亚机场航班今天早上恢复正常。

    Also LaGuardia , airport back this morning .

  5. 航站楼布局:拉瓜迪亚机场处理国内航班的4个航站楼相互之间离得很远,分别是A到D航站楼。

    Layout : Four remote terminals , A through D , handle domestic traffic at LaGuardia .

  6. 那就是拉瓜迪亚机场。

    That 's LaGuardia right there .

  7. 俯视东河,距离拉瓜迪亚机场几英里外的这座小岛,曾一度让人恐惧。纽约人如今已彻底把它忘记。

    Overlooking the East River just a few miles away from LaGuardia Airport , this once feared island is now completely forgotten by New Yorkers .

  8. 纽约拉瓜迪亚机场的二百名飞机客舱清洁工人,正在机场客运站对健康和安全问题包括埃博拉病毒进行检查。

    Two hundred workers who clean airplane cabins at New York 's LaGuardia Airport picketed outside the terminal over health and safety issues including the Ebola virus .

  9. 首先,这家航空公司的飞机往返美国最繁忙的几个机场,包括纽约肯尼迪机场、拉瓜迪亚机场和纽瓦克机场。

    For one thing , it flies to and from some of the busiest airports in the country , including New York 's JFK , LaGuardia and Newark Airports .

  10. 我发现自己的出租车司机告诉我,所有的清楚,囍事-延迟飞行,在教练直销店拉瓜迪亚机场的士站两个小时的路线。

    I found myself telling my cab driver that all 's well that end 's well – the delayed flight , the two-hour line at the coach outlet stores LaGuardia taxi stand .

  11. 多伦多皮尔逊国际机场乍看起来一点也不像弗吉尼亚被飞越次数的杰出贡献者,但其实这个加拿大最大的机场飞往弗吉尼亚的航班比纽约的约翰•肯尼迪国际机场和拉瓜迪亚机场的航班加在一起还要多。

    Toronto Pearson International Airport ( YYZ ) seems an unlikely source of Virginia-crossing flights , but Canada 's largest airport contributes more flights over Virginia than New York 's JFK and LaGuardia airports combined .

  12. 近年来,美国发生的最具戏剧性的一起空难被称为哈德逊奇迹。2009年1月15日,当时全美航空公司一架空客320客机在从纽约市拉瓜迪亚机场起飞时与雁群相撞。

    The most dramatic crash in the United States in recent years was the so-called " Miracle on the Hudson ," when a US Airways passenger plane , an Airbus 320 , struck geese while taking off from La Guardia airport in New York City on Jan. 15 , 2009 .