
  • 网络La Nia;nina
  1. 由于拉尼娜(lania)天气现象的影响,今年南美洲大豆产量大幅下降,尤其是在巴西和阿根廷。

    Production of the commodity is sharply down in South America , especially in Brazil and Argentina due to the La NIA weather phenomenon .

  2. “拉尼娜”(LaNina)在西班牙语中的意思为“小女孩”。

    La Nina literally means " little girl " in Spanish .

  3. 该事件被称为拉尼娜(LaNina)现象,在西班牙语中是“小女孩”的意思。

    The event is called La Ni ñ a , which means " little girl " in Spanish .

  4. 花旗集团(Citigroup)表示,如果“拉尼娜”气候给澳大利亚和印尼带来强降雨,煤炭价格可能会达到每吨90美元。

    Citigroup says prices could hit $ 90 a tonne if La Ni ñ a brings heavy rain to Australia and Indonesia .

  5. 结果表明:(1)在大气-海洋相互作用过程中,与厄尔尼诺(或拉尼娜)事件有关的SST分布型起着重要作用,而与此耦合的大气则表现为类似于PNA型遥相关的变化。

    Result shows , the PNA teleconnection is closely connected with EL Nino and the patterns-Japan ( PJ ) teleconnection pattern is related with La Nina .

  6. 隶属于国家海洋和大气局(NOAA)的美国气候预测中心称,拉尼娜现象将持续至今年春季。

    CPC is an office under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( NOAA ) . The body said La Nina will last into spring of this year .

  7. 瑞士气候变化专家皮埃尔•埃克特(PierreEckert)表示:拉尼娜现象与中国近期天气之间存在关联当然是有可能的。

    Pierre Eckert , a Swiss climate change expert , said : The correlation between La Ni ? a and China is certainly possible .

  8. 农业官员与交易商担心,随着拉尼娜(LaNiña)气候现象的恶化,农产品价格可能会进一步上涨。拉尼娜现象通常会给阿根廷、巴西和美国等重要农产国带来干旱天气。

    Agricultural officials and traders are worried that agricultural commodities prices could rise further as the La Ni ñ a weather phenomenon , which usually brings dryness to the key growing areas of Argentina , Brazil and the US , intensifies .

  9. 赤道太平洋海域海温异常事件包括厄尔尼诺(EL-Nino)和拉尼娜(La-Nina)现象。

    The marine temperature abnormal cases in equator Pacific area include El Nino and La Nina phenomena .

  10. WASSILATHAW:“从3月份到5月份,我们认为不是拉尼娜现象在发挥作用。而可能是由于当时的大气环境。”

    WASSILA THAW : " What here during the March-April-May season we do not think that is really La Nina . But it [ is ] probably mostly due to the atmospheric conditions that ed at that time . "

  11. 在研究厄尔尼诺(拉尼娜)事件对黑龙江省低温洪涝灾害影响的基础上,提出一种表征厄尔尼诺的指数(ENI)。

    Through studying the effect of El Nino ( La Nin ) on low-temperature disaster and flood in Heilongjiang province , we defined an ENI to express EI Nino events .

  12. 利用灾变规律的关键时方法分析了厄尔尼诺(ELNino)、拉尼娜(LaNina)事件和太阳活动与河北省沿海型蝗区和淀洼型蝗区夏蝗大发生的关系。

    By using the method of laws of catastrophe & the Key Time Method , the relations between sunspot , El Nino as well as La Nina episodes and the outbreaks of summer locust in different ecotype areas , seashore areas and lowland areas in Hebei Province were analyzed .

  13. 日食与厄尔尼诺、拉尼娜现象

    Relation between Solar Eclipses and El Nino and La Nina Events

  14. 拉尼娜的科学定义是什么?

    What is the scientific definition of La Ni ? a ?

  15. 在拉尼娜强盛时期,高CUPE值减少甚至消失。

    High CPUE decreased or even disappeared during the strongest La Nina .

  16. 拉尼娜持续年的渤海海冰

    Sea Ice in the Bohai Sea During La Nina Years

  17. 自然杂志带你探究拉尼娜对全球环境的潜在影响。

    Nature explores its potential effects on the global environment .

  18. 气象学家周月华表示,拉尼娜是造成旱情的原因。

    Meteorologist Zhou Yuehua said La Nina was to blame for the drought .

  19. 大概每隔三至五年就会发生拉尼娜现象和厄尔尼诺现象。

    La Ninas and El Ninos happen about every three to five years .

  20. 拉尼娜和厄尔尼诺现象每三到五年的时间就会发生。

    La Nina and El Ninos happen about every three to five years .

  21. 这两种气候现象通常称为拉尼娜和厄尔尼诺现象。

    The two events are commonly known as La Nina and El Nino .

  22. 拉尼娜事件与太阳活动对玉林市低温冷害的影响

    Effects of La Nina Events and Solar Activity on the Chilling Damage in Yulin

  23. 拉尼娜现象在亚洲东部带来寒冷气候,是一种教科书式的预期,他说。

    A cold weather in eastern Asia is a textbook-style expectation , he said .

  24. 拉尼娜现象对本地气候影响的分析

    Analysis of La Nina Effect on Local Climate

  25. 与之前相比现在的拉尼娜有多强?

    How strong is this La Ni ? a event compared with previous ones ?

  26. 据专家说,现在厄尔尼诺正转变成一个新的现象,叫做拉尼娜。

    Experts say the El Nino is becoming a new phenomenon called the La Nina .

  27. 对厄尔尼诺和拉尼娜全球效应的再思考

    Rethinking on the Global Effects of EI Ni й a and La Ni й a

  28. 这条新闻对于过去几年一直在监测缺乏降水的机构而言并不意外,这种降水的缺乏与太平洋的拉尼娜现象有部分联系。他们曾经预测说很可能出现广泛的食品短缺。

    They had predicted that a widescale shortage of food was highly likely to occur .

  29. 拉尼娜的全球性影响是什么?

    What are its key global impacts ?

  30. 最近一次拉尼娜从去年的7月份开始,今年的5月份结束。

    The latest La Nina began in July of last year and ended in May .