
nǎo ái
  • Brain cancer;cancer of the brain;cerebral cancer
脑癌[nǎo ái]
  1. 还有患脑癌的参议员爱德华·肯尼迪(EdwardKennedy)。

    So was Senator Edward Kennedy , who is suffering from brain cancer .

  2. 2008年,即美国国家癌症研究院(NationalCancerInstitute)有记录的最后一年,每百万美国人中只有65人患有脑癌。

    By 2008 , the last year for which the National Cancer Institute has data , 65 out of every 1 million Americans got a brain cancer diagnosis annually .

  3. 因此,脑癌发病率未见上升,实际上反而“令人心安”,布朗大学(BrownUniversity)教授、《美国流行病杂志》(BrownUniversity)的前任编辑大卫•萨维兹表示。

    Thus the lack of any uptick in brain cancers is " comforting , " says David Savitz , a brown university professor and former editor of the American Journal of epidemiology .

  4. Kennedy身患脑癌,他的健康状况越来越引起人们的担忧,尽管其助理称他的身体状况并没有什么变化。

    It comes amid growing concern about Kennedy 's battle with brain cancer , although aides say there is no change in his condition .

  5. “患脑癌风险增加的结论并非来自于Interphone研究的数据,”IARC署长克里斯托弗·威尔德博士(DrChristopherWild)总结称。

    " An increased risk of brain cancer is not established from the data from Interphone ," said Dr Christopher Wild , IARC director , summing up the study .

  6. 随着多层计算机断层扫描(CT)和快速扫描时代的到来,CT已经成为脑部成像的重要工具,并已经成为检查脑癌,中风,颅内出血,创伤和退化疾病等的主要工具。

    With the advent of multidetector computed tomography ( CT ) and fast scan times , CT has become the centerpiece for cranial imaging . It is the examination of choice for brain cancer , investigating stroke , intracranial hemorrhage , trauma and degenerative diseases .

  7. 曼森家族成员SusanAtkins去世。加利福尼亚管教部女发言人称,周四晚,Atkins经历了与脑癌漫长的斗争之后去世。

    Manson family follower Susan Atkins has died . A spokeswoman for the California Department of Correction says Atkins died Thursday night following a lengthy battle with brain cancer .

  8. 得知他的教练及朋友timgullikson患了晚期脑癌,鲜有在公众面前情绪崩溃的他在澳网的赛场上在与jimcourier对决的中途痛哭流泪。

    He suffered a rare public breakdown at the Australian Open , after learning that his coach and friend , Tim Gullikson , had terminal brain cancer , and wept on the court in the midst of match against Jim Courier .

  9. Stieg说由于手机跟脑癌之间的关系缺乏明确的证据,他建议人们继续像正常一样使用手机。

    Stieg says in the absence of definitive evidence linking cell phones to brain tumors-he suggests people continue to use their cell phones as they are .

  10. 也许你会梦见治疗晚期脑癌的灵丹妙药。

    Maybe you 'll dream the cure to late-stage brain cancer .

  11. 神经胶质瘤是脑癌最常见的一种类型。

    Glioma is the most common form of brain cancer .

  12. 爱德华·肯尼迪本星期二死于脑癌,终年77岁。

    Edward Kennedy died of brain cancer Tuesday at the age of77 .

  13. 对脑癌的研究同样包括药物治疗。

    Research into brain cancer treatment also includes drug therapy .

  14. 使用手机会引发脑癌吗?

    Can using your cell phone give you brain cancer ?

  15. 脑癌是戴维斯女士研究的辐射后果之一。

    Brain cancer is a concern that Ms. Davis examines .

  16. 肯尼迪周二因脑癌去世,享年77岁。

    He died of brain cancer on Tuesday at the age of77 .

  17. 科学家们通过有甲氨蝶呤滴鼻剂治疗患有脑癌的试验鼠对其进行测试。

    The scientists tested methotrexate nose drops on laboratory rats with brain cancer .

  18. 正方:使用手机导致脑癌。

    The claim : Cell phones cause brain cancer .

  19. 用放射法治疗脑癌在最近几年有所提高。

    Radiation treatments for brain cancer have improved a lot in recent years .

  20. 他患了脑癌,而我只能看著他在我面前一天天走向死亡。

    He is dying before my very eyes of a cancerous brain tumor .

  21. 参议员爱德华-肯尼迪周二因脑癌去世,享年77岁。

    Senator Edward Kennedy died Tuesday of brain cancer . He was seventy-seven .

  22. 16例脑癌旁组织只有1例内含子潴留,15例无潴留现象(6.25%);

    Only 1 para tumor tissue had intron 9 retention ( 6.25 % );

  23. 上周,马萨诸塞州的医生宣布参议员特德·肯尼迪患有脑癌。

    Last week doctors in Massachusetts announced that Senator Ted Kennedy has brain cancer .

  24. 她在日前因为脑癌而去世了。

    She passed away recently ; brain tumor .

  25. 据称这种新剂型治疗脑癌更为有效。

    It shows promise as a more effective treatment for brain cancer , they say .

  26. 但他否认了埃塞尔比亚持不同意见的网站上称梅莱斯先生患有脑癌的报道。

    But he denied reports on Ethiopian dissident websites that Mr. Meles had brain cancer .

  27. 总体而言,自手机出现以来,脑癌发病率并未上升。

    Over all , there has not been an increase in its incidencesince cellphones arrived .

  28. 稀土四环素络合物曾用于检查脑癌。

    The complex of rare earth tetracycline has been used in the examination of brain tumor .

  29. 方法对脑癌是很复杂的因为保护脑部血液障碍。

    What But chemical treatment for brain cancer is complex because of the protective blood-brain barrier .

  30. 记住,脑癌是由于长期短时间接触低手机辐射慢慢积累而形成的。

    Remember , brain tumor risk starts at a relatively low level of cumulative lifetime exposure .