
  • 网络pontine nuclei;pontine nucleus;PPN;Nuclei pontis
  1. 血管密度高的核团包括了脑桥核、下橄榄核簇等与小脑相连系的核团,及楔束核、上橄榄核和展神经核;

    The high density nuclei consist of the pontine nuclei , inferior olivary complex and so on which have connections with cerebellum , cuneate nucleus , superior olivary nucleus and abducent nucleus .

  2. 在三叉神经脑桥核、疑核、三叉神经背核及网状结构可见棕黄色的PDGF-B免疫反应阳性的神经细胞;

    PDGF-B immunopositive neurons were observed in pontine nucleus of trigeminal , ambiguous nucleus , trigeminal dorsal nucleus , reticular formation .

  3. BTX-A降低电刺激额神经引发的偏头痛大鼠颈静脉血和三叉神经脑桥核、三叉神经脊束核的CGRP、SP含量

    BTX-A Reducing CGRP and SP in Jugular Plasma , Pontine Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve and Nucleus of Spinal Trigeminal Trace in Migraine Rats Triggered by Electrical Stimulation of the Frontal Nerves

  4. 大鼠三叉神经脑桥核和三叉神经中脑核内心房利钠肽样免疫反应神经元的定位

    Localization of atrial natriuretic peptide-like immunoreactive neurons in the pontine nucleus of trigeminal nerve and mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus of the rat

  5. 目的:观察大鼠脑桥核内皮质纤维终末的溃变类型及其与脑桥核小脑投射神经元的突触联系方式。

    Objective : To observe the the degenerating mode of cortical fiber terminals and their synaptic connections with cerebellar projection neurons in pontine nucleus ( PN ) .

  6. 眼镜蛇毒对大鼠脑桥某些核团一氧化氮合酶表达的影响

    Effect of Naja naja atra Venom on Expression of Nitric Oxide Synthase in Certain Nuclei of Pons in Rat

  7. 将辣根过氧化物酶注射于9只猫的大中缝核及其一侧邻近网状结构(巨细胞网状核或尾侧脑桥网状核)。

    Neurons projecting from the superior colliculus to the nucleus raphe magnus and adjacent reticular formation were identified in 9 adult cats with the retrograde HRP method .

  8. 猫上丘向大中缝核及其邻近网状结构(巨细胞网状核、尾侧脑桥网状核)的投射

    The projections of superior colliculus onto the nucleus raphe magnus and adjacent reticular formation ( nucleus reticularis gigantocellularis and nucleus reticularis pontis caudalis ) in the cat

  9. 双侧脑桥被盖网状核和脑桥网状核;

    Pontine tegmenti reticular nucleus and pontine reticular nucleus ( bilateral );

  10. 大鼠脑桥臂旁核味觉神经元的生理学特性

    The physiological characteristics of taste neurons in the parabrachial nuclei of rats

  11. 在三叉神经中脑核内HRP标记神经原的分布范围自脑桥的外展神经核水平开始向上延伸至中脑上丘嘴侧水平。

    HRP labeled neurons in the MTN extended from the pons at the level of the nucleus of the abducens nerve to the midbrain at the rostral level of the superior colliculus .

  12. 第二类为与眼肌运动有关的核团,如E-W核、导水管周灰质、中脑网状结构及脑桥吻侧网状核。

    Second group was the nuclei related with oculomotor action , such as E-W nucleus , periventricular gray substance , reticular formation of mesencephalon and the nucleus pontis oralis .

  13. 泰和乌鸡脑桥六个神经核团的细胞构筑

    Study on the Cytoarchitecture of 6 Nuclei in Pons of Taihe Silky Fowl

  14. 少量交叉纤维入对侧锥体束后入脑桥尾侧网状核。

    A few fibers crossed into the contralateral pyramidal tract were traced into RPC on that side .

  15. 家兔脑桥臂旁内侧核区微量注射吗啡对中缝大核区单位放电的影响

    Effects of morphine applied locally in nucleus parabrachialis medialis ( npbm ) on the discharges of units in the region of nucleus raphe magnus ( nrm ) in the rabbit

  16. 影像学改变为苍白球、大脑脚、小脑和大脑皮层下对称性短T1加权像信号,以及基底节、中脑、脑桥、延髓橄榄核对称性长T2加权像信号。

    Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain revealed symmetrical high T_1signals in the bilateral globus pallidus , cerebral peduncle , cerebellum and subcortex and T_2high - signal intensities in the bilateral basal ganglia , midbrain , pons , and medulla olivary nucleus .

  17. 胆碱乙酰转移酶还出现在脑桥内侧网状结构,相应于脑桥尾侧网状核以及中缝大核。

    ChAT immunoreactive cells were also seen in the medial pontine reticular formation corresponding to the caudal pontine reticular nucleus , as well as in the nucleus raphe magnus .