
  • 网络Basal Ganglia;basal ganglion
  1. 标准化的灌注MRI用于鉴别基底神经节疏忽患者共同的异常区域

    Normalized perfusion MRI to identify common areas of dysfunction : Patients with basal ganglia neglect

  2. 帕金森病患者基底神经节大小及铁含量的MRI评估

    MRI evaluation of the basal ganglia size and iron content in patients with Parkinson 's disease

  3. 高血糖引起的伴有和不伴有偏侧舞蹈症的单侧基底神经节损害:一项PET研究

    Hyperglycemia-induced unilateral basal ganglion lesions with and without hemichorea : A PET study

  4. 目的了解大鼠纹状体内P物质的分布及其与脑内其他重要结构如基底神经节和边缘系统内P物质之间的相互联系。

    AIM To understand the distribution and connection of substance P among some important structure of basal Ganglia and limbic system in the rat brain .

  5. 结论高频刺激PF可以减少基底神经节输出核团EP神经元的活动。

    ? Conclusion DBS on PF can reduce the overactivity of EP in the basal ganglia .

  6. PET和fMRI脑成象研究结果显示,基底神经节、小脑和前额叶在所有的计时作业中都被激活。

    The results of PET and fMRI indicated that basal ganglia , prefrontal cortex and cerebellum were activated in timing tasks .

  7. 结论:NGF可保护谷氨酸造成体外培养的大脑基底神经节损伤后的再生,并防止神经元坏死。

    Conclusion : Using NGF may avoid the necrosis of neurons and accelerate regeneration of primary dissociated basal ganglia neurons cultures .

  8. 目的:研究神经生长因子(NGF)对谷氨酸造成的体外培养大脑基底神经节神经元损伤后的再生及防止神经元坏死的保护作用。

    Objective : To observe the protective effects of nerve growth factor ( NGF ) on primary dissociated basal gan - glia neuron cultures .

  9. GP与ACB、CLA间也为双向投射,从而沟通了基底神经节与边缘系统间的联系。

    The connections between GP and ACB and CLA are also two-directionprojections which form the pathways between basal ganglia and limbic system .

  10. 纹状体(Striatum)是构成基底神经节的一个核团,由腹侧纹状体和背侧纹状体组成,接受来自大脑皮层的谷氨酸能纤维传入和来自中脑黑质的多巴胺能纤维传入。

    Striatum is an important structure of basal ganglion , which is composed of ventral striatum and dorsal striatum receiving glutamatergic afferent from prefrontal cortex and dopaminergic afferent originating from ventral tegmental area of midbrain .

  11. 10例年龄18~24岁受试者,大学本科一年级学生。以18F-FDG为显像剂,进行PET扫描,观察和比较受试者在假写状态及文字书写状态下基底神经节的葡萄糖代谢情况。

    1.10 cases healthy subjects , freshmen of undergraduate , ages from 18 to 24 , were studied with PET selecting 18F-FDG as tracer to observe and compare the glucose metabolism of basal ganglia during pseudo-writing and characters writing .

  12. 大脑皮质或基底神经节RAR低于70%,颞叶中部低于50%视为异常。

    Any decrease in cerebral perfusion in cortex or basal ganglia to below 70 % , or even to below 50 % in the medial temporal lobe , compared to the cerebellar reference was considered abnormal .

  13. 应用这种方法分析运动实验fMRI数据,发现在基底神经节的苍白球和屏状核中存在有显著的任务间功能非对称性,证明了基底神经节在运动功能执行与调节中所发挥的重要作用。

    This schema was applied to the movement fMRI datasets and some nuclei of basal ganglia ( pallidum and claustrum ) were found to have significant inter-task functional asymmetry , which demonstrated the importance of basal ganglia in motor function performance and manipulation .

  14. 组分析结果显示双侧运动皮层(BA6)、右侧感觉皮层、双侧基底神经节壳核、双侧脑岛等区域均出现明显激活,其中左侧运动皮层的激活程度明显强于右侧。

    Group map analysis showed activation in bilateral motor cortex , right somatosensory cortex , bilateral basal ganglia , and bilateral insula .

  15. 结果显示:在npc-1小鼠脑干、小脑白质、基底神经节及大脑白质有诸多神经元含脂质沉积并有球状神经轴突形成。

    The results revealed that in npc-1 mouse brain , many enlarged neurons containing lipids , pathological axonal spheroids were found in the white matter of the brainstem , cerebellum , basal ganglion and the forebrain .

  16. 儿童基底神经节病变的病因与鉴别诊断

    Etiology of the childhood basal ganglia lesions and its differential diagnosis

  17. 人及大鼠基底神经节的三维重构及形态比较

    Three dimensional reconstruction and comparative study on human and rat basal ganglia

  18. 基底神经节在汉语书写中的作用

    The Role of the Basal Ganglia in the Chinese Writing

  19. 基底神经节(简称基底节)是大脑深部多个神经核团的总称,对运动的调节具有重要意义。

    Basal ganglia are brain region involved in motor control and movement .

  20. 结论双侧基底神经节均参与了汉语文字书写的过程。

    Conclusion The bilateral basal ganglia participates in the process of characters writing .

  21. 目的明确基底神经节内侧型与外侧型出血临床特征。

    Objective Identification the clinical characters of intra and extra basilar ganglion hemorrhage .

  22. 基底神经节区脑损害与汉语失写症关系的研究

    Association of basal ganglia damage with Chinese agraphia

  23. 基底神经节损伤对知觉性启动效应影响的进一步研究

    The effects of lesions to the basal ganglia on perceptual priming : further study

  24. 基底神经节和规则支配性语言在血管性和变性疾病中的作用

    The basal ganglia and rule-governed language use : Evidence from vascular and degenerative conditions

  25. 基底神经节的书写功能

    The writing function of the basal ganglia

  26. 基底神经节作为皮层下结构,参与了文字书写过程。

    The basal ganglia , the subcortical structure , participates the process of characters writing .

  27. 目的研究基底神经节损害所致汉语失写症的特点。

    Objective To study the clinical features of Chinese agraphia caused by basal ganglia damage .

  28. 运动中枢结构的功能包括小脑、基底神经节和大脑皮层。

    Functions of central motor structures including cerebellum , basal ganglia , and cerebral cortex considered .

  29. 基底神经节退行性变的神经保护策略

    Neuroprotective strategies for basal ganglia degeneration

  30. 基底神经节的功能。

    Functions of the basal ganglia .