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  • genetic medicine;gene medicine
  1. 人类基因组计划、后基因组研究与基因医学&基因诊断、基因制药与基因治疗的新世纪

    Human Genome Project , Post-genome Research and Gene Medicine & New Century of Diagnosis , Pharmaceutics and Therapy with Gene Technique

  2. 来自基因医学大学研究学会的教授PragnaPatel说某种已知的基因似乎被“激发”了,而这种现象有可能触发毛发在人体身上的疯狂生长。

    Professor Pragna Patel , of the university 's Institute for Genetic Medicine , said certain genes appeared to have been'turned on ' , which may trigger the excessive hair growth .

  3. 基因医学技术引发的一系列伦理问题正是法律规范的中心内容。

    A chain of ethical issues triggered by the technology is exactly the main content of legal rules .

  4. 基因医学是一个充满了相互冲突的价值和对于价值的相互冲突的理解的地方。

    Genetic Medicine is " a place full of contradicted values and the understanding of such contradiction " .

  5. 医学样本提供者的知情权与专利收益分享权&基因医学研究中一个亟待解决的重要问题

    The medical samples providers ' rights to know and to share profits of patent : a burning issue in gene medical research

  6. 基因医学技术的特殊性在于它关涉人的最高私密、对疾病风险的预测性、不确定性与风险性以及社会关切性。

    The genetic technology in medicine features in its relevance to the highest level of privacy , the predictability of disease hazard , uncertainty and risk , and the societal concerns .

  7. 基因医学技术触及了人之尊严、自由等根本价值,引发了诸多伦理和社会问题,也要求对现行法律秩序进行反思。

    That the genetic technology in medicine touches the basic value such as the human dignity or liberty arouses a number of ethical and societal issues , as well as the demand for reflection on the current legal orders .

  8. 乳腺癌遗传基因的医学伦理学思考

    A Medical Ethics Thinking on Breast Cancer Genetic Gene

  9. 在对100名年龄在100岁至104岁的老人的调查中发现,23%的人认为,信念比基因和医学疗养更有益于长寿。

    In a survey of100 people between the ages of100 and104,23 percent said faith rather than genes and good medical care were responsible for their long life .

  10. 聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术已在分子生物学、基因测序、医学诊断等方面得到广泛的应用。

    Polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) technology has been successfully used in clinic diagnostic and modern molecular biology for gene analyzing .

  11. 前言:目的探讨基因工程研究与医学的关系。

    Objective : To discuss the relation between gene engineering and medicine .

  12. 论基因治疗研究与医学伦理

    An Overview on Relationship between Gene Therapy and Medical Ethics

  13. 基因芯片技术及其医学应用前景

    Technology of Gene Chips and Their Application of Medicine

  14. 基因芯片在口腔医学基础研究的应用

    Application of DNA Chips in Basis Research of Stomatology

  15. 基因芯片及其在医学研究中的意义

    Gene chip and its significance in medical research

  16. 研究人员将继续对这些老鼠进行调查,以检测该基因是否与其他医学为题有关系。

    The researchers will continue to study the mice to test whether the gene other medical conditions .

  17. 基因治疗在当前医学界引起的巨大争议在客观上也要求法律的适时适当介入。

    The great dispute which Gene Technology has raised in the medicine circles calls for the timely and properly intervention of law .

  18. 方法了解与肝癌有关的癌基因,将影像医学与基因诊断和治疗相结合。

    Methods To understand the oncogene which is in relation to hepatocarcinoma and to connect the Medical Imaging with Gene diagnosis and therapy .

  19. 基因治疗是现代医学研究的热点问题,以肝为靶点的基因治疗更是倍受关注。

    Gene therapy is one of the hot issues of modern medical research work . Hepatocyte-targeted gene therapy is attached more and more importance .

  20. 数量特征的基因位点探测在医学研究,植物和动物繁殖中起着十分重要的作用。

    Quantitative trait loci ( QTLs ) mapping is the procedure for finding and locating QTLs , which is of importance in medical research , plant and animal breeding .

  21. 在你体内可能有一张通往全新世界的地图,基因疗法疫苗,医学宝藏深深地埋藏在你体内,我们不能冒险赌上这一切,就因为你想出去逞英雄!

    Inside your body could be a map to a whole new world genetic therapies , vaccines , medicines , treasures buried deep within your cells and we cannot risk losing everything because you want to go out and play hero !

  22. 以权利保护为中心的基因权私法规范可以和以基因医学技术管制为中心的公法机制并行不悖。

    The civil rules of genetic right focusing on right protection can coexist with public law system focusing on the control of the genetic technology in medicine .