
yīn xiǎnɡ xì tǒnɡ
  • sound system;audio system
  1. 主控系统、实时图像系统、3D音响系统则基于PC机开发实现。

    Main-control system , real time image system and 3D sound system are developed by us , which based on PC computer .

  2. 我们首先通过对国内外现有虚拟现实可用设备的研究分析,最终确定的硬件系统,包括:头盔、数据手套、空间定位系统、主控系统、实时图像系统、3D音响系统等。

    Then we determine the hardware system , which includes HMD , digital gloves , location system , main-control system , real time image system , 3D sound system , etc.

  3. CD-I规格的光碟播放器看起来就像录像机,能与家庭电视和立体音响系统相连。

    A CD-I deck looks like a video recorder and plugs into the home television and stereo system

  4. DSP芯片在音响系统中的应用研究

    DSP Chip 's Application Study in the Stereo System

  5. 饭店、宾馆用CATV及背景音响系统的实践

    A Practice in CATV and Background Music System in Restaurants and Hotels

  6. 该乐富豪PDO8710/05便携式DVD播放机与音响系统支持杜比数字立体声。

    The sound system of the Wharfedale PDO8710 / 05 Portable DVD Player is stereo with Dolby digital support .

  7. ALL-STAR全明星运动餐厅和BLING音乐酒吧音响系统设计

    Sound System Design for ALL-STAR Sport Restaurant and BLING Music Bar

  8. 琪琪家住在一幢公寓的30楼。在驾驶运动型多用途车(SUV)回家的路上,车上的音响系统播放着迪士尼的CD。

    In the family 's sport-utility vehicle on the way home , a Disney English CD plays over the sound system .

  9. 杰西・豪斯(JesseHouse)是一名主修音乐科技、辅修哲学的学生。在我参观房子时,他正在调试一个控制房子音响系统的电脑程序,它似乎正在播放一连串的某种音调。

    Jesse House , a music and technology major and a philosophy minor , was fine-tuning a computer program that controls the house 's sound system .

  10. 头位、手位和手形数据送到主控计算机,进行人机交互、碰撞检测计算和控制,并把头位、手位和手形数据以及交互控制标志量传送到实时图像系统及3D音响系统;

    Third , main-control computer carries out the controls and calculations of collision detection and interaction of human and computer , and send data to real time image system and 3D sound system .

  11. 预计这种列车将有宽敞的卧室、带沙发的休息室,甚至还有bose音响系统。

    These are expected to have spacious bedrooms , sofa lounges and even a Bose speaker system .

  12. 这个无线技术即将与其他协力厂商的扬声器、AV播放器、以及其他音响系统完美整合在一起。

    AirPlay wireless technology will be fully integrated into speaker docks , AV receivers , and stereo systems from third-party companies .

  13. 10年来,洛朗只丢过一套Bose音响系统以及几瓶窑藏香槟。

    In 10 years Laurent has lost only a Bose sound system and a few bottles of champagne from the cellar .

  14. 基于DirectSound的飞行训练器音响系统仿真

    Simulation of FTD Sound System with DirectSound

  15. stereosystem:立体音响系统背单词—服装英语词汇备受争议的“呜呜祖拉”加油工具已成为南非世界杯的一大标志,日前,一家网络公司推出了一种据称可消除这种塑料喇叭所发出的噪音的“呜呜祖拉滤声器”。

    An online company has begun marketing an " Anti Vuvuzela Filter " that promises to silence the sound of the controversial plastic trumpets that have become the trademark of South Africa 's World Cup .

  16. 本文结合作者实践,介绍自制头盔显示器(HMD)及三维音响系统的原理。

    In this paper , the author introduces the principle of Head Mounted Display ( HMD ) and 3D Auditory System by practice .

  17. 本支对宾馆、饭店CATV和背景音响系统设计的一些实际问题进行了探讨分析,并提出了一些解决具体问题的方案和方法,对从事综合性CATV系统设计、施工的人员可作参考。

    In this paper , several problems on designing the CATV system with background music for hotels are discussed and the solving measures are proposed , It may be found helpful for references .

  18. 杰西&12539;豪斯(JesseHouse)是一名主修音乐科技、辅修哲学的学生。在我参观房子时,他正在调试一个控制房子音响系统的电脑程序,它似乎正在播放一连串的某种音调。

    Jesse House , a music and technology major and a philosophy minor , was fine-tuning a computer program that controls the house 's sound system . It seemed to be playing some sort of series of tones .

  19. 为了方便控制多媒体室中的投影机、计算机、视频展示台、DVD、音响系统、电动屏幕等多媒体设备,出现了多媒体集成控制系统。

    To conveniently control the multimedia devices such as projector , computer , video presenter , DVD , sound box and screen in the multimedia room , the Multimedia Integrated Control System ( MICS ) emerges .

  20. Kaleidescape系统,高端的家庭影院和音响系统。

    Kaleidescape , Kaleidescape System , high-end home cinema and music system .

  21. 一个小亚低音单元耦合(如乐富豪铅208)结构紧凑,易于携带而多功能的应用AV演出音响系统,例如,可以创建。

    Coupled with a small sub-bass unit ( such as the Wharfedale PB208 ) a compact , easily transported yet versatile sound system for application to AV presentations , for example , can be created .

  22. 通过7吋宽EMV多功能触摸屏,驾乘者可实现音响系统、空调系统的控制,以及获取车辆保养信息等等。

    The7-inch EMV multifunctional touch screen enables the driver and passengers to control the audio and air conditioner , and obtain vehicle maintenance and other information .

  23. 底线:三星的硬件-C450是一个非常薄的家庭影院音响系统,酒吧的声音出奇的好电影,但缺少HDMI连接。

    The bottom line : The Samsung HW-C450 is an exceedingly thin sound bar home theater system that sounds surprisingly good with movies , but lacks HDMI connectivity .

  24. CDX-2100型汽车音响系统碟片无法吸入故障检测

    Failure Detecting on CDX-2100 Automotive Sound System

  25. 浴室覆盖着大理石砖,其设计灵感源于2006年那部詹姆斯·邦德影片《皇家赌场》(CasinoRoyale)里一个淋浴的镜头;此外还有一套可在每间房间里播放音乐的音响系统。

    the bathroom is clad in marble tiles inspired by a shower scene in the 2006 James Bond movie " Casino Royale , " and a sound system delivers music into every room .

  26. 这在伦敦的伦敦Shoreditch改装铁路拱桥位于大概是伦敦最好的俱乐部之一,现在场地,拥有两个摇滚,舞曲音乐的无与伦比的清晰的音响系统。

    This refitted railway arch in London 's Shoreditch is located probably one of the London 's best club venue right now , possessing a sound system of unequalled clarity for both rock and dance music .

  27. 以碟片无法吸入故障为例,讲解CDX-2100型汽车音响系统的基本结构、原理与检测方法,重点突出检测点的选择和检修方法的操作步骤。

    The author introduces the basic structure , principle and detecting method of the CDX-2100 automotive sound system , emphasizes on selection of detecting points and the operational procedure of detecting method .

  28. 电视机音响系统超重低音设计和改善

    The design and improvement of television 's overweight undertone sound system

  29. 基于TCP/IP的分布式音响系统多播通信实现

    Realizing of TCP / IP - based distributing acoustics multicast system

  30. 飘韵微型高保真车载音响系统

    Audio System of " Piao Yun " Mini High Fidelity Cyclecar