
  • 网络LIVE HOUSE;live;Music Live;Live Music
  1. 2011年他们在北京一场名为“纳什维尔”(Nashville)的音乐现场演奏会上相遇。

    They ended up in Beijing , where their paths crossed in 2011 at a live music venue called Nashville .

  2. 音乐现场节目是我的最爱。

    Live music shows are my very favorite .

  3. 但之后和G-Unit说唱团一同出现在音乐现场,梅斯再次成为一名说唱歌手。

    But later returned back to the music scene with G-Unit to become a rapper once again .

  4. 世界级的餐厅、历史古迹、有活力的音乐现场还有让人兴奋的夜生活,让蒙特利尔成为了朋友或夫妻旅行的理想目的地。

    World-class restaraunts , historic sites , a vibrant music scene , and pulsating night life make Montreal an ideal destination for a trip with friends or for couples .

  5. 如果不凑上前去瞧瞧这些观众,还以为这是格拉斯顿伯里(Glastonbury)音乐节现场,但观众们很多都身着正装夹克和衬衫。

    It could have been Glastonbury if you didn 't look too closely at the crowd , many of whom were in formal jackets and shirts .

  6. 马路对面的Roundhouse上演各种音乐的现场表演,包括一些大牌音乐家的演出,以及马戏表演。

    Aross the road , the Roundhouse shows it knows the meaning of eclectic , with a program that includes big-name musicians , and even circus acts .

  7. 希望能将更多的好音乐好现场传达给更多的人。

    She is always attempting to convey good music to more people .

  8. 他说,录制音乐与现场音乐的最大差别在于音质。

    He said the biggest difference between recorded and live music is the sound quality .

  9. 远离电影院,剧场,文学,杂志,远离各种新鲜的音乐以及现场演唱会。

    Avoid the cinema , the theatre , literature , magazines , new kinds of music or live performances .

  10. 中国网络爆红歌手筷子兄弟在2014全美音乐奖现场表演他们的主打歌曲《小苹果》。

    China 's Internet singing sensation Chopsticks Brothers performed their viral hit Little Apple at the 2014 American Music Awards .

  11. 但这种想法并不能代表所有来参加节日的人。主办方在音乐节现场特意设置了两个位置摆放大屏幕,方便大家观看世界杯的比赛。

    However , that was not the mentality of every Glastonbury-goer , as many opted to watch the World Cup match on giant screens that had been specially set up for the occasion in two designated fields .

  12. 这个墨西哥城市并不是以海滨沙滩著名,而是以其独具风格的建筑,音乐和现场艺术表演。在此地爵士音乐随处可闻,何塞·克莱门特·奥罗斯科(墨西哥著名画家)等艺术大咖的作品在当地的建筑中随处可见。

    This Mexican city is less about the ocean and sand and more about the architecture , music and art scene.Jazz music fills the area while murals by greats like Jos é Clemente Orozco hang in local buildings .

  13. 值得一提的是,AdamLambert这次也重返舞台。在2009年的全美音乐奖颁奖现场,他曾因为表演尺度太大,而遭到一段时间的网络封杀。

    Of note , Adam Lambert returned to the AMA stage Sunday night for the first time since his scandalously sexy performance on the show in2009 caused him to be banned from the network for a brief time .

  14. 书法与音乐都可以现场去欣赏感受其魅力。

    Calligraphy and music can live to enjoy the experience of its charm .

  15. 相反,你只要跟着顶级音乐主持人和现场表演好好享受摇滚乐就行了。

    Instead , just enjoy a boogie to top DJs and live acts .

  16. 音乐喷泉与现场总线技术

    Music Fountain and on-site General Line Technology

  17. 所有的音乐都是现场演奏的。

    All music was live .

  18. 最后,获胜的苏菲带着她拯救地球的战利品来到了草莓音乐节的现场。

    And discover who wins and what that person then does at the Strawberry Music Festival with her trophy .

  19. Orange公司将会在本周开幕的格拉斯顿伯里音乐节上进行现场测试。

    Orange will be conducting live testing of the gadget on site at the Glastonbury Festival this weekend .

  20. 今年北京音乐颁奖仪式将现场直播。

    This year 's Beijing Music Awards will be covered live .

  21. 还有就是行为者与音乐者之间的现场默契配合与相互制约的把握,也可以说是“庆典”的核心部分。

    In addition to that , the control of cooperation and mutual restriction between artists and musicians on the scene can even be regarded as the core of " celebration " .

  22. 音乐爱好者可以欣赏现场演出的乐队,美食爱好者可以品尝并满足每一个渴望,葡萄酒爱好者可以欣赏葡萄酒菜单和派对爱好者可以把头发放下来享受。

    Music lovers can enjoy live bands , food lovers can relish each mouthful and satisfy each craving , wine lovers will appreciate the outstanding wine menu and party-lovers can let their hair down .

  23. 据好几位电影制作人说,初学者最好为他们的电影配用预先录制好的音乐,而不是现场录制对话――主要是因为智能手机和便携式摄像机上内置的麦克风质量无法达到任务要求。

    According to several filmmakers , beginners are better off using prerecorded music for their films than trying to record live dialogue & mainly because the quality of built-in microphones on smartphones and camcorders aren 't up to the task .

  24. 美国音乐评论人莱斯利•戈伯(音译)认为,录制音乐为现场演出树立了错误的标准,因此也会破坏其表现力。

    US-based music critic Leslie Gerber thought that recorded music sets wrong standards for live performances , thereby damaging their expressive quality .

  25. 人们对音乐艺术的欣赏已经不仅仅局限于对听觉的满足,多媒体技术的发展使音乐爱好者们能够欣赏到音乐的现场演出,感受到全方位的音乐美感。

    The appreciation on music is not only based on hearing , by the development of multimedia , the music live can be appreciated and the whole aesthetic of music can be enjoyed .