
  • 网络audio coding;aac;Audio Codec
  1. 本文着重分析了当前网络方面的IP技术,各种音频编码算法,实时流媒体传输技术,实时低带宽音频流媒体的处理机制等等。

    At first the article puts emphasis on analyzing those current network IP technology , various audio codec algorithms , realtime stream medium transmit technology and those process mechanism of realtime low bandwidth audio stream medium , etc.

  2. 本论文提出的这种方法对于其它采用变换编码或者子带编码方式的多通道音频编码系统,如MPEGAAC、DTS等,同样具有借鉴价值和推广意义。

    Furthermore , the method can also be applied for other multi-channel audio codec systems , such as MPEG AAC 、 DTS and so on . value calculation for other model basins .

  3. 新型数字电视音频编码系统&杜比E

    A New Method of Audio Data coding Applied in Digital TV & Dolby E

  4. Windows系统下的MP3音频编码算法评测

    Evaluation of MP3 encode algorithms based on Windows system

  5. MPEG-4通用音频编码技术及解码器实现

    Technology of MPEG-4 General Audio Coding and Implementation of Its Decoder

  6. MPEG音频编码算法的研究与实时实现

    Study and real time implementation of MPEG / Audio coding algorithm

  7. MP3音频编码算法研究

    The Research of MPEG Audio Layer ⅲ Audio Coding Arithmetic

  8. MPEG第三层音频编码改进算法的研究

    Research on the Improvement Algorithm of MPEG Layer - ⅲ Audio Coding

  9. 源音频编码的本质是使用脉冲编码调制或PCM。

    The source audio essence is encoded using pulse code modulation or PCM .

  10. 先进音频编码中MDCT的新型递归结构及其FPGA设计

    A New Recursive Architectures for MDCT in Advanced Audio Coding and its FPGA Design

  11. MPEG音频编码算法的研究和VLSI前端设计

    The Implementation of MPEG Audio Coding Algorithm and the Design of VLSI Front end

  12. 第二,针对具体的音频编码算法LAME,分析了算法的具体流程和组成。

    Secondly , the flow and composition of LAME is discussed .

  13. 一种基于MPEG音频编码的隐写算法

    A New Steganography Algorithm for MPEG Encoded Audio

  14. 改进MPEG音频编码的窗型切换准则

    Window Switch Criterion for Improving MPEG Audio Encoding

  15. MPEG-4多媒体通信音频编码

    MPEG-4 Audio Coding in Multimedia Communication

  16. SBR是一种新型的音频编码技术,可以用相对低的比特率达到高质量的音频效果。

    SBR is a novel audio coding technology , which can obtain high quality audio using lower bit rate .

  17. 先进音频编码方法AAC(AdvancedAudioCoding)是目前压缩效率最高,音质最好的音频感知编码方法。

    AAC ( Advanced Audio Coding ) is a kind of audio coder using psychoacoustic mode which has the most high efficient and best quality .

  18. 基于AVS音频编码的心理声学应用

    The Psychoacoustic Application of AVS Audio Coding

  19. 提出一种用于可变码率音频编码的正弦+噪声(SN)模型。

    This paper presents a signal model for scalable perceptual audio coding consisting of Sines + Noise ( SN ) representations .

  20. 首先,对几种常见MP3编码算法做频谱测试和听音测试,根据测试效果确定要选择哪种MP3音频编码算法;感音神经性聋患者助听前后言语测试分析

    LAME is a idiographic audio encode algorithm . Speech test in patients with sensorineural deafness before and after hearing aid

  21. 一种符合ITU-T指标要求的嵌入式立体声语音频编码方法

    A Embedded Stereo Speech and Audio Coding Method Meeting the Requirements of ITU-T Terms of Reference

  22. 基于新型TNS启用机制的高效音频编码方法

    Highly Efficient Audio Encoding Method Based on Modified TNS Enabling Algorithm

  23. 介绍了可伸缩性(Scalability)这于一MPEG-4音频编码标准中非常重要的功能,对其在实际使用时的几种主要的方式作了讨论。

    Scalability , an important function in MPEG-4 audio coding standard , is introduced in this paper . Discussion is made about some major forms in practical implementations .

  24. 但通过运用MPEG音频编码方案,可以将CD音质的原始声音数据缩减到原来的十二分之一,而不会降低声音的质量。

    By using MPEG audio coding , you may shrink down the original sound data from a CD by a factor of 12 , without losing sound quality .

  25. AdvancedAudioCoding(AAC)是一种高质量的音频编码标准,其编码算法的运算复杂度很高。

    AAC ( Advanced Audio Coding ) is a high quality audio coding standard . The real-time realization of AAC encoder is very difficult , because the coding algorithm is too complex .

  26. EAC音频编码技术

    EAC audio encoding technique

  27. ISO/IEC和ITU推出的视音频编码方面的一系列标准,为视音频通信提供了前提。

    And ISO / IEC and ITU propose a series of standards of audio and video coding which made a foundation of the video and audio communication .

  28. CCITTG.722音频编码系统及其编、解码器的设计与实现

    Design and realize of the CCITT g. 722 audio coding - decoding system

  29. MPEG-4是基于第二代视音频编码技术制定的压缩标准,主要用于视频存贮、视频广播和视频流媒体;

    The MPEG-4 which is a compression standard based on the second era audio-video coding technology , is mostly used in the video storage , video broadcasting and video stream-medium ;

  30. 多声道音频编码算法(AC-3)

    Multichannel audio coding algorithm ( AC-3 )