
  • 网络import/export;import-export;import and export
  1. 合同信息Excel导入导出功能。

    Excel import and export contract information function .

  2. 因此,有一些iPad应用试图模仿Office功能,可以以微软Office格式导入导出文件。

    So there are iPad apps that attempt to emulate the features of Office and can import and export files in Microsoft 's Office formats .

  3. Excel到SqlServer数据库的数据导入导出技术研究

    Research on Data Import / Export Technology from Excel to SQL Server

  4. 在PHP中实现EXCEL工作表数据的导入导出

    The Implementation to Import and Export EXCEL Sheet Data in PHP

  5. 利用ADOStream实现office文档向SqlServer数据表字段的直接导入导出

    Implementation of importing and exporting data of an office document to SQL server field based on ADO stream object

  6. 利用ADO实现数据导入导出的关键技术

    The Key Technologies of Realizing Data 's Input and Output by ADO

  7. Stephen还讲了一些更高级的话题,包括Verbs、Connections和Web部件的导入导出等内容。

    Stephen also delves into some more advanced topics , including Verbs , Connections , and importing and exporting Web Parts .

  8. 您需要进行几个配置更改来启用InfoSphereDataArchitect中的XML导入导出界面,现在就开始吧。

    You need to make several configuration changes to enable XML import and export interfaces in InfoSphere Data Architect , so let 's get started .

  9. 系统备有导入导出接口,能够与word无缝链接,实现无需修改就可以直接导入系统,并可以从系统中导出。

    System has import and export interface , and can link the word seamless , and can directly import system without modify , and can be derived from the system .

  10. 导入导出过程负责将XML模型数据引入或引出基于MOF的常规元模型。

    The import / export process is responsible for translating XML model data into and out of the MOF-based common meta-model .

  11. 提出用DTS向导实现数据导入导出的方法。

    The author also proposes the methods to realize data import and export with DTS wizard .

  12. 给出了VC++利用ADO实现与Excel,Access,VISUALFOXPRO,SqlServer数据库之间的数据导入导出的关键技术:连接到不同的数据源的方法;

    This paper introduces the key technologies of VC + + realizing data 's input and output with Excel , Access , Visual Foxpro and SQL Server by ADO .

  13. 本文还研究了XML与关系数据库的集成和基于XML的数据导入导出相关技术,提出了数据的XML导入导出实现方法。

    This paper also makes a thorough research into data transformation techniques based on XML and integration between XML and relation Database , give a method of data input and export base on XML .

  14. 缓存表支持比可用RAM大的数据集,而文本表则可以作为一种导入导出数据的方便手段。

    While cached tables provide support for data sets bigger than available RAM , text tables are a convenient way to import and export data .

  15. 另外设计了一个CIM/XML的导入导出组建,通过UML描述了程序中关键类及导入导出的过程。

    Additionally , the CIM / XML Import and Export Component is designed . The key classes and the Import / Export process of program are described with UML also .

  16. 模型不应该是仅供导入导出、生成代码所用,模型就是应用,是打破各种筒仓(silo)的应用。

    Rather than having models being imported and exported and generating code , the model is the application and that breaks down the silos .

  17. 数据交换子系统需要支持多站点和其他外部系统的并发请求,交换形式为批文件方式,文件数据倒库采用Tuxedo服务程序方式实现并行数据导入导出。

    Data exchange subsystem need to support concurrent request from other sites . The format of data exchange is batch file .

  18. 信息导入导出组件、数据库一致性维护组件、打印组件库、图像获取组件库、绘图类库、通用查询操作类库、GRID控件、常用控件库。

    It can be used as middleware of MIS , including information import and export , consistency maintenance of database , printing export , image acquirement TWAIN-based , graphics class , general query class , GRID control , and common control , etc.

  19. 另外,使用一些开源代码库,如导入导出风险矩阵模版时,采用ApachePOI,方便审计人员的日常模版操作。

    In addition , we use some open source libraries such as Apache POI in the module of importing and exporting risk matrix template to make auditor fill daily template easily .

  20. 由于存在大量导入导出iCalendar格式的工具,比如Apple的iCal,直接重用这种格式可能更好一些。

    Since lots of existing tools , such as Apple 's iCal , import and export iCalendar format , reusing the format directly might be pretty useful .

  21. iQvoc:查看用于管理词汇表的,能够导入导出SKOS的开源工具。

    IQvoc : Check out an open source tool for managing vocabularies that can import and export SKOS .

  22. 由于OVF文件的导入导出特性,客户端会传回OVF文件到OCCI服务,或者以OVF格式来请求当前状态。

    For an importing and exporting feature for OVF files clients would be posting OVF files to an OCCI service or request the current state in an OVF format .

  23. DCMS系统的设计涉及数字证书及证书撤消列表CRL的生成、发布、及数字证书的解码、分析、验证、导入导出与管理。

    The design of DCMS mainly deals with certificates generation and issuance , certificate 's coding and decoding methods , analysis and validation of digital certificates , as well as digital certificates import , export and management .

  24. 需要手工在多个系统之间导入导出。

    Need to manually import and export between multiple systems .

  25. 关于向一个目的方案导入导出文件的顺序的描述

    A description of the order of importing the export files into the destination schema

  26. 从一个文件导入导出数据。

    Import and export data from a file .

  27. 数据处理主要是导入导出,并未涉及自动计算。

    Data processing is mainly import and export that have no concern with automatic calculation .

  28. 本教程描述并解释了如何使用这些新的导入导出特性。

    This tutorial describes and explains how to use these new import and export features .

  29. 同时,也实现了矿产信息的查询和导入导出等功能。

    Contemporary , aslo achieving the function of inquiring with mineral information and export - import .

  30. 使数据库定时备份、导入导出、数据更新等作业更加方便、有效。

    And it also makes backup timing , importation , exportation and data updating of the DataBase more effective .