
  • 网络Leading tone;leading note;pilot
  1. TTIB(透明带内导音)及FFSR(前馈信号再生)技术是一种可抗无线信道中多径时延及多谱勒频移引起的信号衰落的技术。

    Transparent tone in band ( TTIB ) and feedforward signal regeneration ( FFSR ) is a technology to combat the effects of multipath propagation delay and doppler effect in wireless channels .

  2. 先进的抗干扰技术&TTIB(透明带内导音),它可以抗短波单边带移动电台系统上的多径干扰。

    A new technique is described , transparent tone in band ( TTIB ) , which can combat the effects of multipath propagation on single sideband ( SSB ) mobile radio system is describe in this paper .

  3. 描述了全光网络中光监控通道、导频音-副载波调制和数字包封3种管理通道的实现技术。

    Three kinds of management channel schemes , i. e. optical supervision channel ( OSC ), pilot tone-SCM and digital wrapper , are described and compared in details .