
bō ěr kǎ
  • polka
波尔卡[bō ěr kǎ]
  1. 修女CeciliaAdorni在一个成年人照料中心向年长的居民教授她奇特的波尔卡舞步。

    Sister Cecilia Adorni teaches her fancy polka steps to elderly residents at an adult daycare center .

  2. 我们在玩音乐游戏,名字叫波尔卡小火车!

    We are playing music game ! Its name is Polka Train !

  3. 1845年的今天,天定命运论:美国总统詹姆斯K·波尔卡向国会宣称美国应当竭力扩张进入西部。

    1845-Manifest Destiny : US President James K.Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West .

  4. 天定命运论1845年的今天,天定命运论:美国总统詹姆斯K·波尔卡向国会宣称美国应当竭力扩张进入西部。

    Manifest Destiny 1845 - Manifest Destiny : US President James K. Polk announces to Congress that the United States should aggressively expand into the West .

  5. 历史上的今天:加利福尼亚淘金热1848年的今天,加利福尼亚淘金热:在美国国会前宣布的一条消息中,美国总统詹姆斯K·波尔卡证实在加利福尼亚州已发掘出大量的黄金。

    California gold rush 1848 - California gold rush : In a message before the U.S. Congress , US President James K. Polk confirms that large amounts of gold had been discovered in California .

  6. 在每一首波尔卡中,我都能觉察到离别的意味。

    I cannot hear any polka without sensing a farewell .

  7. 她父亲教她跳波尔卡舞。

    Her father taught her how to dance the polka .

  8. 波尔卡,让生活回归自然。

    Polka , let the life return to nature .

  9. 这里的人也都想听点儿波尔卡。

    These people here want have some Polka music .

  10. 一种德国的圆舞类似一种慢的波尔卡舞。

    A German round dance resembling a slow polka .

  11. 约翰施特劳斯写了许多有名的进行曲和波尔卡舞曲。

    Johann Strauss wrote many well-known marches and polkas .

  12. 乐队奏响了一首活泼的波尔卡舞曲。

    The band struck up a lively polka .

  13. 因为我一直不明白两步舞和波尔卡的区别

    because I don 't know the difference between a two-step and a polka .

  14. 波尔卡舞现在还常有人跳吗?

    Is the polka often danced nowadays ?

  15. 跳波尔卡舞时伴奏的乐曲。

    Music performed for dancing the polka .

  16. 我是从波尔卡警察局一路跑过来的。

    And I ran all the way here from the Polk station , the police station .

  17. 那一对跳了个波尔卡舞。

    The couple danced a polka .

  18. 波兰有波尔卡舞曲;

    Poland has its polkas .

  19. 好的,我们再来看看康涅狄格州的汉普顿,对于这里的一个跳着波尔卡舞的103岁修女来说,年龄只不过是一个数字。

    All right , Hampton , Connecticut , where age is just a number for this 103-year-old polka-dancing nun .

  20. 在父亲与孙女们跳舞时,乐队开始演奏起了“啤酒桶波尔卡”。

    My father danced with his granddaughters , and the band began to play the " Beer Barrel Polka " .

  21. 他躺在安乐椅里,我则笨拙地拉完西班牙女郎和啤酒桶波尔卡。

    As he sat in his easy chair , I would fumble through Lady of Spain and Beer Barrel Polka .

  22. 周二,在她最擅长的舞步中度过了她的103岁生日,对,就是波尔卡舞。

    On Tuesday , she spent her 103rd birthday doing what she does best . That 's right , the polka .

  23. 一种失语症与大脑波尔卡区域受损有关,主要表现在所表达的内容不被理解。

    An aphasia associated with damage to the Broca 's area of the brain , demonstrated by the impairment in producing understandable speech .

  24. 他坐在安乐椅里,我就笨手笨脚地拉完《西班牙女郎》和《啤酒桶波尔卡》

    As he sat in his easy chair , I would fumble through " Lady of Spain " and " Beer Barrel Polka . "

  25. 他还写波尔卡舞曲、轻快舞曲、四对舞曲、进行曲等,他以这些曲子使听众如醉如痴。

    Music performed for dancing the schottische . There were also the polkas , galops , quadrilles , and marches with which he regaled his audiences .

  26. 萨格勒布北部的乡村音乐主要是以波尔卡舞曲以及华尔兹舞曲出名,这两种舞曲类似于邻邦的斯洛文尼亚以及奥地利。

    The folk music of Zagorje , an area north of Zagreb , is known for polka and waltz music similar to the neighboring Slovenia and Austria .

  27. 通过独有的模拟分析工具,波尔卡能够针对客户购车的便利程度,分析并为您推荐最佳零售点位。

    Using proprietary simulation tools , Polk can analyze and recommend the most optimal location ( s ) for your retail dealership network based on the principle of customer convenience .

  28. 走廊空无一人,他们在那里尽兴地跳了一曲波尔卡舞。劳里跳得很好,他教乔跳德国舞步,这种舞步活泼轻快,乔十分喜欢。

    The hall was empty , and they had a grand polka , for Laurie danced well , and taught her the German step , which delighted Jo , being full of swing and spring .

  29. 从傅聪诠释的肖邦玛祖卡舞曲看技道并举与中西文化融合然后是波尔卡舞、苏格兰轮舞、玛祖卡舞,这些都将用一个弗吉尼亚短舞打头。

    On the Combination of Skills and Ideas and the Integration of the Chinese and Western Culture from FU Cong s Interpretation of Mazurkas ; The dances following , the polkas , the schottisches , the mazurkas , will be preceded by short reels .

  30. 《琼斯妈妈》杂志的华盛顿站首席记者大卫·科恩,因报道了州长罗姆尼与大选相关赞助者的对话记录而赢得了今年的乔治·波尔卡新闻奖。录音中罗姆尼说47%的美国人都将自己看作受害者。

    Mother Jones 's Washington bureau chief , David Corn is winning this year George Polk Awards for political reporting for his story of seral pieces recording of governor Romney telling supporters that close to event that 47 percent of Americans see themselves as victims .