
zhuān xū
  • Zhuanxu
颛顼 [zhuān xū]
  • [Zhuan Xu (Chuan Hs)] (公元前2513-2435)传说中的上古帝王。黄帝之孙,年十岁,佐少昊,二十即帝位,在位七十八年

  1. 颛顼得之,居深宫而为帝;

    Zhuan Xu obtained it , and dwelled in the deep palace .

  2. 高阳县传为颛顼故都,八才旧里。

    Biography for Zhuanxu Gaoyang ancient capital , only eight years old .

  3. 颛顼是中华古史中仅次于黄帝的人物。

    Zhuan Xu was an important person only inferior to Huan Di in ancient Chinese history .

  4. 天人合一观渊源较早,在颛顼以前的远古时代,中国先民就有明显的“神人交通”观念;

    The view of unanimity of heaven and man formed at a very early stage in Chinese history .

  5. 其中北方的狄人集群,情形十分复杂,他们只有相似的文化形态和松散的文化联系,因而寻求重要传说人物&颛顼的大致族属便显得十分重要。

    Among them the northern Di group was extremely complicated for they only had similar cultural forms and relationship .

  6. 该遗址龙山文化创造者的族属应与著名的颛顼部族有密切的关系。

    There should be a tight relation between the creator of the Longshan culture of this site and the famous Zhuanxu tribe .

  7. 到了颛顼,施巫权开始为部落上层分子所垄断,专业巫史集团的代表也成为权势很大的社会公职人员。

    Afterwards the power of witchcraft fell into the control of the upper members of the tribes and the representatives of a professional group of witchcraft held the powerful public office .
