
  1. 试论崔鸿的史学贡献&兼论《十六国春秋》的价值

    On Cui Hong ′ s Contribution on Historiography And Values of the Sixteen Feudal Countries Chunqiu ′

  2. 他所撰著的《十六国春秋》不仅体例完备,是包举各家十六国史书的集大成之作,而且在史学史上开日后元魏史、辽金史、元、清史之先河。

    His book ′ the Sixteen Feudal Countries Chunqiu ′ was not only systemically perfect , with all the historic books of the sixteen feudal countries , but also was the pioneer of the later Yuan-Wei history , Liao-Jin history , Yuan history and Qing history .