
  • 网络shili river
  1. 大同市十里河橡胶坝工程的施工管理

    Construction Management of Rubber Dam Project Across Shili River in Datong City

  2. 在大同市十里河上兴建橡胶坝工程是为了调蓄利用采煤废水。

    The purpose of constructing rubber dam project across Shili River in Datong City is regulating , storing and reusing waste water of cool mining .

  3. 涉及的区域分别是北辰路-鼓楼大街一带、CBD东扩区、位于东南部的十里河区域,以及东西走向的前三门护城河。

    Those areas are the central north-south axis through the Drum and Bell Towers , the central business district on the city 's east side , the Shilihe District in the southeast and a west-east corridor running through Qianmen .