首页 / 词典 / good

  • ten
  • topmost
  • 数名,九加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“拾”代)。

  • 表示多、久:~室九空。

  • 表示达到顶点:~足。~成。


(九加一后所得) ten:

  • 十倍

    ten times; tenfold;

  • 十分之一

    one tenth;

  • 十岁的男孩

    a boy of ten;

  • 十周年纪念

    the tenth anniversary


(表示达到顶点) topmost:

  • 十成

    100 per cent

  1. 十年以后公司的情况将如何呢?

    How will the company be doing ten years further on ?

  2. 我们两点钟到达,十分钟后离开。

    We arrived at two o'clock and left at ten past .

  3. 十天后,这种病的症状显现出来。

    The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves ten days later .

  4. 她十年前就去世了,但她却留在人们的记忆中。

    She died ten years ago but her memory lives on .

  5. 抬起一条腿,保持这一姿势,直至数到十。

    Raise your leg and hold for a count of ten .

  6. 每个公司有十分钟时间进行推销宣传。

    Each company was given ten minutes to make its pitch .

  7. 请把这一页给我复印十份好吗?

    Could I have ten copies of this page , please ?

  8. 这个神秘的来访者是谁,我能猜个八九不离十。

    I have a shrewd idea who the mystery caller was .

  9. 我给你十分钟时间准备回答。

    I 'll give you ten minutes to prepare your answer .

  10. 她担任内阁部长长达十年。

    She held office as a cabinet minister for ten years .

  11. 十年来,工作环境有了明显的改变。

    Working conditions have changed measurably in the last ten years .

  12. 慢慢挺直身体,然后把这个动作重复十次。

    Straighten up slowly , then repeat the exercise ten times .

  13. 他同意每月付款50英镑,十次付清。

    He agreed to make ten monthly payments of £ 50 .

  14. 邮票有单枚的,也有十枚一册的。

    The stamps are available singly or in books of ten .

  15. 他推测人口在十年后可能会增加一倍。

    He conjectured that the population might double in ten years .

  16. 要逗着十个好动的七岁孩子玩真是一种挑战。

    It was a challenge , keeping ten boisterous seven-year-olds amused .

  17. 现在有超过百分之十的劳动力闲置。

    Over ten per cent of the workforce is now idle .

  18. 获胜者将得到价值十英镑的书籍。

    The winner will receive ten pounds ' worth of books .

  19. 从这里到镇上乘公共汽车要花十分钟。

    It 's a ten-minute bus ride from here to town .

  20. 这所学校创建于1920年,当时只有十名学生。

    The school began in 1920 , with only ten pupils .

  21. 这次节食开始以来我体重减了十磅。

    I 've lost ten pounds since I started this diet .

  22. 这部小说的主人公是个十岁的男孩。

    The hero of the novel is a ten-year old boy .

  23. 昨天新增十例禽流感病例报告。

    Ten new cases of bird flu were reported yesterday .

  24. 这支队本赛季已赢了十场比赛。

    The team chalked up their tenth win this season .

  25. 十年前,这样的想法几乎是难以想象的。

    Such an idea was scarcely thinkable ten years ago .

  26. 她在北美游牧民中生活了十年。

    For ten years she dwelled among the nomads of North America .

  27. 从这里去办公室要步行十分钟。

    The office is ten minutes ' walk from here .

  28. 你真不走运——她十分钟前才离开。

    You 're out of luck ─ she left ten minutes ago .

  29. 十名雇员已调离销售部。

    Ten employees are being transferred from the sales department .

  30. 她被判终身监禁服刑十年后被赦免了。

    She was pardoned after serving ten years of a life sentence .