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nèn yá
  • tender shoot;burgeen;peel;shoot
嫩芽[nèn yá]
  1. 无论如何,我已经遮住了我们与自己的双手恋爱的嫩芽。

    Be that I have blotted out our amatory tender shoot with own hands .

  2. 我试过在小嫩芽上涂除草剂,但这并没有将它们除净。

    I have tried painting the young shoots with weed poisoner , but this does not kill them off .

  3. 嫩芽把土顶起来了。

    The sprouts have pushed up the earth .

  4. 小树抽出了嫩芽。

    The saplings are budding .

  5. 这种方法要求接枝上含有几个嫩芽。接穗的底部切成V形。

    It The bottom of the scion is cut in the shape of the letter V.

  6. 本试验以余甘子嫩芽和嫩枝茎段为外植体,在MS培养基中进行离体繁殖和培养试验。

    The tender bud and shoot segment of emblic were in vitro cultured on the MS medium .

  7. 苹果实生树嫩芽阶段转变相关蛋白质的SDS-PAGE分析

    SDS-PAGE analysis of phase-transition-related proteins in buds of apple trees

  8. 结果表明,茎增殖的最佳培养基为:MS+BA0.8mg/L,BA对药用鼠尾草平均嫩芽增殖有极显著的影响。

    The result shows that the optimum medium of stem proliferation is MS + 0.8 mg / L6-BA .

  9. 当年生的嫩芽、嫩叶与嫩梢,亦危害老叶。该虫在福建尤溪1a发生3代,以1~2龄幼虫在缀叶中越冬。

    It has 3 generations annually in Youxi County of Fujian and overwinters as 1 ~ 2-year-old larvae on deciduous leaves .

  10. 冬天终于在嫩芽初发的春天悄悄的离去。

    Winter was finally issued in early spring bud quietly away .

  11. 基于颜色和形状特征的茶叶嫩芽识别方法

    Recognition of the Tea Sprout Based on Color and Shape Features

  12. 甘薯叶及其嫩芽罐头加工方法

    A porcess technique of canned leaf and tend shoots of sweat potato

  13. 桉树嫩芽微扦插育苗技术研究

    Study on the Micro-cuttage Seedling Raising Technique of Eucalyptus Summerwood

  14. 刺嫩芽总皂甙提取条件的研究

    Study on the Extracting Methods of Total Saponin from Aralia elata Seem

  15. 每天,她都看到新的嫩芽从土里冒出来,

    Each day she found new shoots coming out of the ground .

  16. 几天后,你就见到嫩芽了。

    In several days , you can see the sprout .

  17. 海风吹拂嫩芽轻摇。

    And tender shoots flicker in the sea breeze .

  18. 唤出嫩芽,像羊群一样,觅食空中

    Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air

  19. 树木一定是刚刚吐出嫩芽。

    The trees would be just bursting into leaf .

  20. 树木的枝丫长满了红色的嫩芽,成了锯子状。

    Tree branches are serrated with red bud teeth .

  21. 那一抹鲜绿的嫩芽,捎来早春的问候。

    Green buds send the greetings of early spring .

  22. 早春时节,我们能看到嫩芽从树丛上萌发。

    In early spring we could see the shoots appearing on the bushes .

  23. 刺嫩芽中多酚氧化酶活性的影响因素研究

    Influences of different factors on the enzyme activity of polyphenoloxidase in Aralia elata

  24. 从根部周围生长出竹子嫩芽。

    Bamboo shoots grow from around the roots .

  25. 春天,我触摸着树枝,满怀希望地寻找嫩芽

    In spring I touch the branches of trees hopefully in search of a bud

  26. 春天嫩芽初绽。

    The new buds appear in the spring .

  27. 稻草与长春藤嫩芽编成的腰带

    A belt of straw and ivy buds ,

  28. 柳树青青,长出了嫩芽。

    The willow trees are fresh and green .

  29. 但就在春天,从土壤中冒出新生的嫩芽。

    But that spring , there were new buds popping up from the earth .

  30. 大树小树都已长出嫩芽.突然抽出了红色的幼芽。

    The buds broke forth in red .