
xiě fǎ
  • Writing method;style of writing;way of writing characters
写法 [xiě fǎ]
  • (1) [style of writing]∶写作的方法

  • (2) [way of writing characters]∶书写文字的方法

写法[xiě fǎ]
  1. 新时期,中国寻根派与先锋派作家深受拉美魔幻现实主义文学的影响,以实验性较强的写法突破传统小说的模式。

    In the new period , Chinese roots and avant-garde writers are soundly affected by magical realism literature in Latin America and with stronger experimental style of writing made a breakthrough in tradition novel writing model .

  2. 她摒弃了写小说惯用的平铺直叙的写法。

    She abandoned the linearity of the conventional novel .

  3. “王”字的写法是三横一竖。

    The character “王” is composed of one vertical and three horizontal strokes .

  4. 文体不同,写法也不同。

    Different types of writing call for different styles of writing .

  5. 这个词来自法语,法语的写法是tête-à-tête。她身体向前一倾,面对面坦白说,她最近在跟人约会。

    She leaned forward and confided1 tete-a-tete that she 'd been seeing someone new .

  6. 名词,风笛的古英语写法。

    old English word for bagpipe

  7. 而在dynamic块之外的代码仍将只支持静态访问,就和我们现在的写法一样。

    Outside of a dynamic block developers can only call C # code statically , just as they do today .

  8. 我打算把作业做完才睡觉。三、特别注意我们两个的写法,可不要把我until写成till哟!

    I 'm going to bed until I finish my homework .

  9. 注意:在一些版本的SQL里操作符要变成这样的写法!

    Note : In some versions of SQL the operator may be written as !

  10. AutoCAD中技术要求的注写法

    Marking Methods of Technical Requirement in AutoCAD

  11. 改变IP,MAC的经典程序,虽然写法比较老式,有需要的同学,可以参考。

    Change the IP , MAC 's classic program , although the relatively old-fashioned writing , students in need , for reference .

  12. 当Gauss在1901年采用?即?替xx后,前者就变成了标准写法。

    When , in 1901 , Gauss adopted ?? for xx , the former became standard .

  13. 擦音P的写法th曾使格里木相信,这不仅是一个复合音,而且是一个送气塞音。

    The transcription th ( for the fricative p ) caused Grimm to think not only that th was a double sound but also it was an aspirated occlusive .

  14. Python高手看来也同意,这是解决这个问题的比较好的方法,写法如下

    Python experts seem to agree that this is the preferred way to solve the problem in Python , writing either

  15. 这样的一个向量场的一种写法就是。。。,我看看,z肯定就是,因为所有东西都是在平面上移动。

    One way to write down this field , 0 let 's see , the z component is zero because everything is moving horizontally .

  16. 乔纳森·曼:从表示折叠意思的“FOLD”到“LOOK”的词,戈德林已经数不清楚她利用新写法拼出了多少个词。

    JONATHAN MANN : From the word FOLD that 's literally folded to LOOK looking out , Goldring has lost count of all the words she 's respelled in her new script .

  17. 近期一项对这两种拼写的研究发现,现在的出版物广泛使用的是美式写法,自从19世纪80年代后,就有把“centre”替换成了“center”等类似情况出现。

    A recent examination of these two variants of the English language show that publications now largely use the American version , swapping words like ' centre " for ' center " after the 1880s .

  18. “扔公鸡”的另一种英文写法为cockthrowing,是一项凶残的运动,英国大部分地区直到18世纪都十分流行。

    Cock-shying , also known as " cock throwing , " was a blood sport practiced throughout most of England up until the 18th century .

  19. 我添加这一段,原因是想避免Python爱好者说我误解这种语言。但是,在我看来,这两种写法好像都比第一个版本更复杂。

    I include these because I wouldn 't want Python advocates to say I was misrepresenting the language , but both seem to me more complex than the first version .

  20. 宽幅胶纸带(ducttape)通常发音为ducktape&说真的,对于很多美国人来说,在发现了这一普通的生活用品的正确写法时还真是感到意外呢。

    " Duct tape " is often pronounced " duck tape " - indeed , it comes as a surprise to many Americans to discover what the correct term is for this common household item .

  21. 本文在模型结构剖析的基础上讨论了SWAT模型的内部运行结构,列举实例给出了运行控制文件的写法。

    In this paper , the inner running structure of SWAT was discussed based on the analysis of its components , and the core configuration file using for running model was presented with an example .

  22. 本文对《中国图书馆图书分类法》“J”类中,把“美术字写法”纳入“书法、篆刻”类目提出了不同的看法,阐述了自己的观点并拟定了粗略的分类框架。

    The present paper puts forward different view on the bringing of the art lettering into the class heading of penmanship and seal cutting under the " J " classed catalogue of the Chinese Library Classification , and elaborates a point of view , drafting a rough classification frame .

  23. 合传,其内容通俗、时代意识显著、多用以类相从的写法;

    Co-biographies . Ther are popular content and remarkable era consciousness ;

  24. 电极电位符号与电极反应式的写法

    Symbols for electrode potential and writing methods of electrode reaction equations

  25. 从契诃夫到沈虹光:现实主义戏剧的一种写法

    From Chekhov to Shen Hongguang : A Style of Realistic Drama

  26. 本文主要采用穷尽描写法、共时和历时比较相结合的方法。

    This article adopts the methods of both description and comparison .

  27. 你要注意他名字的写法和读音哦。

    Pay attention to the writing and pronunciation of his name .

  28. 这两种写法都不对,而且会引起误会。

    Neither is correct in English , and both may cause confusion .

  29. 第四,个别量词的写法还不规范。

    Fourth , the wording of individual Quantifiers is still not standardized .

  30. 非线性网络传递函数的方框图列写法

    A Block Diagram Method for Formulation of Transfer Functions of Nonlinear Circuits