
  1. (可能,是因为罗纳德•里根(RONALDREAGAN)尽管据说是左撇子,却用右手签名。)但其他几位左撇子总统都没有奥巴马(和我)那种扭曲的写字姿势。

    ( The possibly is because Ronald Reagan , while said to be a lefty , signed with his right . ) But none of the other left-handed presidents had Mr Obama 's ( and my ) tortured writing posture .

  2. 用拇指及中指像拿着笔写字一样的姿势夹住在上方。用拇指下方夹住另一根筷子放在第四只手指上面。

    Hold the top one between the thumb and the middle and index fingers as you hold a pen .