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xiě yì
  • freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting;freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting (characterized by vivid expression and bold outline);comfortable;easy;handsome


xiè yì
  • comfortable;enjoyable
写意 [xiě yì]
  • [freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting (characterized by vivid expression and bold outline)] 国画的一种画法,不求工细,着意注重表现神态和抒发作者的意趣(跟工笔相对)

  • 人家端午日画的钟馗,不过是用硃笔大写意,钩两笔罢了。--《二十年目睹之怪现状》

  • (1) [comfortable] 〈方〉∶适意;舒服

  • 倒去让格格老太婆写意?--《负曝闲谈》

  • (2) [easy] 〈方〉∶容易;轻松

  • 耐倒说得写意哚。--《海上花列传》

  • (3) [handsome] 〈方〉∶漂亮;大方

  • 瑞生阿哥倒蛮写意个人。--《海上花列传》

写意[xiě yì]
写意[xiè yì]
  1. 第二部分对油画中西融合的历程的回顾和前景的展望,引出中西融合中写意性这一发展趋势。

    The second part of the fusion of Chinese and Western painting Retrospect and prospect from the fusion of Chinese and western , the development trend of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting .

  2. 在陶艺作品中体现写意特征:意象是一种内在精神,一种高品格的精神世界;

    Reflect the comfortable characteristic in the pottery art works : " image " is a kind of inherent spirit , the inner world of a kind of high character ;

  3. 苏笑柏的《大娘家》、周思聪的《正午》则采用了简括的写意手法。

    Su xiaobai 's grandmother 's home and Zhou sicong 's noon time use pithy and simple sketches .

  4. 由于特定类型的葡萄酒和生产这些酒的葡萄园好像总是有着一些可以从口感上感知的关系,品尝者们常在品鉴中写意地使用很岩石感(rocky)的词汇。

    Because there seem to be tasteable correlations between certain sorts of wines and the vineyards that produced them , tasters have liberally applied rocky terms to wines .

  5. 由于特定类型的葡萄酒和生产这些酒的葡萄园好像总是有着一些可以从口感上感知的关系,品尝者们常在品鉴中写意地使用很“岩石感(rocky)”的词汇。

    Because there seem to be tasteable correlations between certain sorts of wines and the vineyards that produced them , tasters have liberally applied " rocky " terms to wines .

  6. 二;对中国写意油画中的文人精神方面的研究。

    ⅱ; of Chinese Painting in the spirit of the literati .

  7. 写意论是中国古典美学的中心范畴。

    Freehand theory is the center of Chinese classical aesthetics category .

  8. 文人画与文人写意园

    The painting of Chinese literators and their Gardens of abbreviated style

  9. 浅议写意性在工笔人物画中的表现

    On the Display of Freehand Brushwork in the Elaborate-style Figure Painting

  10. 写意绘画是一个人造的世界,人造的精神自然。

    Freehand painting is a man-made word , man-made spiritual nature .

  11. 在中国现代陶艺创作中同样有着明显的写意性体现。

    Freehand brushwork is also embodied Chinese modern ceramic art creation .

  12. 浅谈写意山水的意象表现形式

    On the Image Expression Forms of the Freehand Landscape Painting

  13. 论传统工笔画的写意性

    An Discussion of Free Style Characters of the Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting

  14. 因为人生就是一种写意,随意就好。

    Because life is a kind of freehand brushwork , casual like .

  15. 中国绘画艺术传神与写意的美学观和时代演进

    On Developing Aesthetics of Vividness and Bold Outline in Traditional Chinese Painting

  16. 论工笔人物画在现代转型中的写意性发展

    The Development of Freehand Brushwork of Meticulous Figure Painting in Modern Transformation

  17. 这首歌以一种轻松写意的态度表现出甜美诚挚的情感。

    The song is sweet and sincere in a very effortless manner .

  18. 苏州园林是中国私宅园林的代表,写意是它的一个重要表现手法。

    Suzhou classical gardens is a representative of private gardens in China .

  19. 曾先生的写意花鸟画以“简”著称。

    Mr Tsang 's flower and bird paintings to " Jane " .

  20. 他的绘画风格开始从写实转向更为写意。

    He changed his painting style from realistic to more spiritual expression .

  21. 论昆曲舞台表演艺术的写意性原则

    On the Principle of Free Representation in the Stage Performance of Kunqu

  22. 孙隆没骨写意花鸟画研究

    A Study of Sun Long 's Mo-Gu Ideal Flower-and-Bird Painting

  23. 并且将写实与写意双重艺术手法融合并用。

    And the realism and impressionism art fusion and double .

  24. 论以纸代绢演进中的写意画发展

    On the Evolution of Freehand Brushwork on Thin Silk Replaced by Paper

  25. 三是采用了豪放纵逸的大写意笔法。

    Third , it adopted the bold and unrestrained vigorous freehand brushwork .

  26. 第二章,写意性与当代工笔人物画。

    Secondly , freehand brushwork and contemporary figure painting in meticulous style .

  27. 鲜明的色彩,简单的设计,轻松写意。

    Technicolor , simple design , relaxed and enjoyable .

  28. 关于写意人物画教学的几点思考

    A Few Points of Consideration Regarding Freehand Figure Painting

  29. 论写意人物造型与现代素描的关系

    The Modeling of Free-hand Brushwork Figures and Modern Sketches

  30. 中国画的写意性初探

    The Quality of Freehand Brushwork in Chinese Ink Painting