首页 / 词典 / good


shì yì
  • comfortable;agreeable;well;enjoyable
适意 [shì yì]
  • (1) [comfortable]∶舒适

  • 房子宽敞明亮,住得很适意

  • (2) [agreeable;well]∶适合心意

  • 他为这种适意的幻想所包围,觉得其中的乐趣在招引他。--《堂吉诃德》

适意[shì yì]
  1. 她妹妹变化无常的魔力,给我适意的欢乐。

    The capricious charm of her sister afforded me agreeable entertainment .

  2. 适意地通行中国2010年上海世博会世博轴及地下综合体工程

    Comfortable Passage Expo Boulevard and its Underground Complex of Expo 2010 Shanghai

  3. 我们现在的生活比以前轻松适意多了。

    Bleuel . 'It 's a much easier way to live .

  4. 午饭后打一会儿盹是最适意不过了。

    There 's nothing like a little doze after lunch .

  5. 伍德豪斯小姐,有时候一个人待着真适意!

    Miss Woodhouse , the comfort of being sometimes alone !

  6. 与此同时,感到温暖适意的老鼠,正坐在火炉边打盹。

    Meantime the Rat , warm and comfortable , dozed by his fireside .

  7. 适意的气候、环境、消遣

    A congenial climate , environment , hobby

  8. 这是一个适意的地方。

    This is a delightful spot .

  9. 密西西比也受到了潮流的影响,比1954年看起来适意得多。

    Mississippi too seems to be mellowing out into a more congenial place than it was in1954 .

  10. 在佛教思想的影响下,诗人们不断追寻着适意的自我和人生。

    Under the Buddhism thought influence , the poets tracked down the congenial self and the life unceasingly .

  11. 均为基于本国国情,以家居智能化的手段使得人们居住的环境更加适意,生活更加舒适。

    Based on national conditions , intelligent way to home makes it more comfortable living environment , life more convenient .

  12. 在其诗歌创作与戏曲创作中表现得尤其突出,而又各各不同:诗歌创作关注自我适意而轻视外在规范、外在功能;

    Such views were represented remarkably in his poetry and drama writing in particular , but varied to some extent in his works .

  13. 老年人主观幸福感由三个维度构成:自我完满感、生活满足感、家庭适意感。

    Subjective well-being of older people construct from three dimensions : sense of self-perfect , sense of life satisfaction , sense of family comfortable .

  14. 「今日的学校该往哪个方向走,才能让学生在21世纪的生活和工作更适意!」是未来学校计画的主要宗旨。

    The TSOF project will demonstrate how today 's schools can and should be developed to adequately prepare students for life and work in the21st century .

  15. 虽然昨晚下了一夜雨,早晨的天气却相当适意,只见天上的乌云正被驱散,太阳时隐时现。

    The morning was rather favourable , though it had rained all night , as the clouds were then dispersing across the sky , and the sun frequently appeared .

  16. 从文人个性和玄儒关系的演变来看,自然适意、脱俗求奇以及心灵需求的多样化构成了它最重要的三大特征。

    Viewed from the intellectual 's personality and the change of the relationship between metaphysicians and Confucians , it has three obvious features : natural congeniality , non-secularity and the variety of inner need .

  17. 同时,它也使人们通过禅修来反观自身清净本性,在禅悟中释放压抑焦虑的情绪,消除现实异化的作用,洞照澄明心中的世界万象,成全审美适意的生存境界。

    Furthermore , it guides people to use meditation in order to obtain our original nature , to release the depression , to eliminate the dissimilation and to live on an aesthetic and comfortable life .

  18. 司马光的诗歌内容主要侧重于抒发个人的情怀,他的诗歌所反映的主要思想内容有:批判现实与同情人民,乐天知命与中和适意,仕宦之痛与自我追求,以史为鉴与道德评判等。

    His poems mainly express his personal feelings and the major ideological content includes : criticizing realism and sympathizing the people , happy-go-lucky and harmonious thoughts , official pain and self-seeking , taking warning from history and moral judgement .

  19. 美是如此宝贵,如此适意于我们的最温柔和高贵的情感,所以一想到芸芸众生居处在美之间,却对美几乎视而不见,就会令人内心苦痛。

    This beauty is so precious , and so congenial to our tenderest and noblest feelings , that it is painful to think of the multitude of people living in the midst of it and yet remaining almost blind to it .