
  • 网络Moderately tight;appropriately tight
  1. 执行适度从紧的财政、金融政策

    Carry out the appropriately tight financial and monetary policies

  2. 用中国的菲利普斯曲线看适度从紧的宏观调控目标

    The Moderately Tight Macro Controlling Goal Seen from the Chinese Philips Curve

  3. 预计2011年经济增长9.6%,增速略有回落;CPI上涨4%,通胀压力加大。在这种情况下,中国应实施积极的财政政策和适度从紧的货币政策。

    It predicts that , in2011 China 's economic growth will slightly slow down to9.6 % while CPI will increase by4 % , leading to high inflation pressure .

  4. 1996年与1997年适度从紧货币政策的架构与变化

    Structure and Change of Monetary Policy of an Appropriate Decrease in Credit in 1996 and 1997

  5. 适度从紧的货币政策

    A relatively tight monetary policy

  6. 压紧辊,压实辊,压紧辊轮继承实行适度从紧的货币政策,搞好适时适度微调。

    We should continue to carry out an appropriately stringent monetary policy make timely proper slight readjustment .

  7. 适度从紧的财政政策

    Moderately tight financial policy

  8. 适度从紧的信贷政策

    Moderately tight credit policy

  9. 我们对于明年的预期是基于政府实施适度从紧的信贷和财政政策的假设。

    Our forecast for next year reflects an assumption that the government will tighten credit and fiscal policy moderately .

  10. 就政府而言,适度从紧的宏观经济政策基调不会改变。

    On the part of the government , the keynote of a moderately tight macro-economic policy will not be changed .

  11. 适度从紧的货币政策的效果在去年开始显现,房地产市场的开始步入盘整阶段。

    The effect of moderately tight monetary policy since last year has worked : the real estate market has entered the phase of adjustment .

  12. 第二,在坚持实行适度从紧货币政策的前提下,适当增加货币供应量,扩大中长期贷款。

    - Appropriately increasing money supply while adhering to a moderately tight monetary policy , and expanding the issuance of long-term and medium-term loans .

  13. 从中长期看,中国仍将坚持实行适度从紧的财政政策,逐步实现财政收支基本平衡。

    In the medium to long term , China will maintain a moderately tightened fiscal stance , with a view to achieving a balanced budget over time .

  14. 因此,我们应坚持适度从紧的平衡财政政策不动摇,在经济形势好转的情况下,积极财政政策要逐步淡出。

    So , China should adhere to balanced fiscal policy of proper tightness . Active fiscal policy should fade out when the country has been in better economic situation .

  15. 中国央行上周公布,货币政策将从稳定和适度从紧转向从紧,主要是担心通胀以及可能出现的经济过热。

    The Peoples Bank of China announced last week that monetary policy would move from stable and moderately tight to tight , primarily because of concern over inflation and possible overheating .

  16. 近年来,我国一直采取适度从紧的金融政策,企业资金紧缺仍是生产经营中最主要和最难解决的困难。

    In recent years , our country has always adopted a moderately tight financial policy , the enterprise fund is short-supplied in production and operation is still the most important and difficult thing to resolve the difficulties .

  17. 高积累政策、适度从紧的货币政策、稳定物价&零通胀政策、消费政策和固定汇率政策,在一定程度上导致了目前有效需求的不足。

    The government has made some policies & the highest accumulation policy , properly tense currency policy and zero inflation policy , consuming policy and fixed exchange rate policy , which certainly produces the insufficiency of effective demand .

  18. 从中、长期来说,仍然要坚持财政收支基本平衡的原则,实行适度从紧的财政政策,严格控制并逐步缩小财政赤字。

    In the medium and long term , we should still adhere to the principle of maintaining a basic balance between revenue and expenditures , follow a moderately tight financial policy , and strictly control and gradually reduce the deficit .

  19. 1994年开始适度从紧的货币政策,到1996年实现经济的软着陆;1997年发生东亚金融危机,为化解其不利影响,1998年人民银行采取了扩张性的货币政策;

    The " moderately tightened " monetary policy began in 1994 , and the economy soft landed in 1996 . The East Asian financial crises erupted in 1997 . In order to offset its disbennifit , China 's central bank adopted expansionary monetary policy .

  20. 1998-2002年财政货币政策由适度从紧转向积极有限度扩张,扩大内需,降低高失业率,使国民经济顺利实现第二次软着陆;

    From 1998 to 2002 the reasonably tight financial and monetary policy switched to a policy of positive and limited expansion with efforts made to increase the internal demand and reduce unemployment , which ensured the second smooth " soft landing " for the national economy .

  21. 在货币政策上,1998年货币政策的提法已经从前几年适度从紧改为适当的倾向政策,但实际效果是贷款增长始终不活跃,存差不断扩大,通货紧缩日趋明显;

    In monetary policy , we have gradually changed strict policy to moderate policy since 1998 . But , in fact , there is no active increase in loans and a big gap exists between deposits and loans . Deflation is becoming more and more apparent .

  22. 对这些苗头,PBOC迅速地采取行动,并且宣布这些行动的目的就是将货币政策从适度转向从紧。

    The PBOC reacted promptly on those signals and announced its intentions to shift its monetary policy from moderate to tight .