
  • 网络Welfare standards;Welfare criterion;benefits scales;welfare criteria
  1. 经济学家根据福利标准,进行政策评价。

    Economists evaluate policy basing on welfare criterion .

  2. 本文通过建立社会福利最优的多目标规划模型,用多目标规划理论,对社会福利最优状态和福利标准进行探讨,将帕累托最优标准推广到弱帕累托最优和非支配最优。

    In this paper , we give multi-objective programming model for social welfare optimality , study social optimal welfare situation and welfare criterion using multi-objective programming theory , and expend Pareto criterion to weak Pareto criterion and non-dominated criterion .

  3. 评价产业技术发展的社会福利标准

    Evaluation of Industrial Technology Development with Social Welfare Standard

  4. 日益浮现的农场动物福利标准

    Emerging Standards for Farm Animal Welfare

  5. 英国的动物实验室比很多饲养场和屠宰场享有更高的福利标准,这更惹了众怒。

    Britain 's animal-experimentation laboratories boast higher welfare standards than many of its farms and abattoirs , yet provoke far more anger .

  6. 当市场集中度较高,特别是呈现寡头竞争态势时,根据改进差异化产品模型得到的评价企业横向兼并的福利标准则更为严格。

    While in the market with high concentration even oligopoly , the welfare standard concluded by the improved different product model is more rigid .

  7. 但我国禽畜产品在国际贸易中正面临着一个新问题&道德壁垒,即一些发达国家为了保护自身的利益,利用各国在动物福利标准方面的差异所采用的一种新的贸易保护方式。

    However , in international trade , China 's poultry and animal products are now experiencing a new problem-moral barrier , i. e. , some developed countries adopt a new protectionist method to protect their own interests by means of the differences in animal welfare of different countries .

  8. 多目标规划与福利评判标准

    Multi-objective programming and welfare evaluation criterion

  9. 可是,这种薪酬政策创造了庞大的工薪贫困阶层,也就是拥有工作但工资很低,因此仍然够得上福利发放标准的人群。

    But that policy created a large contingent of working poor , people who have jobs but also qualify for welfare payments because of their low salaries .

  10. 总结归纳了评价社会福利的标准,根据这些标准,并结合以往学者的研究成果,采用了收入、住房、就业、健康安全以及文化娱乐来作为衡量社会福利水平的指标。

    Summarized the evaluation standard of social welfare , according to these standards , and combined with previous research results , Adopted income , housing , employment , health and safety and cultural entertainment as the indicators to measure the level of social welfare .

  11. 著名的诺贝尔奖得主,经济史学家WilliamRobertFogel认为衡量经济福利的名义标准经常会忽略掉生活条件的巨大变化。

    William Robert Fogel , a Nobel prize-winning economic historian , argues that nominal measures of economic well-being often miss such huge changes in the conditions of life .

  12. 协议内容包括在并购之后,每年只需削减8亿美元劳动力成本,届时,美航的员工工资和福利将与行业标准持平。

    They noted that this would put American workers pay and benefits in line with industry standards .

  13. 火力发电厂辅助、附属及生活福利建筑物建筑面积标准

    Standard for auxiliary , ancillary , living and welfare building 's area for fossil fuel power plant

  14. 有色金属矿山生活福利设施建筑设计标准

    Standard for architectural design of living and welfare facilities Specification for non-ferrous metal mine shaft engineering construction and acceptance

  15. 以福利最大化为标准,政府收入规模存在着最佳点。

    Take welfare maximization as a standard , a best point exists in the scale of the public revenue .

  16. 在分析福利的概念及社会福利改进标准的基础上,运用实地调查资料,深入分析了安置区土地流转对安置区集体和居民、移民以及不同地方政府的福利影响。

    Based on the analysis about the definition of welfare as well as the criterion of social welfare improvement , combing the investigation data , this article researches into the influence of land transference on the migrants , economic collectives , local residents and local governments in each area .

  17. 传统的福利经济学理论为公共项目的社会效益费用评价方法提供了基本概念、原理和福利标准。

    The conventional welfare theories offer concepts , principium and welfare standards to the evaluation means of public project social benefits expenses .

  18. 本文对动物福利法的历史起源、现状及意义进行了叙述,并对动物福利法的立法宗旨、福利标准、结构框架及对中国法制进程的影响等诸方面进行了讨论。

    In this article , the history origin , present status and significance of animal welfare law were described . Also , the legislative aim , the welfare standard , the law frame and its influence to legal system progress of China were discussed .

  19. 法院并未解释“鲁兹”案不同于其他许多法定福利受益者的案件的原因,后一类法定受益者可能认为机关没有充分阿明它将借以分配福利的标准。

    The court did not explain why ruiz 's case differed from that of many other statutory beneficiaries who might feel that an agency has not sufficiently spelled out the criteria by which it will dispense benefits .

  20. 面对动物福利壁垒我国的应对之策应当是:出口企业应改善养殖条件、改变生产及运输方式,提高产品的附加值,创立符合动物福利标准的优秀品牌形象;

    In the face of animal welfare barrier , the enterprises manufacturing exports should improve aquiculture conditions , change modes of production and transport , increase extra value of products and found excellent brand images of qualified animal welfare .