
  • 网络Fujian Museum
  1. 贴近自然融于园林&福建博物院创作设计

    Close to Nature , Assimilated into Garden & A Design for the Fujian Museum

  2. 福建省博物院收藏了他的三幅作品。

    His three works are purchased in collection of provincial museum of Fujian province .

  3. 福建省博物院与泉州南建筑博物馆是东南大学建筑研究所在福建的两个工程,也是地域现代建筑的设计的典型实例,通过对泉州南建筑博物馆的设计、研究以及福建省博物院认知与总结。

    Both the museum of Fujian province and south-architecture museum in Quanzhou are the projects of regional modern architecture designed by the institute of architecture of south-east university .