
  • 网络ningbo museum
  1. 自然形态的叙事与几何宁波博物馆创作笔记

    The Narration and Geometry of Natural Appearance Notes on the Design of Ningbo Historical Museum

  2. 宁波服装博物馆,是中国首家服装专题博物馆。

    Ningbo Fashion Museum is the first one in china .

  3. 根据1999年发现的五个第一,其中第一所服装职业学校为上海市西服职业学校,但最近据宁波服装博物馆考证,中国第一所服装职业学校应该为上海裁剪学院。

    According to the Five Firsts discovered in 1999 , the first apparel vocational school is Shanghai Suit Vocational School . But according to recent research by Ningbo Apparel Museum , the first apparel voca-tional school in China should be Shanghai Tailoring College .

  4. 他在华东城市宁波的旗舰博物馆采用从拆迁的居民楼抢救出来的砖头及其他物料。拆迁这些居民楼是为了给新开发项目腾出地块。

    His flagship museum in the eastern city of Ningbo uses bricks and other materials salvaged from neighbourhoods that were demolished to make way for new developments .

  5. 海纳百川、有容乃大:宁波(鄞州)博物馆方案投标设计的回顾

    Design review of bidding scheme for Ningbo ( Yinzhou ) Museum