
  1. 新冠病毒疫情、荷兰的花卉供应问题和英国脱欧都推高了成本。

    Covid , supply problems from Holland and Brexit have driven up costs .

  2. 但专家们表示,这不仅仅是英国脱欧后推高了花卉价格这么简单。

    But experts say it 's not a simple case of Brexit driving up prices .

  3. 英国政府刚刚将脱欧后对这种鲜花的额外检查推迟了8个月。

    Extra post-Brexit checks on these sorts of flowers have just been pushed back eight months by the British government .

  4. 当地时间周六早上开始,推特上开始出现#REGREXIT话题,与此同时,英国民众发起请愿,要求就举行第二次脱欧公投,当天的签名以及超过250万,如今已经征集到300万个签名。

    The \# REGREXIT hashtag began trending on Twitter on Saturday morning , just as a petition calling for the country to hold a second referendum on its membership in the European Union passed 2.5 million signatures . The total now stands at 3 million .

  5. 最终,如脱欧的英国一样,身份认同政治(identitypolitics)或许会战胜钱包政治(pocketbookpolitics)。

    Ultimately , as in Brexit Britain , identity politics may have trumped pocketbook politics .

  6. BBC新闻–中国财经专家警告,英国决定脱欧将“对全球经济投下阴影”。

    BBC News - China finance experts have warned that Britain 's decision to leave the European Union will " cast a shadow over the global economy . "

  7. 卡梅伦遭受警告之际,脱欧阵营中最资深的两位人士鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)和迈克尔•戈夫(MichaelGove)抨击卡梅伦未能控制住移民。

    The warning came as Boris Johnson and Michael Gove , the Brexit camp 's most senior figures , launched a personal attack on the prime minister over his failure to control immigration .

  8. 支持脱欧的英国独立党(UKIP)在一夜之间从政治的边缘变成主流。

    The United Kingdom Independence Party ( UKIP ), which wants to leave the EU , has abruptly moved from the political margins to the mainstream .

  9. 我在巴黎男装周现场询问一位来自伦敦某大型百货店的买手:英国脱欧(Brexit)公投影响了生意吗?他立马变得神情紧张。

    Out here at the Paris menswear shows , I asked a buyer from a major London store : how will the Brexit vote affect their business ? He breathed heavily .

  10. 《欧洲经济学》的安德鲁·利里克曾在公投期间声称离开欧盟会为英国带来长期效益,他对BBC说PMI数据在“意料之中”,它“并不能告诉我们英国脱欧会带来怎样的长期影响”。

    Europe Economics ' Andrew Lilico , who argued during the referendum campaign that leaving the EU would be beneficial for the UK in the long term , told the BBC the PMI data was " no surprise , " and that it " doesn 't tell us much about what Brexit 's longer term impact will be . "

  11. 英国将于今天晚些时候脱欧欧盟。

    Britain is set to leave the European Union later today .

  12. 因此,英国脱欧可能会给瑞典带来极大的担忧。

    Hence , a Brexit would raise particular worries in Sweden .

  13. 英国议员终于批准了英国脱欧法案。

    British lawmakers have finally approved the country 's Brexit withdrawal bill .

  14. 一旦英国脱欧,英国农民会失去27亿英镑的欧盟补贴。

    British farmers would lose 2.7 billion in EU subsidies once Britain left .

  15. 英国脱欧后,新的进口税会让生产成本高得离谱吗?

    Will new import duties now make this prohibitive ?

  16. 甚至投票支持脱欧的人似乎也对发生的事颇为震惊。

    Even people who voted Leave seem rather stunned by what 's happened .

  17. 如果英国彻底脱欧这是最极端的情况她可以立即收获一些好处。

    If Britain walked away entirely-the most extreme scenario-it would quickly see some benefits .

  18. 脱欧的代价远远小于1973年加入欧共体时的代价。

    The price of exclusion is much smaller than when Britain joined in 1973 .

  19. 没人在谈论大规模遣返–哪怕是最热心的脱欧派。

    Nobody - not even the most ardent Brexiteer - is talking about mass deportations .

  20. 在英国对脱欧进行全民公投之前,就存在不少末日言论。

    There was no lack of doomsday rhetoric before Britain 's referendum on E.U. membership .

  21. 欧盟和英国领导人将于今日签署欧盟-英国脱欧后协议。

    European Union and UK leaders are expected to sign the EU-UK post-Brexit deal today .

  22. 不过英国脱欧大臣却认为,这只会无果而终。

    The UK minister responsible for Brexit said he did not think this would work .

  23. 那么,英国脱欧影响几何呢?

    And what if Britain left ?

  24. 自英国上周五脱欧公投以来,这是女王的首次官方访问。

    It is the Queen 's first official engagement since the historic Brexit vote last Friday .

  25. 另一个首先要考虑的事情应该是,让英国人真正对脱欧所涉及的详细内容有清楚的了解。

    The other priority should be educating Britons about what exactly a British exit would really involve .

  26. 英国称与欧盟达成协议后将放弃脱欧法案中的争议条款。

    The UK says it will drop controversial clauses in divorce bill after agreement with the EU .

  27. 但是据某法国政要说,英国脱欧后,英语的地位也应受到质疑。

    But according to certain leading French politicians , its status after the Brexit should be questioned .

  28. 现在我们见到的现象。英国脱欧就是最近的例子。

    that we 're seeing growing in the world today , Brexit being the most recent case .

  29. 如果英国脱欧,她可能会发现自己被完全隔离在统一市场之外。

    If Britain falls out of the EU , it may find itself completely outside the single market .

  30. 令人震惊的英国脱欧公投之前,卡梅伦以为自己还有3年任期。

    Until the shock Brexit vote , the Prime Minister assumed he had another three years left in power .