
tuō chǎn
  • Out of production;be disengaged from work;be released from production or one's regular work to take on other duties;divorce oneself from one's work
脱产 [tuō chǎn]
  • [be released from production or one's regular work to take on other duties;be disengaged from work;divorce oneself from one's work] 脱离直接生产岗位,专门从事某项工作或学习

  • 脱产干部

脱产[tuō chǎn]
  1. 在职培训日益增加,而不是脱产进行。

    Increasingly , training is taking place in the office rather than outside it .

  2. 他们应当有更多的脱产进修的机会。

    They should be given more opportunities for mid-career studies .

  3. 北大国际MBA是一个英语教学的MBA项目,分为一年制脱产课程与两年制不脱产课程。

    Bimba is a one-year , full-time and two-year , part-time English language MBA .

  4. 为了实现我的英语梦想,我辞掉了那份“高新”脱产来到了IBS。

    So I quit my highly paid job snd came to IBS for study in order to achieved my dream of English .

  5. 一年半过去了,我朝着我的目标即通过三年的不脱产学习完成为期两年的全日制MBA项目顺利迈进。

    A year and a half later , I am well on my way to achieving my goal : to replicate a two-year full-time MBA programme over three years of part-time study .

  6. 首先,学校的业务在改变,需要提供全套产品,其中包括全脱产MBA课程和定制的高管教育课程等。企业对此要求取得近乎量化的投资回报。

    The first is the changing business , with the need to cover everything from full-time MBA programmes to tailor-made executive education , on which companies are expecting almost measurable return on investment .

  7. 在眼下的困难时期,很多职场人士都陷入了这样一个困境:他们需要一个MBA学位来推进职业发展,却负担不起脱产学习的经济成本和时间。

    In these tough times , lots of workers are stuck in a bind : They need an M.B.A.to boost their career , but they can 't afford the cost or the time out of the work force .

  8. 经济形势不太好的时候,全脱产MBA的入学人数往往会增加,而其它大部分课程的就读人数则会下降。

    When the economy is not doing so well , he says , there tends to be an increase in enrolments for full-time MBAs – which Tias did not offer – and a decrease in most of the rest of the courses .

  9. 面对职业上的这段空档期,我考虑去读商学院,但我掂量了下脱产的时间、放弃的收入、生活开销成本和MBA本身的学费,发现这么做似乎并不合算。

    Facing a break in employment , I considered business school , but when I did the maths - time out of the workforce , forgone earnings , cost of living expenses , and the price of the MBA itself - the numbers did not seem to add up .

  10. 该学院唯一的脱产MBA项目是两年制的。卡纳尔斯说,需要至少七或八个月的时间学习商业的基础知识,比如战略、营销和金融,然后还需要一年时间在这些领域“扫盲”。

    Mr. Canals - whose school 's only full-time M.B.A. program takes two years to complete - says it takes at least seven or eight months to learn the fundamentals of business , such as strategy , marketing and finance , and another year to gain ' literacy ' in those areas .

  11. mba与emba学位目标学员之间这种不明晰的市场界限,使希望入读的学员有了更多选择,他们可以决定选择周末班还是全脱产学习,抑或选择面对面的教学还是远程学习和小组合作。

    This blurring of the market between the target students for MBA and EMBA degrees gives a further choice for prospective students who can decide between weekend programmes or those with blocks of study , as well as a mix of face-to-face teaching or distance learning , and group work .

  12. 对成人脱产班教育质量的几点思考

    Ideas About How to Improve the Quality of Adults Full-Time schooling

  13. 大部分学员选择全脱产形式学习。

    Most students select the full release learning mode . 3 .

  14. 普通高校成教脱产学生违法违纪原因及对策

    Reasons of and Countermeasures to College Adult Education Students Violating Disciplines

  15. 她在参加专为饭店经理而设的脱产学习课程。

    She was attending a day release course for hotel manager .

  16. 这个公司提供很多的脱产培训或在职培训吗?

    Does this company offer a lot off-job training or in-job training ?

  17. 我老板要我脱产学习一天参加计算机培训。

    My boss wants me to do a dayrelease course in computing .

  18. 成人高等教育脱产学生管理工作探究

    Suggestions Based on Practice of Fulltime Student Management in Higher Adult Education

  19. 高校成教脱产班班主任工作浅谈

    Simply on the Job of a Class Master in an Adult Regular Education

  20. 成教脱产学生的管理问题探讨

    On the Management Problems of Student in Adult Education

  21. 成教脱产班学生的就业指导思考

    Thoughts on the Career Guide to the Full-time Students of Adult Higher Education

  22. 每星期他们脱产半天学习。

    They get half a day off with pay each week for study .

  23. 普通高校成人脱产班学生思想教育与管理工作初探

    On Education for College Adult-Students Released from Work

  24. 学习可以脱产或利用业余时间,课程包括44个实践课程。

    Study may be full time or part time and programmes include a44practice component .

  25. 脱产进修具体怎么搞?

    How does a day release course operate ?

  26. 培训类别主要分为岗前培训、在职培训和脱产培训。

    Training type is including new employee orientation , on-the-job training and off-site training .

  27. 脱产班英语精读教学中应当注意的问题

    Problems Worthy of Attention in English Extensive Reading

  28. 这家公司依靠在职培训而不是让雇员脱产学习。

    Rather than send employees away on courses , the company relies on in-service training .

  29. 我们目前人员不足,因为队里有两人脱产学习。

    We 're short-staffed at the moment as two of our team are on block release .

  30. 我们目前人手不足,因为小组里有两人脱产学习。

    E.g. We are short-staffed at the moment as two of our team are on block release .