
tuō jié
  • ungear;come apart;be disjointed;be out of line with;be out of line;lose contact with
脱节 [tuō jié]
  • (1) [ungear;be disjointed;be out of line;come apart]∶使脱开,卸下

  • 同生活脱节

  • (2) [lose contact with]∶失掉联系

脱节[tuō jié]
  1. 考核体系与战略脱节;

    The performance evaluation system and the strategy come apart ;

  2. 但是在非等谱KP方程双线性B(a¨)cklund变换中这种规则是不成立的。正文与引文脱节;

    Apart from that , the bilinear equation and bilinear B (?) paper and citation come apart ;

  3. 很多这样的书都跟孩子们的现实生活严重脱节。

    Many of these books are far removed from the reality of the children 's lives .

  4. 这种方法如今与时代潮流严重脱节。

    This approach is now seriously out of step with the times

  5. 如果他们真的相信这一点,那么他们肯定是完全与现实脱节了。

    If they really believe in this then they must be completely out of touch .

  6. 理论与实践不能脱节。

    Theory must not be divorced from practice .

  7. 这个句子似乎与上下文脱节。

    This sentence does not seem to connect with the context .

  8. 虽然科学证明瑜伽和静思可以减少压力,但这些计划几乎没有针对倦怠和脱节的根本原因。

    While yoga and meditation are scientifically proven to reduce stress levels , these programs do little to target the root causes of burnout and disengagement .

  9. 她的想法与现代社会完全脱节。

    Her ideas have lost all relevance to the modern world .

  10. 课程与孩子们日常生活的脱节

    the irrelevance of the curriculum to children 's daily life

  11. 经理股票期权计划(ESO)的激励功能受到肯定,但问题也不少,如经理人得自ESO的收益与公司业绩脱节;

    The incentive function of ESO is being affirmed , but the problems remain .

  12. 中国金融法律体系与WTO规则存在着诸多脱节,中国金融立法任务更加艰巨、繁重。

    There are many dislocations between China 's Financial Law System and the WTO regulation . Thus , the Financial Legislation is a more difficult and arduous task for Chinese government .

  13. 与市场要求脱节是我国MBA教育当前存在的突出问题,也是导致其他问题的主要根源之一。

    At present , failing to meet market requirement is the prominent problem of MBA Education in China , as well as one of the main reasons for other problems .

  14. 但是传统的数字广播系统无论从应用角度还是从CATV网络本身都存在与IP网络严重脱节、甚至相互隔离等缺点。

    However , it must be pointed out that the traditional data broadcast technology has the shortcomings either its application or the CATV itself as it is disconnected with , even separated from , the IP network .

  15. 根据Forrester,缺少整个管理投资组合中的分支或分支脱节会对组织的价值产生反面影响

    According to Forrester , disjointed ( or missing ) sub-disciplines within an overall Management Portfolio can adversely affect an organization 's value

  16. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理大清早的我不在商场里,我感到自己非常脱节。Jacky,在“黑色星期五”,你通常会去商店吗?

    OK , now I am feeling really since I am not at a store early in the morning , Jacky do you traditionally hit the stores Black Friday ?

  17. 其次通过对目前代工行业的环境和Flex公司当前采购体系分析研究,发现当前Flex公司全球采购体系中存在的与各个工厂实际脱节的问题,进而研究评估了集中采购实施的价值。

    Secondly , through the analysis and investigation on the environment of the EMS industry and the current procurement system of Flex , it discovers the split existed between the global procurement system and the plants , then assesses the advantages of the centralized procurement .

  18. 不同于已知由卡拉瓦乔在罗马的巴贝里尼宫(PalazzoBarberini)绘制的同一场面,新发现作品的构图有些脱节,形象之间并不协调。

    Unlike a known versionof the same scene by Caravaggio in the Palazzo Barberini in Rome , the compositionof the newly discovered canvas is disjointed and casts its awkward actors outof sync .

  19. 本文根据以往直升机型号研制中存在的性能或图样设计与RMS分析设计脱节的问题,提出了实现性能与RMS综合一体化的技术方法,以期满足使用部门的要求,实现直升机RMS新的跨越。

    In this paper based on the problems occurred in the helicopter design , integrated Design process of the performance and Reliability / Maintainability / Supportability ( RMS ) for the helicopter are provided to meet user requirement and to achieve great-step forward of the RMS .

  20. 本文试图对住宅营销策划理论进行一些有益的探讨研究,提出一个新的理论框架CSTP理论,以解决企业在项目开发中战略与战术两个层面上的脱节问题。

    This paper tries to carry on useful discussion and research in real estate marketing planning , and proposes a new theory frame to help enterprises develop project against the separation of strategies and tactics .

  21. 目前,YL炼油厂中层管理人员现行的绩效考核体系存在绩效考核细则不够完整,企业内部对绩效考核标准缺乏统一认识,绩效反馈与面谈存在缺陷,兑现与结果脱节等问题。

    Through in-depth research , YL refinery middle management of the existing performance appraisal system is incomplete performance appraisal rules , internal lack of a unified understanding of performance appraisal standards , performance feedback and interviews flawed , cash out of line with the results of other issues .

  22. 针对目前足球训练普遍存在大强度练习与实战需要相脱节的现状,设计大强度持球的练习方法运用于U-21组足球队的大负荷训练课。

    There generally exists the status of disjointing intensive exercises with the needs of actual combat . Based on this situation , the training method for completing intensive exercises with balls was designed in training courses of great loading in the football team of .

  23. 尽管现行《公路沥青路面设计规范》(TJT014-97)中,推荐了4种不同方法确定路基回弹模量值,但是由于这些方法的局限性,导致路基设计回弹模量取值与现场施工压实过程脱节。

    In the highway blacktop design criterion ( TJT014-97 ), four methods are recommended to the value of the modulus of resilience of the roadbed . However , the limitation of the methods induce disconnection between the designing modulus index and the compaction in the process of field construction .

  24. 民办高校解决了中国高等教育与社会市场需求相脱节的问题。

    It solves the problem between higher education and society needs .

  25. 从某些方面看,弗里曼似乎与现代生活有些脱节。

    In some ways Freeman seems out of phase with modernity .

  26. 理想师德与现实师德建设脱节;

    The separation of ideal and actual teachers moral character construction ;

  27. 难怪有些人行为会脱节。

    No wonder some people go off the rails a bit .

  28. 汽车生产和汽油销售也存在脱节。

    There is a disconnect between automobile production and gasoline sales .

  29. 我认为这只是兴现实生活脱节的空话。

    I thind it is mere word-mongering divorced from actual life .

  30. 教育基础理论知识与教学实践脱节;

    The knowledge of the theories are separated from practice ;