
  1. 总的来说,印度25%的劳动适龄人口没有受过教育。

    In total , 25 % of India 's working-age population has no education .

  2. 适龄人口对普通高等教育规模影响的数学模型

    Research of School-age Population 's Influence on the Scale of Higher Education

  3. 论适龄人口低峰的到来与高等教育发展

    On off-peak School-age Population and Higher Education Development

  4. 到了本世纪的前10年,所谓的回声潮世代增加了美国的大学适龄人口。

    By the 2000s , the so-called echo boom in births had increased the number of college-age Americans .

  5. 21世纪上半叶我国各级学校适龄人口数量变动趋势分析

    A Dynamic Analysis on China 's School-aged Populations in the First Half of the 21 ~ ( st ) Century

  6. 武陵山区劳动适龄人口的职业教育培训机会探讨

    An Exploration into the Chance of Vocational Education and Training for the Labor Forces of the Right Age in Wuling Mountain Area

  7. 目前劳动适龄人口与65岁以上人口之比大约为8比1,到2050年这一数字将只有2.2。

    It has around eight people of working age for every person over 65 . By 2050 it will have only 2.2 .

  8. 中国人口峰顶到来的时间早于预期,峰顶时的人口规模小于预期,抵达峰顶后掉头向下的速度也超过预期。二是中国劳动适龄人口的顶峰已经到来。

    Chinese population peak arrival time is earlier than expected . Second , the peak of the working-age population in China has come .

  9. 中国在2012年发生历史性的人口结构变化,劳动适龄人口首次减少,这给了工人们更大的议价能力。

    A historic demographic shift in 2012 , when China 's working-age population declined for the first time , has given workers greater bargaining power .

  10. 高等教育入学数占适龄人口的比例这一数量化的指标并不是衡量高等教育是否步入大众化阶段的唯一指标。

    The quantized index of proportional freshmen of university age is not the only index to measure whether the higher education is popularized or not .

  11. 中国正处在劳动年龄人口和经济活动人口最多的时期,劳动适龄人口顶峰已经降临。

    China is in a period of greatest number of working-age population and economically active population . The peak of the working-age population has already fallen .

  12. 简介了人力资源的基本内涵,在分析国内外既有文献的基础上,论述了中国人力资源演变的基本特征:人力资源丰富,正处于开发的好时机;劳动适龄人口呈较快的增长势头;

    On the basis of analyses on past documents at home and abroad , the article firstly briefs the basic connotation of human resources and discusses its development characters .

  13. 在此期间,美国的大学适龄人口从1984年的1650万下滑至1994年的1410万,而海外学生人数相对平稳。

    The college-age population in this country fell during that time to 14.1 million in 1994 from 16.5 million in 1984 , and the number of foreign students was relatively stable .

  14. 少儿人口比例的降低能显著提高适龄人口的人均教育资源,验证了人口红利理论中关于有利的人口转变对人力资本形成的促进。

    The decrease in the proportion of underage population can significantly improve average education resources for school-age children , which verifies the conclusion in demographic dividend theory that favorable demographic changes can promote human capital formation .

  15. 教育规模的压缩或者扩张,其直接影响因素是适龄人口的数量。所以本部分首先对教育与人口的关系问题作了相关的说明。

    Since a direct influential factor in the compression of the education scale is the quantity of the children of school age , at first , this part explain the relationship between the population and elucidation .

  16. 伴随上海市人口老龄化的逐步发展,会引起劳动适龄人口规模和人口年龄结构的变化。

    Along with the gradual development of population aging , the alteration of labor aged population is expressed as both the change of labor aged population scale and the variations of the age structure of labor aged population .

  17. 目的探讨江门市区适龄人口乙型肝炎(乙肝)的免疫及感染状况,为评价江门市区实施16年的乙肝免疫策略提供依据。

    Objective To understand the condition of immunity and infection to hepatitis B in population of suitable age , so that to evaluate the effect of strategy for hepatitis B immunization implemented 16 years in Jiangmen urban area .

  18. 教育救助是国家、社会团体和个人为保障适龄人口获得接受教育的机会,从物质和资金上对贫困地区和贫困学生在不同阶段所提供的援助。

    Education-assistance is that in order to ensure the right age people 's chance to be educated , country , public organization and individual offer material and fund in different stages to the poverty-stricken areas and poor students .

  19. 一个国家的高等教育入学率达到适龄人口的15%至50%,即标志这个国家高等教育从精英型进入到大众型,它代表了现代高等教育发展的趋势与潮流。

    When enrollment rate of a country 's higher learning education arrives at 15 % to 50 % , its tertiary education model turns from elitist to popular . It represents the trend and tide of the development of modern tertiary education .

  20. 1981年到1986年间适龄工作人口增长了100万,而现如今该人口数却几乎没有增长。

    Whereas the population of working age increased by 1 million between 1981 and 1986 , today it is barely growing .

  21. 世界银行(WorldBank)上周表示,到2040年中国的适龄劳动人口将减少逾10%,相当于减少9000万劳动力,而东亚大部分地区都面临“未富先老”的风险。

    China 's working age population will fall by more than 10 per cent , a loss of 90m people , by 2040 , as much of east Asia " gets old before it gets rich , " the World Bank said last week .

  22. 布鲁金斯学会(BrookingsInstitution)的研究人员发现,剔除通胀因素,美国劳动适龄男性人口的工资自1970年来下降了19%。

    According to researchers at the Brookings Institution , the wages of working-age men in the US – adjusted for inflation – have fallen by 19 per cent since 1970 .

  23. 据联合国(un)估计,在发达经济体,适龄劳动人口与65岁以上人口的比率,未来10年的降幅将与过去30年一样。

    According to the United Nations , the number of working-age adults for each person aged over 65 in advanced economies will decrease in the next 10 years by as much as they have in the previous 30 years .

  24. 而这将导致适龄劳动人口的巨大缺口。

    All this translates to a huge shortage of working-age people .

  25. 韩国现状良好,适龄劳动人口与养老金领取者的比例为六比一。

    South Korea is currently well placed , with six citizens of working age for every pensioner .

  26. 近年来,生育率下降导致适龄入学人口减少给高职院校带来了越来越大的冲击。

    In recent years , the reduction of school-age population due to the declining fertility rate has brought growing impact on the higher vocational colleges .

  27. 随着人口年龄结构的改变和城市化水平的推进,适龄劳动人口快速增加,总量性失业问题严重。

    As the population age structure changes and the advancement of urbanization , rapid increase in the working-age population , total unemployment problem is serious .

  28. 如果英国政府想实现适龄工作人口中就业率达80%的目标,就必须解决精神疾病问题。

    If the government wants to hit its target of getting 80 per cent of the working age population into employment , it will have to tackle mental illness .

  29. 但“适龄劳动人口”的规模不应被误认为是“劳动力”规模——前者中的许多人既不工作也不找工作。

    But the size of the working-age population should not be mistaken for the size of the labour force - many of the former are neither working nor looking for a job .

  30. 如果采取合理措施应对,数据显示,由此带来的劳动参与率的提高幅度应会大于适龄劳动人口的降幅,这意味着劳动力增多,而非减少。

    Take reasonable measures to address this , and the data show that the resultant increase in the participation rate should be larger than the decline in the working-age population , meaning more workers , not fewer .