
liú xiàng
  • flow direction;direction of flowing water;tendency;trend
流向 [liú xiàng]
  • (1) [direction of flowing water]∶水流流动方向

  • 这条河的流向一直没变过

  • (2) [tendency;trend]∶指人或物的最终走向

  • 如今大学生流向一般是经济发达地区

流向[liú xiàng]
  1. 依照软件工程开发流程,详细阐述了软件系统的功能需求,数据流向,功能模块的划分,数据库的设计,以及通信子系统和MTC子系统GIS模块的详细设计及开发。

    According to software engineering development process , it has been elaborated that systematic functional requirement , data flow direction and the partition of function modular , the design of database , as well as the detailed design and development of communication subsystem and GIS module in MTC subsystem .

  2. 不存在推荐流向,也不需要管线压力来实现密封。

    There is no recommended flow direction and it does not require line pressure to seal .

  3. 这条小河弯弯曲曲缓慢地流向大海。

    The stream meanders slowly down to the sea .

  4. 我在地图上勾勒出这条河的流向。

    I traced the course of the river on the map .

  5. 由于农村的工厂纷纷裁员,人们逐渐流向城市。

    As rural factories shed labour , people drift towards the cities .

  6. 采用了管控措施来重新分配资源或改变其流向。

    Controls were used to redistribute or redirect resources .

  7. 随着汽车租赁业的两极分化,生意将流向较大的公司。

    As the car rental industry polarizes , business will go to the bigger companies

  8. 小山涧奔腾而下,流向平原。

    Little mountain stream is dashing down to the plain .

  9. 人口流向了国外。

    The population overflowed into the adjoining territory .

  10. 品都斯山脉构成了流向爱琴海和爱奥尼亚海的河流的分水岭。

    The Pindus mountains form the watershed between rivers flowing to the Aegean Sea and to the Ionian sea .

  11. 互动广告一旦启用,Cablevision的大卫·克莱恩说,“很多流向互联网的钱将重新回到电视中,”

    With the launch of interactive advertising , " many of the dollars that went to the Internet will come back to the TV , " says David Kline of Cablevision .

  12. 引发全球金融危机的银行获得了数十亿美元,只有一小部分资金流向了房主和银行掠夺性放贷行为的受害者。

    The banks that brought on the global financial crisis got billions while a tiny bit went to the homeowners and victims of the same banks ' predatory lending practices .

  13. 他们辩称,转基因食品从来没有兑现他们的承诺,用于转基因作物的资金应该流向有机农业,任何含有转基因成分的产品上都应该贴上警告标签,从而保护消费者。

    They argue that GM foods have never delivered on their supposed promise , that money spent on GM crops would be better channeled to organic farming and that consumers should be protected with warning labels on any products that contain genetically modified ingredients .

  14. 更多的收益流向了石油进口大国,如中国,日本和印度。

    The biggest gains go to countries that import most of their oil like China , Japan , and India .

  15. 体育活动可以促进血液流向大脑,从而增强记忆力、注意力和创造力,这些对学习来说都是不可或缺的。

    Physical activity can improve blood flow to the brain , fueling memory , attention and creativity , which are essential to learning .

  16. 水从一个容器流向另一个容器。

    Water flows from one container to another .

  17. 然后流向北方。

    Then it flows to the north .

  18. 他们补充说,实验成功地显示了北海洋流的东西流向。

    They added that the experiment was a success as it showed the east-to-west flow of the North Sea 's currents .

  19. 一条小河蜿蜒地流向大海。

    A stream meandered towards the sea .

  20. 国际生产体系的调整中,必然伴随有FDI(外国直接投资)流向的变化。

    The flow of FDI will happen during the adjustment to international production system .

  21. 税率作为影响FDI税收负担的一个因素,对FDI流向有着重要的影响。

    As a factor of tax burden , tax rate have great effect on FDI .

  22. 模块间的连接表示数据流向,用C可调用汇编函数将其数据写入软件模块。

    Connections between blocks show the data flow , data is wrote in software modules with C callable assembly language , and modules are re-useable and expandable .

  23. 其它多数中国公司往往不会详细说明其未使用ipo资金的流向。

    Most other Chinese companies have been less specific about where their unused IPO proceeds go .

  24. 在早期版本的Modeler中,带有向后流向链接的流程在尝试导出到IntegrationDeveloper时会被标记为错误。

    In previous versions of Modeler , processes with backwards flowing links were marked as errors when attempting to export to Integration Developer .

  25. 溪流相邻高地通过地下径流向溪流中N素的输入,主要是以硝态氮的形态通过土壤水的输入;

    N in the main form of nitrate through the subsurface runoff was put into the stream , the vegetation-covered riparian had high on the nutrient in the soil water .

  26. 清除废气中VOCs的流向变换催化燃烧技术进展

    Research progress in catalytic combustion technology with reversal flow for detoxicating VOCs from waste gases

  27. 对工作流引擎中的核心模块:流向控制、消息通知机制做出了有自身特色的设计,并在AMS系统中运行成功。

    The core modules direction control and message notification mechanism with particular characteristics run well in AMS system .

  28. 流向Morison型波浪力的高阶矩分析

    Analysis of higher moments for in-line Morison wave forces

  29. 实证结果表明,法国对非洲国家提供的,能在短期内对经济增长产生刺激作用的援助能够显著促进该国流向受援国的FDI。

    The empirical results show that the ODA that can stimulate the economy growth in a short term and from France to African countries could significantly promote FDI from French enterprises to Africa .

  30. 近几年,越来越多的资金流向上市交易基金(ETF)和其他倾向于跟踪指数表现的基金。

    In the past few years , more and more money has been going into ETFs and other funds that tend to track indexes .