
shēnɡ yù nián línɡ
  • Reproductive age;child-bearing age
  1. 在妇女生育年龄的损失,铁从月经的血液大大增加铁的需要。

    In women of child-bearing age , loss of iron from menstruation of blood adds considerably to iron need .

  2. 生育年龄的妇女出现阴道不规则流血是早早孕阶段异位妊娠的主要临床表现。

    Irregular vagina bleeding of the child-bearing age women is the main clinical manifestation of pregnant early the stage of ectopic pregnancy .

  3. 她已过了生育年龄。

    She is past her childbearing age .

  4. 对20例女性、非妊娠期、生育年龄的寻常型、进行期银屑病患者检测了雌二醇(E2)、孕酮(P)和睾酮(T)的血清浓度。

    Serum concentrations of estradial ( E_2 ), progesterone ( P ) and testosterone ( T ) were measured in 20 nonpregnant young women with psoriasis .

  5. 结果:绝经后BV患者的阴道pH值与生育年龄BV患者相同,均超过4.5。

    Results : Elevated vaginal pH ( higher than 4.5 ) was found in both postmenopausal and child bearing aged BV patients .

  6. 谷歌的一些最有才华的工程师正在开创性的谷歌卵子(GoogleEggs)实验室里工作,他们将很快公布一系列旨在延长生育年龄、并最终消除生育年龄限制的解决方案。

    Some of its most brilliant engineers , working at the pioneering Google Eggs laboratory , will shortly unveil a range of solutions designed to slow and eventually erase the biological clock .

  7. 26~27岁为最佳生育年龄,其LBWI发生率最低;

    26 ~ 27 years old were the best birth age because of its lowest LBWI rate .

  8. 方法:将27例绝经后BV患者的pH值,阴道乳酸杆菌数量与586例生育年龄BV患者及117例老年性阴道炎患者的pH值,阴道乳酸杆菌数量进行比较分析。

    Methods : Vaginal pH and quantity of vaginal Lactobacilli were assessed in 27 cases of postmenopausal BV patients . 586 cases of child bearing aged women with BV and 117 cases of senile vaginitis were recruited as controls respectively .

  9. 生育年龄妇女是此病的高发人群。

    The tumor is more prevalent in women of childbearing age .

  10. 本病名强调生育年龄妇女发生高血压、蛋白尿症状与妊娠之间的因果关系。

    This disease emphasize the relationship among hypertensive , proteinuria and pregnancy .

  11. 不过尽管如此,人们的生育年龄似乎要比以前更早了。

    Nevertheless , many seem to be having children earlier in relationships .

  12. 生育年龄妇女早期卵泡细胞凋亡和Bcl-2/BAX蛋白表达

    Apoptosis and Bcl-2 / Bax expression in the early follicles of reproductive women

  13. 那么,究竟什么年龄是妇女的最佳生育年龄呢?

    So , what age is the best women of childbearing age do ?

  14. 美国女性生育年龄差异给美国社会造成的后果及影响

    The Impact of Women 's Different Childbearing Ages on the Development of American Society

  15. 在未来15年内,他们都将达到生育年龄。

    Within the next fifteen years , all of them will have reached reproductive age .

  16. 生育年龄和禁欲时间对精子运动轨迹无影响。

    And there was no effect on sperm motility analysis on age and abstinence time .

  17. 是的,洛克伍德表示,最佳的生育年龄是25岁。

    Yep . According to Lockwood , the ideal age to get pregnant is 25 .

  18. 但生物方面的天生因素是否注定会贯穿整个生命,包括生育年龄以前和以后的岁月?

    But is biology destiny throughout the life course , before and after the reproductive years ?

  19. 女性迪洛矮人生育年龄长达五十年,从七十岁到一百二十岁。

    Derro females are fertile for about fifty years between their seventieth and one hundred and twentieth year .

  20. 有无自杀行为单相抑郁症患者父母生育年龄及胎次效应的比较

    Parental age at delivery and birth order in unipolar major depressive patients with suicidal behavior versus without suicidal behavior

  21. 在生育年龄主要表现为月经过多、经期延长或不孕,绝经后则表现为不规则阴道出血。

    Prolonged bleeding or sterility to the women of childbearing age , and causes irregular vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal women .

  22. 目的:研究生育年龄妇女早期卵泡的细胞凋亡和Bcl-2/BAX蛋白表达。

    AIM : To investigate the apoptosis and Bcl-2 / Bax expression in the early follicles of women at reproductive age .

  23. 在生育年龄极限的死产率:美国全国性大样本分娩资料

    Higher rate of stillbirth at the extremes of reproductive age : A large nationwide sample of deliveries in the United States

  24. 该声明表示,出生率下降是由于受羊年的影响,以及生育年龄的女性数量正在减少。

    The decline is due to the Year of the Goat and the decreasing women of childbearing age , it said .

  25. 父母的生育年龄过高或过低都会对青少年的情绪有着负性的影响;

    The bearing age of parents was too low or too high , which would have negative influence on the adolescent 's emotion ;

  26. 影响学龄前儿童智力发展的主要因素是父母文化程度,母亲职业和母亲生育年龄等。

    The main influence factors on their development of intelligence were the cultural levels of their parents , their mothers'occupations and child-bearing ages .

  27. 目的:探索中国生育年龄妇女月经周期子宫及卵巢的高场强磁共振表现。

    Objective : To investigate the cyclic changes of MR imaging of uterus and ovary during the menstrual cycle in Chinese bearing aged women .

  28. 当生育年龄的妇女出现腹痛尤其是有宫外妊娠危险因素的患者,应可以异位妊娠发生。

    EP should be suspected in any women of reproductive age with abdominal pain especially those who have risk factors for an extrauterine pregnancy .

  29. 结论⑴妊娠滋养细胞疾病的发病率为329/10万,疾病易发生于生育年龄的两头。

    Conclusion ⑴ The mean incidence rate of GTD was 329 per 100000 , and itwas easy occurrenced in both sides of reproductive age .

  30. 当然移去双侧卵巢(双侧卵巢切除术)的妇女在生育年龄将引起直接的停经。

    And of course women who have had both their ovaries removed ( bilateral oophorectomy ) during their reproductive years will undergo immediate menopause .