
shēnɡ cún xùn liàn
  • survival training;life support training
  1. 生存训练课程让人积累了许多宝贵经验。

    The survival training course was a great experience .

  2. 拓展训练(Outward-bound)起源于二战期间的海上生存训练,战争结束后,拓展训练的独特创意和训练方式被保留下来。

    " Outward-bound " originated in the sea survival training during World War ⅱ . After the war , the unique creativity and training methods of the outward-bound was retained .

  3. 我和朋友们在山区参加了为期两天的生存训练课程。

    My friends and I joined a two-day survivaltraining course in the mountains .

  4. 例句在野外生存训练这一周期间,男孩们没吃上一顿饱饭。

    During this week 's survival1 training , the boys haven 't had a square meal .

  5. 教练在生存训练课上使我们练得非常辛苦。

    The instructors worked us very hard on the survival course .

  6. 那是山中的一段艰苦的生存训练。

    It 's a rigorous survival course in the mountains .

  7. 学校体育开展生存训练可行性研究

    The Study on Carrying out Survival Training in School Sports

  8. 然后还有一个救生和生存训练,也很重要。

    Then there is a life-saving and survival training is also very important .

  9. 美国海军陆战队水战生存训练初探

    Research on US Marine Corps Combat Water Survival Training

  10. 大学生社会生存训练的人才培养模式研究

    Survival Training for University Students : A Research on the Mode of Personnel Training

  11. 成都开始建设大熊猫繁育野放研究中心,对大熊猫进行野外生存训练。

    Construction begins on center to train giant pandas to survive in the wild .

  12. 外军特种部队野战生存训练对我军的启示

    The Enlightenments of Field Combat Survival Training of the Foreign Special Forces to Our Army

  13. 介绍了在野外生存训练活动中可能出现的安全问题的防护措施;

    It also points out some safety problems and protective measures to be paid an attention to .

  14. 在舟山群岛建立大学生野外生存训练实验基地的可行性研究

    Feasible Research on Establishing Experimental Bases of " Outdoors Survival Training " for College Students in Zhoushan Archipelago

  15. 不要担心我,我在西伯利亚受过野外生存训练。

    You don 't have to worry about me , I went on a survival course in siberia .

  16. 在高校体育课中开设野外生存训练课是对体育教学内容、方式的探索和创新。

    Opening field survival training in college P.E.is a probe and innovation for the ( content ) and ways of P.

  17. 简要介绍关国海军陆战队水战生存训练系统、水战生存分级训练的内容、各级别训练应注意的事项等方面的概况。

    This paper introduce the system of Marine Corps combat water survival training , the training content and watchful proceeding .

  18. 野外生存训练主要在户外的自然环境中进行,具有一定的风险。

    Outdoor survival training is mainly in the field of natural environments , so it is with a certain degree of risk .

  19. 祥祥在放归之前曾接受将近三年的生存训练。

    Xiang Xiang 's release came after nearly three years of training to toughen him up ( 2 ) at the research centre .

  20. 我想也许我们应该去别的地方野营,有点像是野外生存训练,那一定非常刺激。

    Steven : I think maybe we can go camping somewhere , something like wilderness survival program . It 's gotta be really exciting .

  21. 此前,父子俩已多次走过这条路线,盖瑞特还完成了野外生存训练,谁也没觉得有什么需要担心的。

    There was no need to worry because they had walked that trail several times before and Garrett had also completed wilderness survival training .

  22. 大学生野外生存训练的风险管理过程分为风险识别、风险评估、风险应对三个阶段。

    Risk management process of students survival training in the field is divided into risk identification , risk assessment , risk response in three stages .

  23. 在课程开展形式上主要以公共体育选修课进行,内容上以定向运动和野外生存训练为主,野营和自行车为辅进行理论课实践课的教学与训练。

    The form for the course is mainly selective public PE class . The content is mainly about directional movement and survival training in the wild , supplemented by camping and bicycling . There are courses for both theory and training .

  24. 摘要从田径课程新体系构建的依据出发,通过走访和调研,初步建立包含基本理论、基本技术、户外运动、定向运动、野外生存训练和身体素质训练方法在内的田径课程新体系。

    Based on the principles of the new system for field and track course , this article proposes a new system for this course , which includes the basic theories , basic skills , out-door training , field training and physical training .

  25. 训练对象由海员扩大到军人、学生、工商人员等各行业、各类群体;训练目标也由单纯的体能、生存训练扩展到人格训练、管理训练等其他方面。

    Training objects extended from seafarers to military personnel , students , industrial and commercial staff and people in all kinds of profession and groups ; training goals are also extended from a purely physical , survival training to personality training , management training and other areas .

  26. 本文通过分析,指出通过思想政治教育的方法,特别是实践教育的方法,即自我反省训练法,生存训练法,军训,开展志愿者服务社会的活动以及开展思想咨询活动,促进大学生人格的全面发展。

    In this article , we point out that the comprehensive development of college students ' personality can be promoted by means of ideological and political education , especially practical education , that is self-examination training , existence training , military , volunteers'serving society activity and soul-consultation .

  27. 也不是,我们在2001年接受过在敌方地区生存的训练

    Not really . We all did hostilezone training in 2001 .

  28. 高校开设野外生存生活训练课程的可行性

    A Feasibility Study of Outdoors Surviving Training Course in Universities

  29. 政府将开始进行大熊猫野外生存能力训练。

    China to train giant pandas to survive in wild .

  30. 大学生海岛野外生存生活训练教学实践研究

    Research on Teaching Practice of Island Field Survival Training of University Students