
shēnɡ zào cí
  • coinage;neologism
  1. lunatic是个生造词,用来形容月圆时发疯的人。

    The word ' lunatic ' was coined to describe people who went mad at the full moon .

  2. 对新词和生造词要区别对待。

    We should make a difference between new word and coinages .

  3. 新的规范观念指导下的词汇规范探索&新造词与生造词的区分标准问题

    An Explanation of Vocabulary Norm under the Up-to-date Standardization Concept

  4. 阅读文章中含有生造词作为目标词。

    Nonsense words were taken as the target words .

  5. 网络语言的实质是一种新兴的社会方言,是语言在网络中的语言变体,而谐音生造词是网络语言中常见的现象。

    The network language is a burgeoning social dialect in nature , a variety of language in network , and the invented rhyming words are common phenomena in network language .

  6. 第六章:本文对广告语言变异中存在的诸如谐音字、生造词、搭配不当及格调不高等问题进行了分析,提出思考建议。

    Chapter 6 : This text to in the advertisement language variation exist of such as homophonic word , living to build a phrase and match a not appropriate pass to adjust not high etc. the problem carried on analysis , putting forward a thinking suggestion .