
  • 网络Quality of Life Index;SAQLI;QLI
  1. Spitzer生活质量指数测量脑卒中患者的效度研究

    The validity of Spitzer quality of life index in stroke patients

  2. 方法对确诊的108例OSAS患者采用Calgary生活质量指数(SAQLI)评价HRQoL、Epworth嗜睡量表(ESS)评价EDS、Zung抑郁自评量表(SDS)评价情绪。

    Methods 108 patients with OSAS were assessed for HRQoL using the Calgary quality of life index ( SAQLI ), for EDS using the Epworth sleepiness scale ( ESS ), and for mood using the Zung self-rated depression scale ( SDS ) .

  3. 方法:采用生活质量指数评分表和自制调查表对112例脑卒中偏瘫患者进行回顾性地调查并用成组Logistic回归统计方法对各相关因素进行分析。

    Methods : 112 cases of hemiplegic stroke were retrospectively studied by QOL index scales and a self designed register form . The logistic regression method was used to analyze the relative factors .

  4. 900例意大利银屑病患者皮肤病生活质量指数(DLQI)的心理测评

    Psychometric properties of the Dermatology Life Quality Index ( DLQI ) in 900 Italian patients with psoriasis

  5. 方法:采用皮肤病生活质量指数(DLQI)研究湿疹、痤疮和NGU患者的生活质量及其影响因素。

    Methods : Dermatology life quality index ( DLQI ) was used to measure the quality of life in patients with eczema , acne and NGU and its associated factors .

  6. 亚标准包括儿童的皮肤病生活质量指数(CDLQI),金黄色葡萄球菌在皮肤的分布情况和皮肤的药物治疗情况。

    Secondary measures included the Children 's Dermatology Life Quality Index ( CDLQI ), S.aureus skin colonization , and pharmacological skin treatment .

  7. 通过改良后生活质量指数(MQLI)评估糖尿病性视网膜病变患者的生活质量,包括5个维度:躯体健康、心理健康、社会功能、自我形象和物质基础。

    And modified quality of life index ( MQLI ) was used to assess the QOL in patients with diabetic retinopathy that covered 5 dimensions : somatic health , mental health , social function , self-image and material base .

  8. 2003年中国生活质量指数在120个国家中排名72位;

    China 's QOLI in 2003 ranks 72 among 120 countries ;

  9. 老年心身疾病患者生活质量指数对照研究

    Study on quality of life in elderly with psychosomatic diseases

  10. 中国农民工生活质量指数评价研究

    The Evaluation and Analysis of Living Quality Index of Off-Farm Workers of China

  11. 睡眠呼吸暂停生活质量指数问卷在悬雍垂腭咽成形术近期评估中的应用

    Evaluation the short-term effects of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty on the sleep apnea quality of life index

  12. 看起来很的是,问题在于生活质量指数。

    It seems clear that the problem is with the quality of life indexes .

  13. 老年慢性病患者生活质量指数与日常活动能力的相关性研究

    Correlation Study on Quality of Life Index and Activities of Daily Living in Elderly with Chronic Illness

  14. 本文对世界100多个国家的生活质量指数和国家创新能力指数等进行相关性分析。

    This paper makes a correlation analysis on quality of life index and two indices about national innovation capacity in more than 100 countries .

  15. 早、晚使用喷雾剂联合正午使用吸入剂的患者生活质量指数改善最显著。

    Patients using combined nebulizer therapy morning and night with mid-day inhaler use had the most statistically significant improvements in quality of life indices .

  16. 发达国家的生活质量指数的表现普遍好于可持续发展指数,多数发展中国家的生活质量指数的表现差于可持续发展指数;

    And the quality of life index is generally higher than sustainable development index in developed countries , yet it is contrary in developing countries .

  17. 而且这也基本是兹诺瓦耶夫与戈班所做的工作,也就是在这个过程中创造一个他们所说的“非线性生活质量指数”。

    And that 's basically what Zinovyev and Gorban have done , creating what they call the Nonlinear Quality of Life Index in the process .

  18. 三组患者治疗前后生活质量指数均有明显升高,与治疗前比较,差异均有统计学意义,治疗后组间比较无统计学意义。

    The treatments in three groups could improve the quality of life index significantly . Compared with the index before treatments , there were significant differences .

  19. 方法随机双盲用舍曲林、氟西汀和帕罗西汀对71例抑郁症患者进行治疗,采用生活质量指数问卷评定其生活质量,并评定其经济负担。

    Methods Using randomized and double blind study , the quality of life evaluated by the index of quality of life and cost of treatment for depression with sertraline , fluoxetine , and paroxetine were observed in 71 cases with depression .

  20. 采用中医手法配合物理疗法对25例脊髓损伤患者进行康复治疗,用美国脊髓损伤协会标准评分、生活质量Barthel指数评定脊髓损伤患者的功能状况。

    Functional status was assessed in patients with SCI with American spinal injury association assessment and Barthel index of quality of life .

  21. 物质生活质量强化指数

    Augmented physical quality of life index

  22. 他们关注了生活质量等指数,包括犯罪率和生活成本。

    They looked at indicators such as quality of life , which included measures of crime and the cost of living .

  23. 他们关注了“生活质量”等指数,包括犯罪率和生活成本。

    They looked at indicators such as " quality of life , " which included measures of crime and the cost of living .

  24. 对社会而言,劳动关系还会影响通货膨胀、经济增长和失业状况、社会财富的总量及分配,从而间接影响到社会全体成员的生活质量和幸福指数。

    As to society , labor relations played an important role in inflation , economic growth and the unemployment situation , the total amount and distribution of social wealth , and thus indirectly influence all members of society their quality of life and happiness index .

  25. [目的]探讨健康教育及饮食和运动干预对代谢综合征(MetabolicSyndrome,MS)病人生活习惯及体重质量指数的影响。

    Objective : To probe into the influence of health education , diet and exercises intervention on living habit and body weight index of metabolic syndrome patients .

  26. 调查工具包括:德国生产的MOBIL-O-GRATH动态血压监测系统、美国神经功能量表(NIHSS)评分、生活质量评分(Barthel指数评分)、心脏多普勒超声检查仪、卒中单元数据系统。

    Survey tools include : German production MOBIL-O-GRATH ambulatory blood pressure monitoring system , the United States nerve function scale ( NIHSS ) score , quality of life score ( Barthel Index score ), Cardiac Doppler ultrasound instrument , Stroke Unit data system .

  27. 治疗前后分别进行生活质量评测及头痛指数计分,比较两种治疗方案对患者生活质量的改善情况。

    The headache index and QOL were evaluated before and after the treating course and the results of the two groups were compared with each other .

  28. 《国际生活》2007年度“生活质量指数”排行情况:排在前五位的国家

    International Living 's 2007 Quality of Life Index Highlights : Leaders

  29. 目的:研究银屑病对患者生活质量的影响及皮肤病生活质量指数(DLQI)作为判断银屑病病情及疗效新指标的可信性。

    Objective : To study the effect of psoriasis on the patients life quality and to evaluate the reliability of dermatology life quality index ( DLQI ) as a new severity and therapeutic index of psoriasis .

  30. 可以通过诊断标准、形态学检查、肌力测定、膝关节活动度测定、步态分析、本体感觉、日常生活能力评定、生活质量评定及残疾指数评定等进行患者的康复评定。

    The rehabilitation of the patients could be evaluated with the diagnostic criteria , morphological examination , testing of muscle strength , assay of knee joint motion , gait analysis , proprioception , assessments of abilities of daily life , quality of life and disabled index .