
  • 网络Cross-border Supply
  1. TPP国家已经就跨境服务文本的大部分核心内容达成一致。

    TPP countries have agreed on most of the core elements of the cross-border services text .

  2. 在周三签署的一份协议中,这两家集团计划扩大双方的长期合作关系,以更低的成本和更快的速度为企业客户提供虚拟专用网络(vpn)和其他跨境服务。

    Under an agreement signed on Wednesday , the two groups plan to broaden their long-running partnership to offer virtual private networks and other cross-border services to corporate customers at lower costs and higher speed .

  3. 到2030年,受跨境服务快速商业化的推动,全球贸易额可能会增长3倍多。

    By 2030 trade will have probably increased more than threefold , driven by rapid cross-border commercialisation of services .

  4. 作为跨境服务的准入问题,对境外证书的承认也纳入到该章节进行讨论。

    As it concerns the admittance on cross-border services , the problems on acknowledgement of foreign certificates are also involved in this chapter .

  5. 淘宝将向供应商提供相关链接。阿里巴巴其它子公司将为支付结算、送货、海关及其它跨境服务提供支持。

    Taobao will provide the link for the suppliers , and other Alibaba units will power payment settlement , transportation , customs and other cross-border services .

  6. 上周五,多哈回合贸易谈判取得了意想不到的突破性进展,与会方在周末期间继续就有关跨境服务贸易问题进行会谈这通常是被谈判忽略的部分。

    The negotiations made an unexpected spurt of progress on Friday , and talks continued over the weekend on cross-border services trade often a neglected part of the negotiations .

  7. 分析结果表明,国内研发投入是我国技术进步的主要决定因素,通过跨境服务贸易进口传导的国外研发资本存量对我国产生的技术溢出也是影响我国技术水平的重要因素。

    The empirical results shows that the domestic R D input is the main determining factor , meanwhile , the technology spillover caused by the foreign R D via the cross-border services trade is also the important factor to impact the technology .

  8. 该计划强调说,这份证明“不能作为履行自由旅行权的前提条件,也不能作为使用飞机、火车、长途公共汽车或渡船等跨境交通服务的前提条件。”

    The plan stresses that it " cannot be a pre-condition to exercise free movement rights , nor can it be a pre-condition for using cross-border passenger transport services such as airlines , trains , coaches or ferries " .

  9. 这一原则源于《欧洲共同体条约》(ECTreaty)中的一般禁止性规定,具体包括设立自由原则和服务自由原则两个方面的内容,分别适用于不同的跨境金融服务方式。

    The principle of freedom of establishment and freedom to provide services originates from the general prohibitive provisions of EC Treaty . It may be applied to different means of cross-border services .

  10. 开展跨境交易服务,意味着要在语言、物流、客户建档和国际支付等方面为小型商户提供帮助。

    Cross-border trade entails helping small merchants with languages , logistics , customs documentation and international payments .

  11. 在跨境的服务贸易过程中,非贸易壁垒取代关税成为重要的贸易壁垒。

    Non - trade barrier replaces tariff to be trade condition within cross - border service delivery .

  12. 中资银行正热衷于扩大自己的全球地盘,以求为跨境贸易服务,这些银行正寻机收购亚洲以及其它地区的小型银行。

    Chinese lenders are keen to expand their global presence to service cross-border trade and are eyeing acquisitions of small banks in Asia and beyond .

  13. 第二章论述了设立和服务自由原则的理论基础、基本内容、直接效力和适用范围。设立和服务自由原则的宗旨是消除跨境金融服务的法律壁垒。

    Chapter II discusses the fundamentals , main requirements , direct effect and scope of application of the principle of freedom of establishment and to provide services .

  14. 集团另一成员为香港西北航运快线有限公司,持有在香港经营新界首个跨境渡轮服务之政府牌照。

    Other group members include Hong Kong North West Express Limited which holds a government license to operate the first cross-boundary ferry service in new territories , Hong kong .

  15. 安提瓜诉美国赌博案是世贸组织争端解决机制新近审理结案的一个涉及以互联网方式跨境提供服务的典型案例。

    The dispute on U.S. 's prohibition measures against cross-border supply of internet gambling between Antigua and United States , which was recently resolved by the dispute settlement mechanism of the WTO , was a typical case concerning trade in service .

  16. 为了消除跨境金融服务的法律壁垒,推动金融服务市场的一体化进程,欧盟金融服务立法应向协调行为规则、进一步明确划分监管责任并扩大母国控制范围的方向发展。

    In order to eliminate the obstacles of cross-border financial services and push the integration of the internal market , the Commission should take steps to harmonize the rules of conduct , definitely divide the supervisory responsibilities as well as enlarge the scope of home country control .

  17. 昆明区域性跨境人民币金融服务中心可以定位为云南金融商贸的聚集地。

    Kunming regional cross-border RMB financial services centre can positioning for Yunnan financial and commercial compounds .

  18. 尼克布鲁克(nickbrooke)是英国皇家特许测量师协会前会长,现任香港公司professionalpropertyservices董事长,从事在中国跨境投资的顾问服务。

    A former president of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors , Nick Brooke is now chairman of Hong Kong-based company professional property services , where he advises on cross-border investment in China .

  19. 汇丰还是第一家在全球六大洲完成跨境贸易人民币结算服务的国际性银行;

    It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in6 continents .

  20. 促进贸易投资自由化便利化和高质量发展,支持贸易新业态,推进跨境金融区块链服务平台建设。

    The country will boost the liberalization , facilitation and high-quality development of trade and investment , as well as support the growth of new trade models and cross-border financial blockchain service platforms .

  21. 支持郑州、西安等内陆城市建设航空港、国际陆港,加强内陆口岸与沿海、沿边口岸通关合作,开展跨境贸易电子商务服务试点。

    We should support inland cities such as Zhengzhou and Xi'an in building airports and international land ports , strengthen customs clearance cooperation between inland ports and ports in the coastal and border regions , and launch pilot e-commerce services for cross-border trade .

  22. 面对企业和非居民的具体业务需求,商业银行在人民币国际化的整体政策框架下,针对人民币跨境结算、贸易融资、跨境投融资、跨境金融服务等方面提供了多种多样的产品和服务。

    Facing the specific business needs of enterprises and non-residents , the commercial banks have implemented a variety of services in RMB cross-border settlement , trade financing , cross-border investment and financing , cross-border financial services under the framework of the RMB internationalization .

  23. 经济的全球化促使了跨境交易的发展,而跨境交易离不开律师提供高质量和全面的跨境法律服务。

    The globalization of economy promotes cross-border transactions , which need full range of high quality cross-border legal services .

  24. 但他对跨境合作表现出了更加开放的姿态,因为这有助于建立统一的欧洲电信市场、推出跨境电信服务以及刺激数字通信投资。

    But he has indicated more openness to cross-border tie-ups that would help build a single EU market , generate cross-border services and drive digital investment .