- 网络Cross-border yuan trade settlement;renminbi cross-Border trade settlement

The Bank of China announced Monday that it had transacted the first cross-border yuan trade settlement deal Monday morning .
Liaoning 's RMB settlements grow steadily since the work began .
Research on the effects of pilot cross-border RMB settlement on foreign exchange regulation
It was the first international bank to offer cross-border RMB settlement services in6 continents .
Despite many problems , the prospect of RMB settlement in cross-border trade is very promising .
The two banks also exchanged copies of agreements on settle accounts in China 's Yuan .
This study can hope to the RMB cross-border trade settlement operational risk management to provide a reference .
Difficulties in hedging renminbi exposure have been cited as a major barrier to increased cross-border trade settlement in the Chinese currency .
A pilot enterprise shall choose one domestic settlement bank as the main reporting bank for RMB settlement of cross-border trade transactions .
Exhibit B : earlier this month the state Councilto allow companies in five cities to settle cross-border trade deals in Renminbi .
Finally , we make judgement of positive and negative effects the RMB settlement of cross-border trade made in Yunnan and propose policy recommendations .
By the first quarter of 2011 , $ 55 billion of China 's trade 7 % of the total was settled in yuan .
The trial and error mechanism should be established , a typical example of which is the complementary legislation for the RMB cross-border trade settlement .
We will promote pilot projects for the use of the renminbi in cross-border trade , and gradually develop overseas financial activities using the renminbi .
The Shanghai branch of the PBC shall be responsible for the specific supervision and administration of the pilot RMB settlement of cross-border trade in Shanghai .
Then , we systematically review the existing literature about the monetary internationalization , monetary competition theory , currency choice theory and RMB settlement in cross-border trade theory .
I.The overseas coverage of RMB settlement in cross-border trade shall expand from Hong Kong , Macao and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to all countries and regions .
The two sides agreed in the cooperation with each other and their respectively responsible areas of regulation of personal RMB business at Macau bank and RMB business for cross-border trade .
The settlement of cross-border trade in renminbi – stage one of the masterplan – is embryonic , accounting for less than 1 per cent of China 's total international trade .
And the stable volatility range of RMB exchange rate in the crisis has won international prestige and reputation . This instant , RMB settlement in cross-border trade reached the international stage .
Meanwhile , bankers hope that the measures will trigger a feedback loop in which the creation of more renminbi-denominated products in Hong Kong spurs greater cross-border trade settlement , and vice versa .
Using empirical analysis , we construct a model and estimate the proportion of RMB settlement in the import and export , to predict the size of RMB settlement in cross-border trade for the next decade .
After the financial crisis , our government took a number of measures to promote the internationalization of the RMB . Such as having a currency swap with neighboring countries , promoting cross-border trade in RMB business in Hong Kong vigorously timely issuing RMB bonds in Hong Kong .